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Many things try this. But its tricky. There are a few tricks you can try out to try to get vocals and vocals alone out of a track, but don't expect quality results.

1) EQ. try to isolate the vocals. Works best with tracks where there isn't much going on.

2) Stereo stuff. Vocals are usually centered, whereas most other instruments are panned to either side.... so THEORECTICALLY, you can take the left channel, invert it, add the inversion to the right channel... and end up with music. wait wait... you wnat the vocals, not the music... uhhhh... I got nothing.

My college had a bunch of mixers, one of which had a "kareoke mode" whereby it attempted to eliminate vocals... which is the opposite of what you want, but the process is similar. On some tracks, it worked wonderfully... on others... like train wreck. Just a warning, 'sal.

so, i know that there's some sort of plugin or vst or program or SOMETHING that will take a song and extract the vocals from it

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i'd love to know more about it, but i can't seem to find much of anything on it. i don't even know what to call it.

It's called "acapella" and you'll find it on the better P2P applications and dedicated acapella sharing sites. Here's where the rainbow ends, however; you'll have to do the grunt work of searching yourself, because it is a gray area.

Techincally, its impossible, but you can get really close through EQ. It'll take a long time and a really powerful EQ but thats the best you're gonna get without an acapella.

Its not impossible.. You can do it if you have a sample accurate instrumental version of the song. Otherwise, its just not gonna happen.

They ask for the clean vocal track from the original producer..

oh. i guess i didn't realize it was that simple/complicated.

Depending on what it is, I wouldn't necessarily expect to get it, or for it to be free...

They ask for the clean vocal track from the original producer..

oh. i guess i didn't realize it was that simple/complicated.

If youre doing an official remix you have easy access to all that stuff.

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