Chimpazilla Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Contact Information Your ReMixer name : Hy Bound Your real name: Tyler Carson Your website: Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile:Could not, for the life of me, find this. Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy X Name of arrangement: That's What Besaid Name of individual song(s) arranged: Besaid Island Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Hey guys, long time no see! It's been a while and I wanted to break the silence with a little FFX arrangement. This actually has a lot of firsts for me (for finished material at least); hardware synths, live recording of vocals/snaps/claps and bass guitar. I actually used my Moog Tribute, run through my modular rack for most of the lead synths (which is why they all sound slightly different, they were recorded at different times, so I had to re-dial-in the sound, live and learn!). I also noticed as I was checking out the other Besaid arrangements before submitting, that Emunator's was influenced by Tycho as well. I think it's super cool that two different people can arrange the same song with the same influencing artist in mind and come up with something so different! Anyway, here's hoping it isn't another few years before the next submission!
Chimpazilla Posted June 16, 2016 Author Posted June 16, 2016 I really like this concept, the instrumentation is good, source is well represented with fun interpretation. I dislike the hard panning of the plucked instrument on the right and the guitar all the way left. The dealbreaker for me is the mastering, it's completely squashed to smithereens. The mix hits -5.9db RMS, I can't see why a mellow-ish track like this would need to be mastered that loud, and it's not clean, it audibly distorts most of the way through the track. Ease off that master compressor. A little less hard panning would be nice, but that is my opinion and not necessary. The mastering fix though, that's necessary. NO (fix mastering and resub please)
Gario Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Great track, great arrangement that's squished by the limiter. The hard panning is pretty extreme, too - probably done to give the mix some space. There isn't much to add to what Chimp said, as it's an amazing arrangement otherwise. Lower the master volume and don't slice the mix as much using a limiter and this'll pass with flying colors upon resubmission. Fixing the panning would be nice, too, though again that's not a deal-breaker in this - the extreme panning often balances itself out in this mix, so it's not as extreme a problem as it is in some arrangements I've heard. NO
Sir_NutS Posted June 27, 2016 Posted June 27, 2016 Not much to add really. The hard panning is not something I like as it's not very natural sounding, it only distracts from the arrangement. The amount of compression on the master is obvisouly too much, and you should try relaxing your levels by.. a lot. I might also add that you probably want to tone down the reverb levels on your song, and reign your sub frequencies under control. On big hits and other busy sections, these two combino to create a lot of undesired rumble. I really can't tell if the synths are good enough with this level of compression present, so I can't really comment on synth quality. The arrangement is not bad, you have a good grasp on structure and I felt the song developed well, nice climaxes and breaks (well, the breaks would do their function if the dynamic range wasn't squashed and they actually released some energy). Try to fix the obvious mix problems and maybe there's a good song underneath there. Use our workshop forums, there are people there that will help you with feedback, including myself.NO
Liontamer Posted June 28, 2016 Posted June 28, 2016 As soon as the boomy backing parts arrived at :22, I was full agreement with the others Js that this was too compressed. Same with the beats coming in at :40; everything's too boomy and sizzling there and pushing out the audibility of other elements like the airy vox support. I also agreed the panning was too wide; maybe outside of headphones it wouldn't sound like a dealbreaker, and one could make the case that it's not here, but it's a case where I'd argue things are too wide. Arrangement-wise, this is an easy pass, Tyler, so if you could tone down the compression on the beats and give this piece some more breathing room, this would be a shoo-in. I love the style here, it's just a matter of the mixing choices being too aggressive at the expensive of clarity and balanced levels. Normally I wouldn't add on a 4th vote to a unanimous NO vote, but seeing it was Tyler and loving his work, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be a YES. Tyler, definitely please tweak this and resubmit it; it'll skip the normal wait time due to it being a resubmission, and we can get this posted as long as the mixing clicks better. Keep being awesome! NO (refine/resubmit)
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