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Mega Man 4 Remix Project *RECRUITING*

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tmf, I like the changes you've made to your song. The strings really fit in nicely. There are still some places where you're having one instrument play a major key and the others a minor key, which really doesn't sound nice, especially since I'm pretty sure it's unintentional. I'm sorry the song is so difficult to export for you... What software are you using? Maybe I could export it for you? I'm on a 3GHz P4 2GB RAM machine here...
Wow... I wish I had access to a computer that good.

I'm using FL Studio (not sure which version), but I'm also using several large samples and sound fonts that would make it difficult to share with someone else.

I may be able to convince Ryan to let me use his PC. His computer is a bit more capable than mine, and he has pretty much all of the stuff that I have.

I thought I had it fixed... oh well, looks like it wasn't the final version after all. Which section was it again that had the conflicting keys? I'm not hearing it. (in case it's not obvious, I've had little/no formal music education.)

Which section was it again that had the conflicting keys? I'm not hearing it. (in case it's not obvious, I've had little/no formal music education.)

at 00:57-1:00 or so, I'm pretty sure the vibes (or whatever it is) is playing a C# while the melody plays a D, which doesn't work when you're playing in the A# key. In this same section, the melody is too loud imo, it's like it's playing a melody here but it's really just playing a "riff"... The volume levels are in general very good in this song, you have instruments entering the mix and leaving again in a very nice and smooth way, but this one 3 second section kinda... you know. Just lower the volume on this melody part here, or remove one of the instruments playing it and see if you don't agree it's better that way. Please? :smile:

The dissonance reoccurs in 1:05-1:06 and probably in more places in this section, but briefly enough not to bother me. And then the same thing happens in 3:36 (the piano, but it's not so bad this time)

The whole mix sounds south American for some reason btw, like it's a remix of an Aztec theme or something. Can't really explain why, but it's cool.

Also, the "fi" in final looks a lot like "A" with winamp's font...

I'll still need to know exactly how you think it could be made better.

Well, the drums and the bass play the same 2-second loop the whole way through the song, which makes the whole song pretty boring. I also think you could beef that bass up at some point with one that doesn't have hardly any reverb at all.

All in all, the song's very repetitive, there's no break or change anywhere. Seriously, making a good remix within 24 hours is hardly possible even for a professional. Let the mix lie and wait for you for a week or so, listen to other music, analyze it, listen carefully and closely and then go back and look how you can improve your own song, that's my best advice.

Also, the album inlay you made looks a little cheap - the lens flare is overdone and not very pretty. Your sig image looks much better. The idea was pretty nice though, I like the blue color.

at 00:57-1:00 or so, I'm pretty sure the vibes (or whatever it is) is playing a C# while the melody plays a D, which doesn't work when you're playing in the A# key. ...
Now that's it's explained to me, I hear what you're talking about. I've fixed it, and tweaked the levels in that section as well, and I'll export it later tonight to see how it sounds.
Also, the "fi" in final looks a lot like "A" with winamp's font...

. . . So?

*thinks about it for a second*



Well, i can make good on the album inlay for now. :P

Tell me which one you think looks best. I agree the blue looks good.

First off, the lensflare removed-


Then, same thing, but blurred a little(don't ask me why, I just thought it looked good.)


Then, motion blurred-


Now for some difference-

Solar Explosion(same effect used in my sig)looks good because if the CD is on top of it, all you see is the glow in the center-




I have photoshop, too, you know. megaman4inlayrz4.png was pretty nice, but it should be darker and that solar explosion - well there should be so much less of it.

megaman4inlay1nu3.png was actually better than any of the others, to be honest...


Okay, I got a WIP started for Skull Man:


I'm going for a kinda latin dance/salsa style. I'm mainly trying to get the arrangement down first, so I have'nt really done much with the quality of the samples yet. The guitar, which is live, sounds really bad right now and I think it's out of tune, but I'm going to play around with recording some more until I can get some pretty good quality sound. I plan on adding a lot more onto it, but this is all I have for right now.


Interesting mix... Yeah, things are a little out of tune, and the rhythm instruments are not much fun. Work a little more on those salsa rhythms and I'm sure this could turn into something really cool.

Also, congratulations to GaMeBoX for getting his second remix accepted to OCR.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Progress is being made with Cossack stage 3-4

No progression made on Final Boss. I'll work on it later when iam finished with Cossack 3-4.

As you can see iam (and maybe others too) busy lately so its going abit slow.

Oh, iam upping this thread, it deserves a boost :)


Huh? The project is still running, but slow. I've sent a PM to those involved and will kick them in a few days if they don't reply. Having songs listed as taken doesn't help the project at all, does it :)

If you're interested in joining, just pick a song (preferably one that isn't done, but if you want, you can take a song that's already listed as "claimed", as stated in the first post) and send me a WiP.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there, this is my first post here at OCRemix.

I would be interessed to join this project, as this would be my first real attempt to do a remix of a video game music. Before I was just doing covers with my keyboard workstation, like Robo Theme, Magus Battle Theme and other Chrono Trigger song I've learned.

As first, I'll try to tackle the Boss Theme, rock/metal style with synthezisers in it. Also I've made for fun a jazzy version using the E121 - KARMA "Jazz" combi on my Korg Karma. I'll upload it...someday :P

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