Chimpazilla Posted June 14, 2022 Posted June 14, 2022 Remixer: Chimpazilla Game: Pony Island Name of arrangement: Run Pony Run Source tune: Enter Pony Shameless Self-Panel™ here, but I wanted to get more feedback on this one and also subject all my favorite Js' ears to some foul wubbery. I went through a dubstep phase in 2018 and wrote a few similar tracks but this was the only one that was a proper remix. I never submitted it because I had plans to make a Pony Island remix album; I started a couple of other tracks but computer problems and health problems put a stop to my progress. So, Run Pony Run sat on my SoundCloud gathering dust. I decided it was time for a necromaster and submission. I had never heard of Pony Island until this remix (Diabolus ex Machina) came through our inbox in 2016. I immediately loved the simple 8-bit source tune because it was in an unexpected style (8-bit trap!). My son and I bought Pony Island and played through it that night, and it made a heavy impression on me. The game itself is rather simple but the deceptively-lighthearted story continues to evolve in some very surprising, and very dark, ways. I really, really like this game. (note to self, play through game again) If you have time to kill and don't want to play it yourself (and if you want to laugh) here is Markiplier playing through the game. While I really liked the Adventure Awry source tune used in Diabolus, I found that Enter Pony really resonated with me and seemed to lend itself to a dubstep style. I put in a LOT of time on this remix. All those wubs were crafted, sequenced, processed, rendered, chopped and/or re-processed and rendered again, multiple times. In this file there are renders of renders of renders. Each time I rendered a part out, it freed up my computer for more processing. I was happy with the vibe I created, and I still like it today and I hope others will too (you guys promised me dubstep isn't dead and I trust you on this!). A couple of months after I uploaded this to my Soundcloud, I received a message from Jonah Senzel. He had combed the interwebz for remixes of his OST and found mine among a few others. So he reached out to say hello and thanks, and to ask for my address so he could send me a signed copy of his OST on vinyl. I was very flattered and I still have that album here (although I haven't had a turntable in... God knows how long!). I have done a full source-use timestamp, if anyone wants to see it please ask, but the remix is 81% source. Generally, there are source motifs playing in various combinations throughout the track with the exception of the wub-only sections after the breakdown and even those are interspersed with snippets of source motifs. I hope you all dig this!
MindWanderer Posted August 9, 2022 Posted August 9, 2022 WUB WUBWUBWUB wubbawuba WUB WUB WUB Joking aside, this is the perfect treatment for this source. An "obvious" concept perhaps, but it's an obscure game (which should be less so), and the execution is flawless. Everything I'm looking for is there: source usage, interpretation, production, and it's fun as hell to boot. Yes please. YES
Liontamer Posted October 13, 2022 Posted October 13, 2022 Ooooooooooooooooooooooh, the ratching up of the intensity around 1:00 was sick. This also sounds like you're invoking Pokémon Red's "Victory Road", even though it's obviously all arranging "Enter Pony", but that was a fun thread I couldn't let go of. Production-wise, nothing but p-p-p-POWER throughout, yet ultra clean. Hell of an arrangement, I love this. Let the pony run, folks. YES
prophetik music Posted December 12, 2022 Posted December 12, 2022 the hit at 0:15 is delicious. the bass is so beefy there, i love it. i like the clicky xylo synth doing the descending arpeggio, that's a great way to keep it there but not have it as dominant as in the original. the wubs are wubbalicious as expected. there a big break leading into about 2:00 and it gets real silly there. it's so obvious you spent a ton of time on the bass work in this - it's hand-crafted audio couture, only the wubbliest of wubs selected by our freshershest wubblyfarmers. i actually really like the hats when they come in for each wubbreak especially. source is throughout, there's tons of creativity. the track sounds great. easy vote. YES
Gario Posted December 12, 2022 Posted December 12, 2022 Heh, I remember this game, I think I picked it up at a similar time, got a real kick out of it at the time. This sounds like Pony Island ramped up to 11; I can almost hear this track being used in-game, stylistically. The arrangement easily clears the bar, and I've no commentary to offer on the production quality since it's up to your usual standards. Great work, here's hoping it goes on the front page soon. YES
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