SSJ HBK Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 Is any of you familiare with the Parodius series by Konami ? Well, in Parodius 2, there is this secret level you sometime stumble into ( for no reason that I can tell ) where you're flying around this big ship covered with Maoi heads while the March of the Valkyries blares in the background. Anywho, the boss of this level is a giant Maoi head, femal, who spits out these pahlic shaped green heads. I never was able to beat her. Good thing you don't have too.. What's the name of that movie? Hunt for Red October, I think. You know, the one where they're in the Vietnam War, and the Apache helicopters fly over to bomb the city, and they start blaring Flight of the Valkries on their loud speakers. "What's that for?""So you don't get your balls shot off." Anyway, did anybody beside me have trouble beating Ultros? I don't know if he's already been mentioned, I'm gonna go through this thread little by little, but not all at once. Quote
Xplo Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 Well, I'm sure someone'll disagree, but I'd have to go with the final boss of Terranigma. The advent of the 'save state' feature mad him (somewhat) easier, but before then, he's nearly impossible. Get this, he launches these myriad attacks at you, each doing obscene amounts of damage. Then he launches an attack that is impossible to dodge and drains away half of you hitpoints for a long time, eventually bringing you down to one hit point, regardless of how many hit points you've got, it is also one of the few times that you can hit him.. To top it off, his defense is so high that you can only do 1 or 2 points of damage to him on a hit, so you have to sit their pounding away for a good hour before he finally dies. Oh well, I guess if it were any less difficult I'd be disappointed. What was the final boss in Terranigma? Was it that big mechanical thing? Because if so, leveling up on those floating cube things will quickly make that boss a pushover. Quote
omegaslade Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 heres another oldie but a goodie. the last boss on axley on hard with the 2nd first arm the 2nd second arm and the 3rd third arm ( thats teh homing lasers the morning star and the clister bombs for thoses who dont; know what i am talking about.) if any one else has done it let me know cause it took me forever to do it lol. Quote
joe_cam Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 I had a good one to name about 2 hours ago.....WHEN I FIRST STARTED TO READ THIS GODDAM THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I just wasted all this time reading all 21 pages here. Someone shoot me.........oh hey...I downloaded 11 songs while reading all this.... Cam Quote
DarkCecil13 Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 Sword Master for the NES - I can make it to the wizard in the first level no problem, but then he kicks my ass. I could probably kill him if I leveled up to level 3. Though, I'd probably run out of continues by then. Oh well. Quote
Dinobot 2 Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 When I was younger, I remember all the bosses in Kickle Cubicle (Nes)were always hard. Quote
Lunar(Blue_Star_Moon) Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 How about the Water Dragon in Lunar: Eternal Blue on PS1? I've owned the game for over a year and I've been stuck there for eight months of it ! Or Ghaleon at the end of Lunar: The Silver Star Story on the Sega CD? On the PS1, he was a breeze compared to his first appearence on the Sega CD. yeah i can say for myself the water dragon was indeed a battle but not impossible to be stucked in this game for eigth months i´ve beat him in my first try but with little luck and only hiro´s standing with low hp. I don´t know how hard ghaleon was on sega cd version but in the psx version he was a dirty looser you only have to take the right strategies Quote
Lunar(Blue_Star_Moon) Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 Well, I'm sure someone'll disagree, but I'd have to go with the final boss of Terranigma. The advent of the 'save state' feature mad him (somewhat) easier, but before then, he's nearly impossible. Get this, he launches these myriad attacks at you, each doing obscene amounts of damage. Then he launches an attack that is impossible to dodge and drains away half of you hitpoints for a long time, eventually bringing you down to one hit point, regardless of how many hit points you've got, it is also one of the few times that you can hit him.. To top it off, his defense is so high that you can only do 1 or 2 points of damage to him on a hit, so you have to sit their pounding away for a good hour before he finally dies. Oh well, I guess if it were any less difficult I'd be disappointed. What was the final boss in Terranigma? Was it that big mechanical thing? Because if so, leveling up on those floating cube things will quickly make that boss a pushover. sorry but i´ve to laugh but the final terranigma boss was a piece of cake i said earlier in another post that with the right strategies and tactics every boss is easily beatable and so with terranigma...simply level up in the neo tokio canalisation until you ´ve level 57 or so it takes you only 2-3 hours of your spend time nothing more and the final boss of terranigma can say goodbye Quote
Blaster Atoms Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 ruby and emerald weapon. i cant so much as touch them. any tips on how to last at least 5 minuetes with either? a link would be greatly appreciated. Quote
omegaslade Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 Its simple ok you can do it one of two ways you can eiter get all teh way up to level 99 and find the final attack adn master a pheonix( combine them adn you er revived after you die) or you can do my favorite and go to the beack over be yuffies place. why you ask? simple just go there and make sure you are under 7000 hp. get into a battle with the turtle thingy and hit your self while minaturized untill the last two digits are 77 then just use potions untill it is at 7777 but make sure you have the materia you want so that the health dosen;t change then just go into battle. that works for emerald you will sit there and hit him for a log tim eif he actualyl does hit you make sure oyu have knights of the round and mine and a ass load of ethers and just go from there now ruby is harder and i haven;t actually beat him yet (V)_(V) Quote
