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3 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

I'm actually surprised people are having difficulties with Tracer as she's probably the squishiest character in the game. Clint Beastwood's stun grenade or Pharah's rockets usually make short work of her.

if a character is strong enough that they require a certain character on the other team, that's not balanced

why are there even other characters if the trick to beating all of the really annoying/overpowered ones is "pick mccree"

14 minutes ago, Bleck said:

if a character is strong enough that they require a certain character on the other team, that's not balanced

why are there even other characters if the trick to beating all of the really annoying/overpowered ones is "pick mccree"

Tracer is very strong at pro level.  Her squishiness is very deceiving because she has basically a full heal + escape in one ability, plus her other ability allows her to escape any situation pretty easily.

3 hours ago, Bleck said:

if a character is strong enough that they require a certain character on the other team, that's not balanced

why are there even other characters if the trick to beating all of the really annoying/overpowered ones is "pick mccree"

This isn't like Street Fighter. The game is balanced because characters can be switched on the fly and they each have their own strengths and weaknesses as both an individual and a team player. 

Examples: Bastion can be defeated by Pharah, Widowmaker or Hanzo as they can hit him with maximum damage outside of his range. Genji can deflect his shots back at him. Roadhog can pull him out of sentry mode and D.va can charge into him - knocking him out of it.

Roadhog is one of the slowest and biggest targets in the game, but is dangerous at close range. Possible ways of dealing with include snipers, bastion, stunning with McCree and then fanning the gun, Hanzo's ult.

Tracer is fast, but has low health and her pistols are the weakest firearm in the game. Highly susceptible to traps, area attacks or being ganged up on.

Basically where I'm going with this is...

On 4/14/2016 at 1:40 AM, Bleck said:




I always love the games where one team gets to 99% and the other manages to turn it around after one hell of a fight, even if I'm on the losing side. It's always a fun match.

Screw Temple of Anubis though. Attacker side you've got one archway you have to clear, and 9/10 times there's a turret + Symettra sentries and often a ice-wall spamming Mei to boot. I can sometimes get up on the archway, but the turret and its extreme range stops me from actually getting through to the backline. It may be good strategy on their side, but at the same time I absolutely loath a map with such a linear path. Every other map gives mobile characters plenty of alternate routes to get around turret nests, but not here.

56 minutes ago, Kat said:

Screw Temple of Anubis though. Attacker side you've got one archway you have to clear, and 9/10 times there's a turret + Symettra sentries and often a ice-wall spamming Mei to boot. I can sometimes get up on the archway, but the turret and its extreme range stops me from actually getting through to the backline. It may be good strategy on their side, but at the same time I absolutely loath a map with such a linear path. Every other map gives mobile characters plenty of alternate routes to get around turret nests, but not here.

Use characters that can clear the wall, particularly Pharah, Genji, Mercy, and D. Va, and attack as a group. Pharah's also good against turrets, and could probably clear it out before the wall jump.


Meh I bought Battleborn for $40 for the digital deluxe edition on Amazon. I think they did that to undercut over watch but it worked. Why sell over watch for $60 on console but $40 on PC? My Jewish friend told me I was an idiot for buying Battleborn and I'd be an idiot for buying over watch at least until it is under $40 on console. Kinda bums me out. Why did they do that?


So just curious: How do you deal with "phantom hits", for lack of a better word? You know, those telegraphed attacks you hear coming, see coming, react to perfectly and dodge...only to die. You then see a killcam showing you not dodging and getting slaughtered even though that's not what happened. AFAIK it's basically you saying "I dodged", the enemy saying "No I hit" and the server replying with "Ok they say they hit you so they did".

It usually isn't that bad, but today has been infuriating.


I love dashing out of the way of something as Genji and then dying, comically showing my body ragdoll-flying fifty feet away, and then it shows the kill cam and from their point of view I was just running in a straight line and they direct hit me with [thing] and I die

On 27.5.2016 at 10:37 AM, Brandon Strader said:

Meh I bought Battleborn for $40 for the digital deluxe edition on Amazon. I think they did that to undercut over watch but it worked. Why sell over watch for $60 on console but $40 on PC? My Jewish friend told me I was an idiot for buying Battleborn and I'd be an idiot for buying over watch at least until it is under $40 on console. Kinda bums me out. Why did they do that?

Because people buy it anyway. :-D

I'm still not sold for 40$. I played the beta and I felt like I was done with the game after like 5 hours. Played every character, seen every map. From then on it's only about getting better without seeing anything new. Not sure if this one is for me.


It happens to me all the time, but only in specific circumstances. Like, I'll Genji dash out of the way of something(Junkrat's ult, Tracer's bomb, D. Va's mech) and be far far away(well out of range), but I'll die anyway and the kill cam will show me standing there doing nothing. I've heard it's because the game uses a "favor the shooter" system, meaning no matter how well I dodge/avoid/etc if their screen says they got me then they got me.

Today I picked Genji on Hanamura. Shortly after, everyone else on my team switched to Genji. We won both attacking and defending. That was a fun match.

1 hour ago, Kat said:

It happens to me all the time, but only in specific circumstances. Like, I'll Genji dash out of the way of something(Junkrat's ult, Tracer's bomb, D. Va's mech) and be far far away(well out of range), but I'll die anyway and the kill cam will show me standing there doing nothing. I've heard it's because the game uses a "favor the shooter" system, meaning no matter how well I dodge/avoid/etc if their screen says they got me then they got me.

