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Obviously retro Roland drums; starts off iffy but some of the glitching/modulation helps. - djp


So my name is Peter Locke but my remixer name is UncleBibby... I've submitted 3 songs before but they all got rejected but i think that's good because it forced me to work harder each time and THIS time, i worked harder on the song and paid more attention to detail than any other song i've ever made... It took six drafts to get it right!
my website is www.petermobeter.com, my userid on the ocremix forums is 28302...
The name of the game the song comes from is Street Fighter 2: The World Warriors.
The original song is probably best known as The Zangief Theme or The USSR Stage theme or something like that.
This remix started out as me taking bits of one of my old Zangief remixes i did on Korg DS-10 and putting them into my later Ableton Live Zangief Remix, but then i realized i wanted to spice it up and make it more 80s like this one 80s electro street fighter tribute album i heard. however i didn't really like the zangief tribute on that album so i thought i could do a better one. Then i started mixing and mastering and decided to add a whole bunch of variation to it so that nobody could say it was too repetitive, lol.
Anyways, i hope you like the song, and yes, i made every part of it myself. Thanks for reading.

Peter "UncleBibby" Locke

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/05/23 - Street Fighter 2 'Electroplex'

Electroplex... I can't put my finger on it, but I love that title. Maybe it's because it's something that I would call a remix, but it just catched my ear in the right way. Lots of cool arrangement ideas, even while it sticks fairly close to the source. The ending is non-existent, but otherwise the arrangement works, for me.

The sound design on this one is a bit questionable, though. The use of simple synths doesn't really accomplish much in this arrangement. I can understand the use of the square wave (as there are some pretty cool glitch effects in the middle and end), the other instruments sound like basic saw, synth sitar, etc.. Those are some very vanilla sound choices; you would do well to explore more synths, work on the sound design of the synths you have, etc., and choose instruments that make sense together. Most of these sound choices sound incidental, not intentional.

The bass in this one is excessive. Look at the spectrum of that on a basic spectrograph (the most basic ones come with Windows Media Player): the bass just dominates over everything else. Looking at the waveform, that bass just takes up all the space you could've used to fill up your middle and upper ends, so instead we have a bass heavy, but otherwise hollow sounding arrangement. When the bass drum hits the whole track suffers from overcompression, due to this. Tone down that bass.

The drum set sounds fake while using more 'realistic' samples. They come off as too dry against the other instruments. I like the drum patterns, though - you change things up and keep it interesting. Give some more realism with a bit of reverb, and humanize the performance a little bit by varying the dynamics in your performance.

It's a good start, but it has some way to go. Give it a proper ending, make the sound design more interesting, make the drums a little more realistic, and tone down that bass. If you'd like some more suggestions, the WIP Workshop forum would be a great place to go. Best of luck!


  • 2 weeks later...

Gario pretty much nailed this one.  Very heavy on the bass, very little going on in the mid-range.  Synths are a mishmash of simple synths without any unifying theme.  Something made entirely or almost entirely using the Korg has a certain appeal to it, same for chiptunes, but mixing elements like this just sounds disorganized.  I actually don't think the square wave works here; I understand the decision, but even with the glitch effects, it doesn't match the rest of the soundscape.  I think you would have been better off sticking to the Korg and adding only a few additional elements.

As for those glitches, I appreciate the creative touches with them, but you have a heavy, consistent beat throughout, and the glitches are out of sync with that in what seems like a random way.  Sometimes it lines up (e.g. 2:07), other times it doesn't (e.g. 0:16).

Otherwise, again except for the ending, the arrangement works for me.  There are a lot of good ideas here, they just need help with the execution.  Hit up the Workshop forum with your ideas to get some production help, and I hope to see you back with another submission!


  • 2 weeks later...

Gario's advice here is spot-on. You've got a lot of good things going on for this, but ultimately the samples and simplicity of the sounds is dragging this down. The mix feels hollow despite the amount of details you put into certain aspects, like the glitching. I'd love to hear this worked on further to really flush out the soundscape and add the humanized element that will bring this up a few steps. Good luck!

NO (resubmit)

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