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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 'ファロンの夢 (Faron's Dream)'


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ReMixer: RYO-kai

Name of Game: Zelda: Twilight Princess
Name of Arrangement: ファロンの夢 (Faron's Dream)
Name of Original Song: Faron Woods 
A dreamy, organic, downtempo beat-style remix of one of the many beautiful songs from Zelda: Twilight Princess.



Edited by Liontamer
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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2017/06/21 - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 'ファロンの夢 (Faron's Dream)'

This is an excellent example of a static arrangement.  The rhythm guitar and percussion hold the same simple pattern almost throughout the whole piece, and there are virtually no dynamics in terms of volume or energy.  It's even directly repetitive--at 1:35 it goes back to the beginning and repeats almost verbatim (I hear some very quiet additions to the background noises, but they're super subtle).  The source is pretty simple, repetitive and dreamy, but it's much less repetitive than this.

The production is also problematic: it's very quiet overall but still has a problem with clipping and pumping.  Looking at the waveform, I'm not sure any compression or limiting was done at all, so please look into that next time.


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  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2017/06/21 - (2N) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 'ファロンの夢 (Faron's Dream)'

Ditto on the unnecessary pumping with the bass. I'm about 90% sure that's intentional, but it doesn't make it any more acceptable in this case - there should be plenty of space above that bass to make that unnecessary, considering how sparce the track is. The entirety of it sounds heavily low-passed, to boot, so overall the track sounds needlessly muffled. The mix, while not terrible, does have a few strange elements to it - that bass drum punches through way too much, and the hats + clap are so far behind the mix they may as well not be there.

The arrangement sounds quite a bit darker than the source material, so based on the mood and tonal shift I could see an argument saying this is interpretive enough for OCR. However, there's no doubt that the arrangement is pretty static and repetitive, which still causes enough issue on it's own. The ending is pretty abrupt as well, though that's less an issue than the repetitiveness and static arrangement.

There are some great ideas in here, but overall it's not quite up to the bar yet. Thanks for sending it our way, though.


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