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PRC84: Sonic 2 (Sega Master System) [Results]

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The mixing stage is over, and now, the voting stage has begun! To vote, send me a PM with your preference of artists from first to fourth. Contestants don't need to place themselves as they get a first place vote. The vote of the winner of PRC84 (Hetcenus) counts for double. You have until Wednesday, January 3rd 2007 at 4:59PM to cast your vote. The winner will get to choose the source material for PRC85! Happy voting, and Happy New Year :D

aluminum - Yield

avaris - Bombay Sapphire

GSlicer - Bonaparte's Balls

Sir Nuts - Goa Zone

Xela - Scrambled Thoughts of a Magical Screwdriver

The People's Remix Competition 84


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PRC83 had a festive song being provided for us to see, in the form of some wintry Sonic coverage. And coming out from beneath the ashes... um... snow rather, Hetcenus came through with a piano rhapsody that managed to take the win.

For PRC84, we're still with the same series apparently. Whether it would be a good or bad thing is your judgment, not mine. :P Either way, here's your source.


Fact 1: Only three PRC sources were from Sonic games:

PRC46(2-20): Aquatic Ruin (Sonic 2 - Genesis)
PRC66(3-14): Special Stage 2 (Sonic Chaos - Game Gear)
PRC83(4-05): Ice Paradise Act 1 (Sonic Advance 2 - GBA)

which makes it less than one Sonic PRC/year!!!

Fact 2: I don't care if there are two Sonic PRCs in a row.

Fact 3: I don't give a damn if I choose a source that I like playing and would like to remix myself.

Fact 4: All previous Sonic sources were from different games.

Conclusion: My source is...

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System) - Scrambled Egg Zone


Man, a Master System would have been so cool to actually own. The closest I ever came was fiddling around with one owned by one of my elder cousins for half an hour, on The Lucky Dime Caper (some Donald Duck game). I did own a Game Gear but that's a different story. Enough mental flashbacks for now...


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. There is no limit on entry format or file size, but length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in this thread by NEXT SATURDAY, December 30th at 4:59am Eastern US Time.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. The winner of the previous contest may not enter an eligible mix, but his/her vote will count double.
  7. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.


Argh. I love this track. I don't know if I'll be able to fulfill my "I won't join another PRC" thing. And it's just one week :lol:

No, seriously, I won't.

But even more seriously, awesome choice.

Man, a Master System would have been so cool to actually own.

Haha...I actually have one. My dad managed to save it from when he got it. I would invite you over to play it, but you're a little far away. :lol:

Aaanyway...again, I love Sonic and all...but this source isn't something I can get into...

Yup, sorry again.


General Slicer just killed PRC. :lol:

Anyway, posts were slow since it was Christmas time, but we still got a steady number of entries coming in. You have 23 hours remaining to get any renditions through, so if you're still working on your remix, get on it!


There's no way I'm getting this done tonight.

I would just like to say that I think the midi sounds really good when the bpm is cut in half (77.5 bpm).

I could have done this if I made the time, but I've been finding it hard to be really excited about these lately. I think I'll stay out of PRC for a little while and focus on just making a mix sound good without worrying about the time. I need to learn percussion anyway.


The mixing stage is over, and now, the voting stage has begun! To vote, send me a PM with your preference of artists from first to fourth. Contestants don't need to place themselves as they get a first place vote. The vote of the winner of PRC84 (Hetcenus) counts for double. You have until Wednesday, January 3rd 2007 at 4:59PM EST to cast your vote. The winner will get to choose the source material for PRC85! Happy voting, and Happy New Year :D

RAR is coming, bear with me...

aluminum - Yield

avaris - Bombay Sapphire

GSlicer - Bonaparte's Balls

Sir Nuts - Goa Zone

Xela - Scrambled Thoughts of a Magical Screwdriver


Rexy, I'm so sorry. I got confused with the new times. My mix has been ready for a couple of days and I logged on now to post it, only to find that the voting stage has started. :(

I spent a long time on it, but if there's no way of adding my mix to the competition I'll just submit it as a bonus mix.

Even if this doesn't make it into the competition, I'd still appreciate feedback from everyone. :)

It's the longest and probably best overall remix I've ever done so I'll be kicking myself if it's definately too late to enter.

Anyway, here's the link to the entry - either official or bonus:



Actually, we haven't got any votes yet. Consider yourself lucky Xela.

I know that the times may be a bit of a change as of now, but this is what happens when a girl's gotta sleep. And you saw from me in the past few PRCs - I never got up as early as 5 in the morning. X_x

Let me get the mix added in, and we'll see what happens.

Actually, we haven't got any votes yet. Consider yourself lucky Xela.

I know that the times may be a bit of a change as of now, but this is what happens when a girl's gotta sleep. And you saw from me in the past few PRCs - I never got up as early as 5 in the morning. X_x

Let me get the mix added in, and we'll see what happens.

Which means we have 5 official entries in 14 posts, it's 1 song / 2.8 posts. I will vote my top 5 as soon as I have listened to the songs.

EDIT: Voted

BTW1: The voting rules: http://doulifee.com/prc/PrcSong/prcrules.php?prcid=

needs to be updated, Rexy is running the PRC for a while now, and the voting is different now.

BTW2: A happy new year, with hopefully a lot of PRC songs and some good winners.

BTW1: The voting rules: http://doulifee.com/prc/PrcSong/prcrules.php?prcid=

needs to be updated, Rexy is running the PRC for a while now, and the voting is different now.

Gee, thanks for mentioning it now, when it hasn't been updated since Kamoh was in charge. And that was before he did his ridiculous fractional voting system at the start of the third season. :lol: If I see Douli, I'll bring it up with him.


You're damn right. And man, I didn't see much of a high vote turnout; I'd possibly blame vBulletin's arrival (which was actually good) if you ask me, but you never know.

Total number of mixes - 5

Total number of votes - 7 (ouch)

Highest possible score - 35

avaris takes the last place wooden spoon with 15 points.

aluminum and xela are tied for third place 18 points.

GSlicer was scraped to second place with 27 points.

And the winner of PRC84 is Sir Nuts with 28 points!

Another pick for Mr Molina, who once again takes the gold with his trademark trance. Nuts, you have until Friday noon EST to send your next source over. I'm all ears.

I hope to catch you all again for PRC85, providing more things relating to the site's framework don't take place. I'll see you there, same OCR time, same OCR channel.

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