Blaster Atoms Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 what do you get from beating emerald? i heard about a special materia in that island that isnt on the map, that looks like a volcano. i think its called "Round table" is this bullshit? Quote
omegaslade Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 Nope its true its up in teh north east part of the map yo uneed a gold chocobo to get it it has the all powerfull knights of the round table materia in it. as you can tell from the name all 13 knioghts ( aurthur included) coem out and attack from 9999 which is good but on ruby it won;t work cause you will get countered wit ultima. and you get teh the dang i forget what you get for beating emerald of yeah the desert harp. and you get the dessert rose from ruby Quote
Blaster Atoms Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 gold chocobo? desert harp? desert rose? what the fuck is the "tissue" for? Quote
omegaslade Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 LOL check the chocobo bredding part of yoru guide ( if you have one ) if not go to and read the faq on chocbo breeding and on any thign else you might need and as for the rose and the harp. well teh harp gets you thee master materias( master magic command and summon) which lets you use any i mean all spells and the rose gets you a gold chocobo. (^)_(^) any thign else? Quote
Blaster Atoms Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 thanks much. its time to kick some weapon ass! Quote
SSJ HBK Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 Probably already mentioned, but Kefka was a tough buy to beat. Always healing himself, and always taking your parties hit points down to 1. Damn you, Kefka! Quote
omegaslade Posted July 26, 2002 Posted July 26, 2002 lol kefka? an offering and a genji glove took care of him in one round. altime hardest woudl have to be either ruby or omega weapon from ff8. i woudl mention the omegas on x but they were how shall i put it REALLY GAY and easy. Quote
The Coop Posted July 28, 2002 Author Posted July 28, 2002 Allright folks. We're digging back a bit for this one. Red Zone on the Genesis. Final Boss of the game. Fat guy floating around wildly, shooting at as he zipped on and off the screen. Nearly impossible to hit, only beaten him a couple times since I bought the game back in mid 1990s. Now that I think of it, just getting to fat prick is an accomplishment Quote
Magus Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 I think that the hardest boss that I've ever fought in my gaming experiences would be the last boss from Vagrant Story. I won't say the name cause I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might be playing it. Now, this was over two years ago, and I still haven't beaten him/her yet. I gave up Quote
omegaslade Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 How about the last boss to streets of rage three. that guy was hard ( i am talkin about the final mister x robot at the end of the factory) i mean beating it is one thign but beating it in the time limit that gets to be difficult. Quote
The Coop Posted July 28, 2002 Author Posted July 28, 2002 I concur with you on that one. That time limit was the games final kick in the nuts. One slip up, and the game was over, period. No recovering. And thusly, you start from the beginning of the game. No FUCKING FAIR! Quote
Lightbunny Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 I'd have to log the last boss from Final Fight as my pick for hardest boss ever. He's an old guy in a wheelchair...WITH A CROSSBOW!!! Oh well, after you beat him, he falls out a really high window. --LB Quote
Cannon Fodder Frog v2.0 Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 The Final Boss in Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master for Genesis...That guy could kill a player in one hit. Forget about living through his attack either he has a whole arsenal of them. And am I the only one that can play this game on a keyboard? Quote
Vertigo Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 "Well, I'm sure someone'll disagree, but I'd have to go with the final boss of Terranigma. The advent of the 'save state' feature mad him (somewhat) easier, but before then, he's nearly impossible. Get this, he launches these myriad attacks at you, each doing obscene amounts of damage. Then he launches an attack that is impossible to dodge and drains away half of you hitpoints for a long time, eventually bringing you down to one hit point, regardless of how many hit points you've got, it is also one of the few times that you can hit him.. To top it off, his defense is so high that you can only do 1 or 2 points of damage to him on a hit, so you have to sit their pounding away for a good hour before he finally dies. Oh well, I guess if it were any less difficult I'd be disappointed. " "What was the final boss in Terranigma? Was it that big mechanical thing? Because if so, leveling up on those floating cube things will quickly make that boss a pushover." I don't know how to do quotes, so don't kill me. And that boss was Dark Gaia, version two. Pretty easy if you used X guard when he fires off his catastrophe maker and leveled up enought (level 32 or so I think). Also had to go to the back of the room so he'd come close (which is what I hated the most). Loved that game, but I didn't like the final boss music. I like the Dark Gaia music from Illusion of Gaia better. Personal most hated boss? Zophar. How many hitpoints DOES that guy have anyway? I didn't have triple sword when I first fought him, and didn't win. So I had to go back to an earlier save (which I had TONS of. I must have saved on a different file every hour of play) to go level up on some Chiro Mongrels until I got the tech. As well as the other ultimate techs. Even then, Zophar was one major headache. Still, you gotta love an enemy who is stubborn about dieing. Made getting there all worth it. Wish they had used the Star Dragon theme with the Star Dragon, though. It's such a good song... Quote
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