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OCR04506 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Beginnings"

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Remixers: Emunator, Chimpazilla
Name: Beginnings
Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Sources: Title Theme (Primary), Lost Woods (Cameo)

Emunator Comments: "Keeping it simple" is not a virtue that comes naturally to me in any aspect of my life, but everything about this arrangement felt so easy. I took a simple source tune (which I didn't even listen to during the creation of this song, opting to recreate the track from memory) picked out samples and drums, and within 4-5 hours I had a full arrangement 90% done.

I showed it to Kristina, who had added a few finishing touches--specifically, the Lost Woods bell melody and bell countermelodies later on, the lush pad at the :52 mark, and some transition effects to tie everything together--within a day. I mixed everything together, she mastered it, and it was all done. Even the title (which she came up with in 30 seconds) is an exercise in simplicity. All said, there was collectively less than 10 hours of work done on this track over only 3 weeks, and I don't think the quality of the final product was compromised one bit.

I love working with Kristina so much, it feels like our creative synergy reaches new heights with each new track we work together on. I'm so grateful to have such a kind, creative, and talented partner in musical crime! :)

Chimpazilla Comments: I'm always so happy when Wes wants to do another collab!  "Beginnings" came together quickly and naturally.  Wes had written a simple yet lovely lo-fi remix in just a few hours, and he shared it with me.  I loved it! I felt like the track only needed a few subtle textures, some minor melody/countermelody work and finishing touches. I did my part in only a few hours, and everything fit together extremely well.  This track gives me confidence that Wes and I can put a lovely emotive track together much more quickly than ever before, and more collabs will be coming after this one!

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/06/15 - (1Y) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Beginnings"
  • 1 month later...

Fragments, indeed. This takes the hooks, primarily from the title screen theme, and mashes them up heavily. Going from memory instead of referencing the track was a great idea, as it let you create something that was unique and inherently memorable.

Lo-fi isn't really my thing (as with pretty much anything that's intentionally produced "badly"), but I recognize that this is done appropriately for the style.  It works.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/06/15 - (2Y) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Beginnings"
  • 4 weeks later...

yeah, in general, lofi's detuning techniques really get to me. i can't listen for very long.

the initial melodic hit at 0:26 is great. stylistically this sounds exactly like what i'd expect, and the little rainfall arps that drop down a few seconds later are just chef's kiss. adding in stripped-down lost woods melodic material later is also an excellent idea.

1:56's lead synth sounds incredible. what a perfect selection for the part.

there's some new chords for the first time at 2:47 as part of an outro, and it's done.

this sounds really solid. it's a unique, highly detailed take on two overused themes. excellent work.



  • prophetik music changed the title to 2023/06/15 - (3Y) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Beginnings"
  • 2 months later...

Mmm, this is so wistful and nostalgic. Takes me back to the first time I loaded the game and just watched the chill intro with Link riding Epona through Hyrule Field. The lofi aesthetic works for such a vibe, but it's not all detuned and crackly throughout - the melody lines are clear, and that lush pad at 0:52 is like breathing new life into those memories of the game we all have.

The instrumentation in the Lost Woods section sounds very, very similar to the instrumentation in Zora's domain in the game. Intentional or not, it's another connection to the game's roots that's in there for the listener to enjoy subconsciously.

Is that a bassoon at 1:55? Lovely choice of lead whatever it is, complemented nicely by the piano and bells. Outro moves back to the detuned, modulated piano and crackly lofi percussion to bookend the track.

If I'm being hyper-critical, I might change some of the distorted crackles and pops at the beginning of the track to sound a little softer, but other than that it's a delightfully rose-tinted look back at one of the all-time classics of gaming.


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/06/15 - *YES - TAG* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Beginnings"
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04506 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Beginnings"
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