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hi djp & judges!
considering it's been like ten years since i submitted anything to ocr, i figured i needed a good reason to request that ya'll pllllease change that horrible picture of me that's up on my artist page. ❤️ (i've attached a replacement if that helps). THUS, i'm submitting a new remix~!
(i'm a bit rusty at this so lmk if i missed anything?)
Game Arranged: Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Song Arranged: Supper Woods
Composer: Lena Raine
Remix Title: dear wielder...
Remixer name: navi
Userid: 6328
Additional Musicians:
Ryan Buell (guitars) @rbuellmusic
Klopfenpop (assorted percussion) @klopfenpop
Please credit Ryan as a co-remixer, but keep Klopfenpop in the description only ❤️
About the Remix:
Chicory: A Colorful Tale is a coloring book RPG about artists antagonized by their feelings of inferiority - how your demons can be a greater foe than anything the world can throw at you. While art-making can often lead to the highest highs, it can also lead to blocks, stress, self-doubt, and emptiness. How do you grow through that, learn from it, and keep going?
I have the unfortunate joy of having my first attempts at musicmaking ~ nearly 20 years ago! ~ mummified on this site for the world to hear. Back then, i would blaze through ideas and move on without any real thought towards the sustainability of that practice. As i am very older now, i'm constantly working to balance and tame the more extreme natures of my creativity and its effects on my mental health (ie: how to properly harness a spark of inspiration and resolve it in a way that's both satisfying and healthy).
This song takes the themes (melodic and otherwise) presented in Chicory and reimagines them as an internal conversation between an artist and their idea: from the spark, to the doubt, to the flowstate, to the afterglow...an arc of inspiration and resolution~
or maybe it just a song. idk, take what you want from it. ❤️
anyways, have a good one!
ps: i didnt see anything on the submissions about file name formatting, so if i need to reup w/ a specific file name lmk?

intro has some fun bell-like stuff going on, and almost immediately gets some real funky filtering applied. at 0:40 what you might call 'the beat' hits, and the melodic content is a little too quiet to hear what's going on there, but it's still funky and fun to listen to.

there's a hard cut at 1:28 with some more heavy filtration. some real neat effects as a result are shown. this builds towards about 2:01, which has some neo-downtempo bass effects going on alongside a...heavily effected trash cymbal as a hi-hat and a tom as a snare? this is incredibly unique. what a neat soundscape.

this drops off again at about 2:32 and moreso at 2:41. there's an extended filter-heavy outro with some metallic, shimmery vox pads representing essentially the first real chord blocks in the entire track, and then a single recap to then initial bell tones in the original key to show how far you've gone.

this is amazing. the nuance to sustain such quiet energy without ever really using any traditional-sounding instruments is great, and the command demonstrated to handle all these filters with such careful gradation is impressive and repeatedly demonstrated.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2022/07/27 - (1Y) Chicory "Dear Wielder..."

What interesting sound design!  The minimalist approach highlights the timbre of each unique instrument and how they interact, two or three at a time.  It's not everyday listening fare, more like an art exhibit, when you're in the mood to really focus on what you're listening to.  Real high-concept stuff.  And getting a live guitarist was a great decision: Ryan really knows how to coax interesting sounds out of those instruments.

Rejecting this would be a crime.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2022/07/27 - (2Y) Chicory "Dear Wielder..."
  • 2 months later...

Hell of a source tune, Navi; this is probably my favorite Lena Raine compositionthat I've now heard. I love it and would love to hear it live in concert. :-) This definitely could have been direct posted for sure, as it's referencing the source practically all the time either with the melody or supporting writing.

Nice job giving this theme an otherworldly sound for quite a cool transformation.

The geetars by Ryan first brought in at :30 were silky smoove while also effected. Holy shit, what a groove too, with vocal beats stacked on top of the kicks.

At 1:28, everything dropped off, left with a lone pan flute-type thing with effects, then rebuilt with other lines gradually fading in. Then fuckin' warbles at 2:02, man, what??? Hahaha, I'm just loving this ride!

It feels like this track's a living, breathing organism. :-) I have no idea what lead to the sound design choices here, or what to call this genre, but it's super-creative and on point; you literally want to swim in this. At any point, this could have went super bombastic and it WOULD have made sense, yet Navi exercised restraint instead. Wow, awesome stuff, and a hell of a return here, in a remarkable collab with Ryan and Klopfenpop.

Never be ashamed, stay proud of your old gold too; look at where it's lead you, with a track in the here and now that you can sincerely point to as legendary. May you continue to grow musically and feel creatively satisfied yet thirsty to explore. I genuinely cannot wait to hear what else you've got cookin', and I'm just extremely proud of you. This is pro work. :-)


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2022/07/27 - (3Y) Chicory "Dear Wielder..."
  • 1 month later...

I totally love this one. It's right up my alley. Huge attention to sound design that creates an arresting, absorbing soundscape. The groove is deep and soulful to back it all up and drive the piece forwards with yet more intrigue and mystery. The rumbling bass at 2:03 was a fun addition, and I'm a big fan of incorporating rich synth basses into organic soundscapes like this.

Can we also take a moment to appreciate the transformation of the source, from a staccato, folky, jaunty number into... this. Quite a vision, pulled off with aplomb.

The live guitar sounds amazing, and the detail in the performance is great. The little slides and harmonics add so much. Unique percussion also goes a long way towards drawing the listener in, and adds replay value on subsequent listens.

Minor criticisms could be that the master feels a tad quiet to me - I've turned the volume up about 20% and it sounds a little better, but the mix balance still feels a little bit off. The filtered panflute sound in particular is very quiet when it's playing solo at 1:30. I understand it's a dynamic shift, but for me it's still too quiet there. The bass, while a great addition, could have used a bit of filtering in the mids to help it sit within the mix better.

Also (this is for Larry) the end cuts off prematurely before the last note has decayed all the way. Any chance we can get a new mixdown?

I've listened a good 5 or 6 times now, still not bored of it. Great work all round, get this on the front page!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04587 - *YES* Chicory "Dear Wielder..."
  • Liontamer locked this topic
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