Today I picked Genji on Hanamura. Shortly after, everyone else on my team switched to Genji. We won both attacking and defending. That was a fun match.

Weird. I used to suffer from server disconnects despite perfectly fine internet all the time. Re-installing the battlenet client appears to have fixed that for me, but lots of people seem to still have that issue.

Also, check this out




Oh yeah, saw a deflect duel on Reddit using helix rockets. Great stuff. Also seen one with a turret Bastion fueling the deflect duel. It's why I love Genji.

I think I've narrowed down the "phantom hits" thing though. Server tick rate is 60 and client tick rate is 20. That alone isn't a huge problem, but if any players are having ping issues that small delay will be compounded by a lot and the "favor the shooter" setup will, well, favor the shooter even if they're the ones lagging. It probably happens to me a lot because on Genji I rely a lot on evasion, and of course it favors the shooter and disregards my dodges when latency/tick does cause an issue.

Also hating turrets now. I had one do a 180 degree snapshot headshot 9000 bullet barrage in 0.25 seconds of exposure, which seems completely wrong. Even the kill cam showed it immediately snap around and shoot me down. It's not even the damage or tracking speed that bugs me. It's that it has perfect awareness of it's surroundings, unlimited range(other guns have bullet drop) and the ability to instantly spin around to the target.


Something I find hilarious that people keep complaining about with this game is the whole, "but there's no story mode" complaint. Like, this is a competitive multiplayer, arena shooter. It exists to be this. It's like complaining about no campaign in LoL or something.

Personally, I think what Blizz has done with the story is brilliant - tell it through comics and animated shorts. Though I'd love to see a movie or a TV series, myself. That's something I never say about video games.


Just another day as Genji...

They were kinda bad though. I'll chalk it up to that "OMG OVERTIME RUSH POINT" but the Hanzo ignored my I'M USING MY ULTIMATE LOOK AT ME cry, the Reinhardt ignored me, the Zarya ignored me and the Mei didn't bother trying to freeze me. Her first ice wall also sort of stopped Hanzo from doing his job.


This is highly random, but confession:
I only hopped on the Overwatch bandwagon because of the massive amount of porn that exists of it. Just makes me wonder about the censoring thing. It's free advertisement! 

37 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:


Haha, he deserved that.

I've been getting better matchups lately. I think I'm finally evening out and being put with/against similarly skilled players. Bastions are actually watching for my deflect instead of melting, Reapers are waiting for me to use it before DIE DIE DIE'ing, other Genjis are...still pretty bad. Not many people seem to really main him though, so unless I see one with a legendary skin it's usually an easy kill.

5 hours ago, Kat said:


Haha, he deserved that.

I've been getting better matchups lately. I think I'm finally evening out and being put with/against similarly skilled players. Bastions are actually watching for my deflect instead of melting, Reapers are waiting for me to use it before DIE DIE DIE'ing, other Genjis are...still pretty bad. Not many people seem to really main him though, so unless I see one with a legendary skin it's usually an easy kill.

Speaking of skins, I need that Mecha Queen Pharah one. That is so awesome.

Anyway, after spending more hours than I care to admit, with many more to come - here are basically the only things I can think of worth complaining about:

1. Definitely need the ability to save highlights. I hear that's in the works though?

2. We should be able to select skins at character select. Maybe not mid-match, but definitely at the start.

3. One or two maps' layouts definitely favor the defending team a little too much. Temple of Anubis does come to mind. The attackers only have two points they can come at you from initially and the hidey-holes in the back of point B, plus the vantage points mean any reasonably competent team with bastion, widow and symmetra are going to give the attackers a serious run for their money.


The low tick rate is getting noticeable the higher the level I get and the more tryhard opponents I find (and the more tryhard I get).  I hope competitive runs on higher tickrate servers because its kinda ridiculous sometimes how different the killview of the opponent is, and also how it completely ignores your clutch dashes.  Also those hooks and flashbangs through walls are bs on either end of the deal.

Other than that, it's been some of the most fun I've had in a long time, though I played more than I should've and kinda hurt my arm now.  Level 55 though.

4 hours ago, Sir_NutS said:

The low tick rate is getting noticeable the higher the level I get and the more tryhard opponents I find (and the more tryhard I get).  I hope competitive runs on higher tickrate servers because its kinda ridiculous sometimes how different the killview of the opponent is, and also how it completely ignores your clutch dashes.  Also those hooks and flashbangs through walls are bs on either end of the deal.

Yeah, I believe Blizzard outright said that the kill cam is wrong, which makes me wonder why they included them to begin with. I notice it a lot because I'm always dash-dodging with Genji only to watch myself stand there while Hanzo shoots an arrow with a hitbox the size of a semi-truck at me. You can run a custom game at a higher tickrate, and supposedly they plan to use a 60 tickrate for competitive.


9 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

1. Definitely need the ability to save highlights. I hear that's in the works though?

PC or console? The highlights menu saves your last 5 Play of the Games(only yours), and on PS4 at least you can simply use the Share button to record it and save it. I'd assume it's an easier thing to do on PC. Not sure how Xbox handles it.

3 hours ago, Kat said:

PC or console? The highlights menu saves your last 5 Play of the Games(only yours), and on PS4 at least you can simply use the Share button to record it and save it. I'd assume it's an easier thing to do on PC. Not sure how Xbox handles it.

On PC, unless you have a capture device or software, you have no way to save your highlights and they will be removed upon closing the game.

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