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I haven't been on these forums for years and years now, so I wasn't completely sure where to post this (mods are free to move it to the correct location if needed).

I'm working on a Gameboy game, using GB Studio, which needs to be done in little over a month from now. I'm working hard on the graphics and script and programming and all that (I'm alone on this project), but the music is still nowhere. I can't for the life of me create any usable music. I've learned to use MilkyTracker enough to create something, but without a musical bone in my body the point is moot. I might be able to put together some sound effects using the noise-channel and stuff, but music-wise I'm screwed. So since I'm panicking a bit I thought it would be best to ask for help in that department.

What I need is music for the actual Gameboy, using a tracker and saved in .mod format (correct instruments can be found in a template file provided by GB Studio). It will be around 10 tracks or so, perhaps a couple more. They don't have to be super advanced songs, some can just be simple melodies. I can provide more details for those that are interested.

This project is not something I will be selling or anything, it's actually just a suprise gift for my closest friends. But with the time constraint I can understand if some sort of compensation is needed. I probably can't offer much, but probably something at least. We can discuss it.

Also, anyone interested needs to of course be able to show that they can compose chiptune music using the Gameboy's restrictions!


@StarZander This sounds like a cool project! I could see myself contributing a track or two. I haven't made GB music before, but I'm familiar with trackers (I use Renoise tracker for all of my tracks here on OCR), and began working on module tunes (.xm format) back in the 90s. I should be able to follow the GB limitations, although I have no direct proof. :-D In fact, this "convert mods using certain specifications" approach sounds like a nice and easy way for me to get into making Game Boy music, interesting to hear GB Studio having this approach!

26 minutes ago, evktalo said:

@StarZander This sounds like a cool project! I could see myself contributing a track or two. I haven't made GB music before, but I'm familiar with trackers (I use Renoise tracker for all of my tracks here on OCR), and began working on module tunes (.xm format) back in the 90s. I should be able to follow the GB limitations, although I have no direct proof. :-D In fact, this "convert mods using certain specifications" approach sounds like a nice and easy way for me to get into making Game Boy music, interesting to hear GB Studio having this approach!

Cool! Do you have any chiptunes I could listen to? :)


I wrote this GB doodle for a "21 days of composition" challenge. It's tracked in .IT format but could probably be converted to .MOD with different (but very similar I'd think) samples, hopefully without too much difficulty. I've always liked the tune and it doesn't have a home, so, I'd be fine gifting it to an actual game. :)


More goodies from the challenge here: https://www.mazedude.com/21-day-challenge... and actually the following chiptune doodles from the challenge don't have a home either, maybe they could be converted to GB style too... (although they'd probably need to be longer)





So, while I'm pretty insanely busy at the moment, if the above hit the nail on the head and could be converted easily enough, I could try and make it happen for ya.

23 hours ago, StarZander said:

Cool! Do you have any chiptunes I could listen to? :)

I don't really have any straight-up chiptunes under my belt (unless I've done some long ago and forgot about it..)

I have this small game project soundtrack which is quite chippy:


..and a couple of chip-influenced tracks here on OCR:





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