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OCR03668 - *YES* Pokémon Gold Version "Morning Sunlight"

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ReMixer name: pu_freak; ilp0
Name of game(s) arranged: Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Name of arrangement: Morning Sunlight
Name of individual song(s) arranged: Goldenrod
Link to individual song(s) arrangedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVyFaYPAYRI

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:

This mix started a LONG time ago. I mean really long, since it was 2009, maybe even 2008. I was part of the Pokémon album (The Missingno Tracks), but much like my posted Pokéred Gym theme, this never saw the light of day on the album. I made a guitar version of the Goldenrod theme on my (well not even mine) electric piano, and suffice to say it wasn't really up to par :P so, I asked ilp0 if he was willing to record the guitars for me. Luckily, he liked the arrangement and was more than happy to not just play the part on his acoustic guitar, but to give me three versions of him playing bass, lead acoustic guitars played strong, lead acoustic guitars played soft, rythm guitars, distorted guitars and slides, which was awesome! Let's just say I had a lot to choose from however, my equipment then did not permit me to do his work justice, while the guitars alone were just too little to carry the song. Flash forward to a about a year ago when I finally got my own high-end equipment. Since the guitar-only part had been on my playlist for all these years, I decided to finally do this justice and added electric piano, regular piano, strings and drums to the track. I sent it to ilp0 and he really liked the result.
So, after this way too elaborate story, this collab which started in 2009 is finally done! Many thanks for ilp0's enthousiasm and skills and I hope you guys can enjoy it as well!
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/12/02 - Pokémon Gold Version 'Morning Sunlight'

Really nice, mellow arrangement, with some stellar guitar work from ilp0 as usual.  Nice job keeping a fairly short source fresh for over 4 minutes.

My once complaint would be about the acoustic piano in the middle section (1:52-3:01).  It's tough to use piano in a busy section like this, the result being that it conflicts with nearly everything and, in this case, gets muffled and occasionally distorted.  However, since the piano is solidly in the background here, it's not a big deal when it gets covered up, and it never covers up the other instruments.  I think it would have worked better with one or two less sonically greedy instruments instead, preferably something above or below the range of the guitars, but it's far from a dealbreaker.

Otherwise, this is solid and I'm glad you finally finished it up.


  • 1 month later...

Heyyyy, nice to see an ilp0 track again, and nice work by Pieter in enhancing this further, as well as having a "never-give-up/I'm-just-resting" attitude on finishing this. I didn't have any issue with the usage of the piano, as the part-writing remained distinct enough and I didn't feel things clashed. Good stuff, easy call!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/12/02 - (2Y) Pokémon Gold Version 'Morning Sunlight'

It's a pretty simple and clean arrangement, and it represents the source very well. The keyboard backing works well with the steelstring guitar, though I agree with MindWanderer that it gets pretty muffled when everything is going at once. I will add that when the guitar is exposed in the beginning the fingers sliding could've been toned down in post production a bit so they weren't so piercing. These certainly aren't deal breakers by any stretch, but I'd be remiss to leavce those comments out.

Definitely a keeper, though. Great work, you two!



Oh nice, good to see stuff still coming out from the Pokémon album! Really great playing, and the arrangement is on point. Aside from the nitpick, I'm really enjoying this relaxed track. Great work to the both of you, and glad you pulled this one out of the storage bin!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR03668 - *YES* Pokémon Gold Version "Morning Sunlight"
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