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There are lessons to be learned here.

Most of these "games" were terribly over-rated, had tremendously expensive licensing deals and failed to breach even a half-million in sales in most cases. People generally want to spend their money on actual games, not B-movies in disguise that are just phoned-in re-skins of the last game they made. 

RIP Telltale — We barely played ye.


i also think that there games are overrated. But a few of my friend told me that the Wolf among us was an amazing game. I think it was an original IP from them and it bombed so maybe this is one reason why they focused on licenced games. But it seems that there was mismanagment too. In the german media there was an article stating that they had about 400 employes working on several games at some point. it was all a mess some said.

I think they were inovators once when the first walking dead season came out but after that they failed to inovate further and stay fresh.

I think there games were mostly aimed at casual gamers wich prefer adventure games. Now we know that this is not a market that can sustain a 400 man company xD.


The Wolf Among Us was a comic book series that Telltale adapted.

I agree that they were just doing too much.  Why play Minecraft: Story Mode when you can play Minecraft?  Who's associates Guardians of the Galaxy or Game of Thrones with a slow-paced interactive experience?  Who wants yet another story in the Batman universe that doesn't clearly explain what it offers on top of the series' existing 70-year history? (I hear the Batman games, especially the second one, were actually quite good, but it takes some digging to find that out.)

I enjoyed the Walking Dead season 1, but I was getting bored with it by the end of Season 2.  Kind of hard to care about the continuation of a story when all the characters die.

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