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Mega Man 4 Remix Project *RECRUITING*

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Here my cover of Battle with Magus, the mix is loud sorry :s I recorded it a while ago and haven't reworked on it. Though I added more sound to my base combi since them. Most of the parts were played live and overdubbed into the internal sequencer. Only the D part was sequenced, because I can't play it with correct timing :P

The format is in Ogg Vorbis, I support free software and thus free codec :)



Definitely. I've found freeware programs to encode/convert to mp3, hell, even winamp does it, you just gotta play around with it. I don't know where this person is coming from.


I think people who manufacture portable mp3 players have to have a license for the decoder. But it's not like portable ogg players come for free, so... meh. You can send me whatever format you like, Mick, I can always convert it ;)

Er... no. It has an FTP though, and a website is in the making. Why, you wanted to post your wips somewhere non-public or you wanted to discuss something non-public? Want me to PM the FTP login stuff?

If you want, I don't have anything ready yet. I'm trying to finish Xenogears and Pokemon before I move onto this and Super Mario 64. But when to the time comes, yes that would be nice!

  • 2 weeks later...

When the project is complete, submit a cd of it to pandora, in CA. This is huge ad-time, for free. Or, I can do it for you?

Also, if anyone wants to team up with some artists and perform the music, somehow, or present it at a show of some live-band type nes group, I can streetteam for you in NYC or Las Vegas

just some thoughts

  • 3 weeks later...

He's talking about the team behind www.pandora.com. what they've done is gotten as much music as they could get their hands on, and put it into a streaming radio database. If you go to the site it all becomes clear (make an account and whatnot, its all free either way) but generally what it does is it takes aspects of songs you like, such as tempo, recording style, and musical signatures and gives you others just like it.

They'll take your CD and put it on streaming radio for free, so it might be worth it. Or if he's talking about something else completely different, then I apologize for the confusion. Seriously though, check out pandora.com, its amazing, and if you give them your music they'll put it in with the rest of it.


Thanks for clarifying, Derrit.

DJ SymbBiotiX - You website looks like an old dos game. Nice.

As far as I can tell, your skill level is definitely good enough for this project. I look forward to your WiP and am pleased to see someone join the project after a long time of no activity at all.

I'd like to ask you not to make another glitch mix though... but that's just my personal opinion. :)


I realize that it's just an early demo, but I figured it wouldn't hurt if I gave a little bit of feedback on what you have thus far anyway.

-Overall, I like the direction that you're taking with the track.

-I'm not fond of the snare sample you're using up to 0:40.

-That background synth is overly repetitive; maybe if you changed up the progression a little, or used some sort of filtering to vary it a little.

-I think the strings could use a little more attack.

-In terms of arrangement, what you have is fairly promising, especially given the short, repetitive nature of the source.

EDIT: I just took a look at your website; I see you've done a remix of Robert Miles' 'Fable'. Good stuff! Mind if I ask what software you use for your remixes?

Also, I took a listen to your 'Light Within The Darkness' mix. I like it, but to me, it's a little over-compressed.

EDIT2: Just listened to your Traces mix. I really *really* like it, but there are a few production issues (mainly eq, and again, over-compression) that are holding it back. But man, if you can produce anything as good as that for this project, I'll be very pleased!

I realize that it's just an early demo, but I figured it wouldn't hurt if I gave a little bit of feedback on what you have thus far anyway.

-Overall, I like the direction that you're taking with the track.

-I'm not fond of the snare sample you're using up to 0:40.

-That background synth is overly repetitive; maybe if you changed up the progression a little, or used some sort of filtering to vary it a little.

-I think the strings could use a little more attack.

-In terms of arrangement, what you have is fairly promising, especially given the short, repetitive nature of the source.

EDIT: I just took a look at your website; I see you've done a remix of Robert Miles' 'Fable'. Good stuff! Mind if I ask what software you use for your remixes?

Also, I took a listen to your 'Light Within The Darkness' mix. I like it, but to me, it's a little over-compressed.

EDIT2: Just listened to your Traces mix. I really *really* like it, but there are a few production issues (mainly eq, and again, over-compression) that are holding it back. But man, if you can produce anything as good as that for this project, I'll be very pleased!

Thanks for the feedback, its always good. I'll try to work on that stuff your talking about. By background synth, do you mean my base line? If so, then I get it XD.

I'll change that snare sample, and see what else works. I'll take everything in to consideration.

As for fable (and every other song I make, I use Reason 3.0.. and Reason 3.0 ONLY)

for light within, that was kinda just an experiment as well. Didnt really end up trying to fine tune it (I didnt even think of trying to submit to OC Remix).

For traces, I did remaster it (I havent put it on the site yet) and I make it sound REALLY neat, and not over compressed at all, but now it sound empty in the mid/midbass range, so I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it before I try to resub.

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