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[Fan Art Competition] -December- VOTE VOTE VOTE

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There is like 6 hours left and I have two entries.

What the heck?

Whoa, really? I was expecting more, like 5 or 6. I'll send mine by midnight tonight (yes i'm on thee east coast), as finished as it can get, so you can make that 3. I know that if i just expect to make it purty, i'll never submit anything. That'll teach me anyway, to just try starting all over the day of the deadline, tsk...


You're gonna have mine in 5 mins from now, if DA finally uploads the friggin thing D:

Edit : ok, after 15 mins, DA still doesn't wanna cooperate at all, gonna upload it on imagecave or something. That's totally my luck : i finally decide to participate in the FAC and i'm having the worst luck with all of my usual image uploading sites.

Edit 2 : imagecave worked <3! sent


Man, Atma, we can't compete with your entry! It's just too much... I think i'll go hide in an underground tunnel to hide from humiliation, i can't take it anymore! *runs away, wailing*

A week extension and I still couldn't find the time to finish it!

I really wanted to enter in this one, too. D:

Anyways, your work looks great guys.


First off: We need more votes.

Second off: How the heck do I edit thread titles?

EDIT: Bahamut is the coolest guy ever and edited the title for me!


Voted. I'm sorry I didn't get around to finishing my image, guys. I've been sick since Christmas and haven't felt up to doing much of anything. Hopefully next month's theme will be one I'll feel comfortable competing in.

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