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hmm, looks like I'm gonna have to pull some Acid + Reason action for this one! ^_^

Tripple remix?... Lo-fi + Haven + Coactive?? Hmm this could be interesting. Maybe I should through in some me semper menas vocals in there too o.O.. This is gonna be really really fun!

Nice, working on a Coactive Remix right now

Also, what if one of us already has a BTSB CD? Than we exchange it for Synesthetic or Outmoded instead?

Well, I've got extra BTSB's I'm tryin to get rid of, so that's why I'm being cheapo and sending out BTSB's as prizes. Also since not many people bought them I figured less people would actually have them :).

I'll give you a free download copy of any album if you don't want a BTSB.

Really happy with the responses so far! Glad you guys are interested. Have fun!


(hey, the forum upgrade actually fixed my long-since screwed up account... sweetness.)

You wanna hear it? I was gonna hold it but I am quite excited about what I've started. This is two nights work...structure is very loose right now, just gettin some grooves down.


Pardon me whilst I drool uncontrollably, because that's just pure digital awesomeness right there.

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