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OCR04409 - *YES* Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*

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Original Decision


I would like to resubmit "Treasure Beyond Dreams".  Your panel's advice and criticisms were very useful, so I implemented as many of your suggestions to the best of my current capabilities.  I had made a bad mistake and didn't mix with headphones, but the panning issues were very clear when I put them on.
I agree that the 2nd lead that comes in around 1:25 was quite harsh sounding in some parts, so I toned it down with eq, but there was actually also a lead guitar part that was layered with it in the "chorus" that I completely re-recorded and brought forward.  I must admit I originally used that synth to kind of hide my guitar playing, but this time around I decided to practice it a bunch and go for a better take with a different tone.
I re-recorded the other electric guitar parts as well with a softer tone so hopefully that is also an improvement.
The file: 
Thanks again for your time!
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2022/12/10 - Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*

Great to hear this one back again! Even better, you've taken on board a lot of advice and this version sounds fantastic. It's always a pleasure to see feedback being taken on board in a positive way, and producing a result like this.

It's a dreamy remix, very fitting for an ending theme, and the instrumentation fits well. The resonance on the lead guitar at 1:28 and 2:11 is still a bit on the harsh side, but it's a huge improvement over the first submission, and I'm really glad you were able to tighten up the performances and re-record those parts. All the other issues I mentioned in my previous review have been addressed, so I'm happy.

Not much else to say really - thanks for resubmitting!


  • DarkSim changed the title to 2022/12/10 - (1Y) Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*

i voted on the original one, calling out issues with synth selection, effecting, and some mastering bits.

right off the bat, this sounds a lot better. the lead is nowhere near as grating, the electric guitar sounds better, and the mix is smoother. it's a little over-panned for me, but it fits when everything's going. the lead at 1:28 and 2:11 is still very bright and highly resonant, but it's not as harsh as before. i noticed the strings in the background more this time as well - i really liked that.

2:26 when the rhythm guitar kicks up is great. it really has a great driving feel without being too heavy.

overall, i still think the resonant lead at 1:28/2:11 and the electric guitar lead are both too bright. they cut through the mix so clearly and are harsh to listen to. i would like to hear a filter put on those to bring down the top end of their freq range. i think that's a five-minute fix, though, so i am good with a conditional here. the rest of the mastering is nicely balanced, and the arrangement is still simple but enjoyable.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2022/12/10 - (1Y/1C) Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*

Intro still sounds strong, with the bass having nice presence. The warbly lead brought in from 1:26-1:45 still comes off piercing and overly loud to me. Then the guitar from 1:45-2:09 came in even louder and over the top, and seemed to steamroll the backing guitars and drums. Then more of the warbling lead from 2:09-2:28. Although the panning issues have been fixed, I still feel the mixing of the leads for a third of the track isn't ideal. However, the arrangement remains strong, and my issues with the mixing would be nice-to-have fixes rather than dealbreaker stuff, even though I'll definitely share my feedback with Kevin if this passes. I'm there, but I wish it wasn't a borderline YES due to EQing issues that could still be improved on rather than the full boat. :-)

EDIT (1/23/23): I sent over the votes, and Kevin was kind enough to knock out another pass at this. Odd note at 1:16 was mitigated, and the mixing was better than ever, with the piercing areas meaningfully dialed back. Able to revise my vote into the full YES!

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2022/12/10 - (2Y/1C) Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*
  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2022/12/10 - (3Y/1C) Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*
  • 4 weeks later...

There are definitely some balance issues here, warbly lead is on the loud/piercy side, guitar comes in too loud.  At 1:16 there is one wonky note, whoops.   But overall, what a lovely interpretation of this source.  Guitar performances are great, part-writing is good.  It's a sweet feel-good mix that makes me smile.


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04409 - *YES* Radical Dreamers "Treasure Beyond Dreams" *RESUB*
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