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Hey guys, it looks like the project is coming along well, so nice work with that. Can't wait until the album releases so we can shower you with appropriate praise. Sorry if I seem impatient by asking, but I have to: you guys think you'll be on track for a D/P simul. release? I ask because DigiPen has a campus Pkmn club, and we're having a launch party on Apr. 18 (I know, D/P comes out on the 22nd, but we are getting one of the professors to take us over to Nintendo to get it early... muhaha.), and it would be cool to have some Pokemon jams to play to.


--Jack Kieser


bu-bump bu-bump!

seems like we're slowing down guys. i still need some more comments on my arrangment before i can really do anything else. lets get this baby moving again!

Hey guys, it looks like the project is coming along well, so nice work with that. Can't wait until the album releases so we can shower you with appropriate praise. Sorry if I seem impatient by asking, but I have to: you guys think you'll be on track for a D/P simul. release? I ask because DigiPen has a campus Pkmn club, and we're having a launch party on Apr. 18 (I know, D/P comes out on the 22nd, but we are getting one of the professors to take us over to Nintendo to get it early... muhaha.), and it would be cool to have some Pokemon jams to play to.


--Jack Kieser

As much as I liked the idea of having it out for the 22nd, that is becoming more and more unlikely. Unless we can get the artwork and website done in the next few weeks (Poinko, I'm looking at you. And our web designer guy(s)... you too), there's going to be too much to do for that day.

I'd love to make, so I'm going to push for it. But don't get too hopeful for it. Either it's the 22nd, or a shortly after it. We'll get it out, that's certain. I just hope that if it has to get pushed back until after April 22nd, no one ends up playing Diamond/Pearl so much that they stop work on the project altogether!

(Note to all project members, check the project board Announcements Section for some things we need to work on. This is a long weekend coming up, so let's try to sort out what needs to be done, and who needs to do what)

(PS: Drop some hints at Nintendo that we're working on this project. We're gigantic Pokémon fans, and would love free Diamond and Pearl games :)!! )

(PPS: Unless you talk to some Nintendo lawyers, then don't. I don't think Nintendo would start suing anyone, since they have a pretty good fan-made works policy... but lawyers are lawyers, you know)

(PPPS: I'll take Pearl. Or Diamond. I don't know. Either is fine)

bump. keep working on your tracks! and if you find a good song for me to mix, tell me and i'll do it now that my new computer is here.

Hurrah! Teh Profit of Mefistoes has returned!

Ok, so....my viridian forest mix will be my only contribution to the project. Unless I have some miracle that allows me to mix another song, since my other two mixes have both hit stale points. I should have a final master done soon.

Hurrah! Teh Profit of Mefistoes has returned!

Ok, so....my viridian forest mix will be my only contribution to the project. Unless I have some miracle that allows me to mix another song, since my other two mixes have both hit stale points. I should have a final master done soon.

that's too bad, but i feel the same. i just don't have time for tin tower. my surf mix is close to almost done. expect an update one of these days!

Made a (dark) DnB mix of the Lavender Town theme. It's 95% done (some production issues in places). I'll wait and see if Fishy is still doing his before posting it anywhere if he isn't then maybe it could be on the project, otherwise I'm releasing it elsewhere.

Screw it, your one is much better then mine and I'm out of inspiration anyway. It's your call.

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