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OverClocked ReMix Re-Theming - Dark Skin Updated: 2021-07-02


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesssssss. I had to switch back to the original white template for a short while whilst the old Dark Skin was outdated. Didn't expect an update so soon, and now, back to the original Dark Skin, woo!

Hm, any chance of changing the font colour white to grey (or background colour), because when people post spoilers, they come out rather obviously lol, as happened with the recent Lost thread.

Otherwise, good stuff, glad to see the update.

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Yesssssss. I had to switch back to the original white template for a short while whilst the old Dark Skin was outdated. Didn't expect an update so soon, and now, back to the original Dark Skin, woo!

Hm, any chance of changing the font colour white to grey (or background colour), because when people post spoilers, they come out rather obviously lol, as happened with the recent Lost thread.

Otherwise, good stuff, glad to see the update.

I'll see what I can do.




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PS: I told a lil somethin' from Larry's Twitter.


If anyone wants to use it, just search the code for the MAIN THEME (not the vBulletin fix) and replace....




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Has anyone thought about contacting djp and converting this into an actual selectable forum skin? That seems preferable to banging your head on the wall hacking the CSS. And at the very least it wouldn't break every time the forums are upgraded. :P Or is there other fancy CSS stuff at work here that you can't do with the vB skin editor?

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Okay, I've searched high and low for the image coding on my firefox, and I can't find it. I'm using Ubuntu 8.10, if there's anyway to change that header, please let me know...

Click on the Stylish icon in your taskbar, and go to Manage Styles. Look for OCR4 Dark Style (1280x1024 or 1024x768, whichever one you downloaded), select it, then click Edit. Right-click, select all text, then copy it into Notepad (or whatever Ubuntu's equivalent quick text program is) and use that program's Find Text feature to find the http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/images/OCRCSS/OCR4-Contrast/OCR-Contrast-Logo-03.png. Change it to http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/images/OCRCSS/OCR4-Contrast/OCR-Contrast-Logo-04.png. Then copy everything back into the Stylish window, hit Save, and the site should be instantly updated with the new header.

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  • 1 month later...

Userstyles is down. Have a temp fix:

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("ocremix.org") {
.tab-container { background: url("") #000 !important; }
.panel-white-tl, .panel-white-tr, .panel-white-br, .panel-white-bl { background-image: url("http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/images/OCRCSS/OCR4-Contrast/tpl_5_grey_corners.gif") !important }
.panel-white-inside { background: url("") #2c2c2c !important; }

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Fixed the dark skin after djp's recent changes. All that seems to be needed was to change all references to www.ocremix.org to ocremix.org (so far, at least. I don't actually see any of the other changes djp mentioned yet). All four fixed style files are available here: http://kngi.org/miscstuff/OCR4Dark/

Rama, you'll have to fix the other resolutions that aren't 1280x1024, since that's the only one I have.

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