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Hello! As you may or may not know, MAGFest is happening soon, and just like every year for the past decade, we'll be having a special month over at Dwelling of Duels, with a live listening party at MAGFest! Exact details about the listening party to follow.

The tradition is to pick a unique and interesting theme for the MAGFest duel, and this time it's...

80s vs 90s Month


That's right, we're pitting two awesome decades against each other! Which had the better video games? Which had the better music? Which had the better video game music?

All of these questions will be answered this month. Artists can chose either the 80s or the 90s, and remix songs from a game (or multiple games) released in that decade. Featuring games from both decades in a single entry is not allowed. Other than that, all standard rules apply: http://dwellingofduels.net/rules/


Now, what makes this duel special, other than the live listening party, you ask? Well, we're happy to announce a partnership with Impact Soundworks! Top 3 artists (or groups/bands) will each get one library out of the following: Super Audio Cart, Shreddage Bass 2, Shreddage Guitar or Shreddage Drums. Fun fact: Shreddage Bass 2 was recorded by the ocremix artist, bass virtuoso and the person with the most DoD gold medals, Tony Dickinson a.k.a. Prince uf Darkness! But wait, there's more: entrants will be able to get a 10% discount on all Impact Soundworks libraries!


So, get your instruments ready, start making some music, and enter the duel! Deadline for submissions is January 3rd, 2017 at 1PM EST. Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com. If you come to MAGFest, be sure to drop by the listening party (80s or 90s fashion not required). We promise it's gonna be fun, as you can see in this video: 


For those not familiar with DoD:

Dwelling of Duels is a monthly (or sometimes bi-monthly) video game music remixing competition started back in 2003. The focus is on live instruments: each entry needs to have a main instrument played live. A theme is picked for each duel and all the entries have to follow the theme. At the end of the month, listeners vote for the songs and a winner is decided. To this day, there have been:

- 2778 entries, from

- 1070 games, by

- 714 artists, in

- 154 duels, having

- 167+ hours of music!


  • 4 weeks later...

Less than a week left to submit your entries! And we finally have a full banner now, as you can see in the first post. :)

The awesome banner was done by Nate (FoxxDragon). If you want to download the hi-res version of the banner: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/16-12-80svs90s/16-12-80svs90s-HI.jpg

80s only: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/16-12-80svs90s/16-12-80svs90s-80s.png

90s only: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/16-12-80svs90s/16-12-80svs90s-90s.png


Songs are up! 37 main entries and two alts!


If you happen to be at magfest, come to the listening party (Thursday midnight, panel room 4). Listening party will also be streamed on 8bitx.

You can vote using the sliders on the duel page. Deadline for votes is January 7th, 4PM EST. Send the votes to dodsongs@gmail.com.

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