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YEAH! Our awesome artist of the future has come back to us! Got anymore kickass artwork?

I've done a few black and white pieces, but nothing substantial. Is there anything in particular anyone wants to see?


OMG double post.

Good news, Andy Jayne is going to be doing a nice lil collab with myself on the trainer battle 1 theme from G/S, he's currently arranging the theme and I've heard some of it and it's very good I must say. I'm going to play guitar for it because he can't record guitars, and it shall be good.


Don't you just love it when you completely lose internet access for a few months while trying to move all of your shit across town?

By the way, I'm back.

Burnt Tower and S S Anne are getting a complete overhaul, and now that I am a pround owner of Logic 7 :D Viridian Forest will be mastered in awesome quality.

And this time I'll actually do this stuff :P


Do you have any idea how friggin awesome you are?

EDIT: Thought, if we're not going to completely kill our amazing artist in the process, perhaps we could have a little picture to go with each song on the site? I would very much like this one.


I see that someone put our project under "planned projects" in the OCR Wiki page (just scroll down a bit, and look to the right side of the table at the bottom). Well fuck, now I guess we have to finish. Now people will actually expect us to have it done.

Thanks a lot, mystery Wikipedia page editing person(s).

Also, for those of you that don't get sarcasm: :wink:


Has anyone read of any unexpected mentions of this project? Like, say, in other forums or sites? I was sort of hoping to keep it mostly under wraps until we got close to the release.

So far, I see that Poinko has mentioned in on his DA page, and I think I saw one the other day at some little nothing site the other day. And no, the mentions you make do not count.

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