Gario Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Hi guys, hope you're doing great! Contact Information Chernabogue Alexandre MOUREY ID: 17636 Submission Information Spelunky (PC) "Raiders of the Ark of Doom" "Caves" Composers: George Buzinkai, Jonathan Perry, Eirik Suhrke This remix was made as part of a project called "The Archaeologist's Journal" on OCR. It was a bit of a challenge because I never played Spelunky and thus never heard its soundtrack. A quick search and I was hooked to its main theme. I draw inspiration from epic movie soundtracks and trailer music. In the end, it sounds more like the credits theme for a morning cartoon starring Indiana Jones, but I'm proud of what I've done. OCR made me discover and appreaciate new music once again! LINK TO REMIX: Hope it's all good, as always!
MindWanderer Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Looks like this project is currently on hiatus, so may need to check back in from time to time to see if there are any plans to finish it. Regarding this arrangement, I'm not sold on the instrumental production. It's driven largely by those strings, and they're very mechanical and on the dry side. The lead flute is pretty mechanical as well, but very wet. The ethnic instruments are easily the highlight, but they play a minor role overall. It's also a little on the repetitive side. The main hook is played by a couple of different instruments, and the accompaniment and percussion are changed in small ways, so there's no literal copy-pasting going on, but 0:38-0:53, 2:10-2:25, and 3:05-3:20 are extremely similar; 1:24-1:39 changes the lead to horns but is otherwise mostly the same yet again. Also, the droning instrument at 2:34-2:49 seems to clash with the other instruments at times. You adjust it in the next section to avoid dissonance, so I'm not sure why you didn't do it here as well. I like the pacing, the creative flourishes and the original sections when they're there, but I don't think this is quite there. Add some humanity to the instruments and some variation to the repeated sections and I think this'll be good to go. NO (resubmit)
Liontamer Posted March 13, 2017 Posted March 13, 2017 The opening strings sounded very mechanical; it wasn't as much the sample quality as it was the articulations repeating so perfectly due to the string writing being looped. At :23, the woodwinds attacks were also very stilted, followed by the brass at :38. None of the performances sounded humanized, and the textures were surprisingly sparse for an orchestrated piece, which undermined a lot of the forcefulness intended in the writing. Totally agreed with MindWanderer on the writing for the melody being too repetitive; the arrangement was extremely samey throughout despite it not being very long. I thought the droning instrument from 2:34-2:49 resolved fine, for what it's worth; I did hear some dissonance in places, but nothing that stood out in a huge way. Beyond that, Alex, I'm co-signed on MW's main criticisms; vary the melodic treatment more substantially and humanize the instrumentation. I don't think it's an easy fix, per se, but it's worth the attempt.NO (resubmit)
DragonAvenger Posted April 17, 2017 Posted April 17, 2017 I think this is a lot closer than the other judges make it appear to be in their votes. The arrangement is driving and energetic, and the additive writing you've put in here does enhance the original a lot. That being said, I do think that this isn't quite there yet, for the same reasons that the others mentioned. There needs to be more variation in general; attacks on the instruments, preventing repetition, etc. I'd love to hear this again, and I you can get it back to us and get it posted relativley quickly NO (resubmit)
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