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OCR04677 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom "Strange Abyss"

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The Depths are a very strange place in Tears Of The Kingdom. The vastness, the darkness and the strange flora feels like nothing before in the previous Zelda-title. The score of this area is more like a collection of experimental sounds and not music in the classic way. So I found it interesting to remix such a piece. My idea was to create an energetic breakbeat which interacts as a counterpart with the different moods. Most of the song consist of this ever changing beat, only at the end there are also some underlaying strings. Every sound or melody-bit in this remix is inspired by »The Depth« & »Dive To The Depths«. For me it was a very different remix style-wise and I tried hard not to fall into old habits with the composition.


1-8-23:  I messaged gaspode for a source breakdown, here is his reply.  ~Chimpazilla


I understand that it could be tricky to determine the exact percentage usage from the source-tunes because »The Depths« includes a lot of silence between the sound-hits and is more of an abstract soundscape.

I tried to remix the style of the source »The Depths« using echoes, piano-hits, a few reverse-effects and silence between them. Although this silence is now filled with a breakbeat. To reference the original I interpreted the sounds from the originals but at the same time used samples that sound similar.

For an easier check of the references listed below I uploaded the remix without the breakbeat. I hope this helps.

The following sounds might repeat in different positions of the source-tunes.
So I only use one timestamp of the material to reference them.


The Depths
(3:27, which contains about 48 seconds of silence)

Sound from 0:01 (deep bass)
used at


Sound from 3:17 (hit on steel?)
used at


Sound from 1:43 (more like a bell)
used at


4-note sequence at 2:29
used at


Sound from 0:28 (piano chords and single piano hits)
used at


Reverse from 0:59
inspired part at



Dive To The Depths
(1:48, but in fact a 0:50 loop, played twice, only with a changed ending)

Short melody from 0:00–0:02 (which is repeated through the whole song)
in different pitches and instruments
used at

1:29 (piano)
1:57 (piano)
2:18–2:30 (piano)
2:31–2:44 (piano)
2:59–03:11 (bell)
2:18–03:11 (strings/choir)

Flute melody from 0:08-0:14
used at


Viola melody from 0:17 and 0:22
used at

2:46 and 2:52

Bassflute (?) at 0:39

the tone sequence at 1:35



Hope this clears the things up a little bit.

Bye, Gaspode (Peter)


Games & Sources:

Name of game(s) arranged:
»The Legend Of Zelda – Tears Of The Kingdom«

Name of individual song(s) arranged:
»The Depths«, »Dive To The Depths« (Because there was no official release of the soundtrack, I took these names from the YouTube-videos.)

The Depths

Dive To The Depths

Posted (edited)

I love this mix so much!  I love the combination of sounds, the big filtered saw bass blast from "Depths" together with bells and mallets and the breakbeats.  Lots of ear candy, attention to detail, a few reverses here and there.  The composition is great, mixing and mastering are on point.  The foreboding vibe of the depths is captured perfectly here.  This mix is really well produced.  It is a wonderful listen!

But... aside from the big "Depths" bass blast, and the use of bells and mallets, a few piano notes, and the occasional trilly flute from "Dive," I cannot recognize any source.  I really want to YES this but I can't make out enough source.  Interested to see what other Js can come up with.  So far here is what I come up with.

At 1:45 there is motif from "Dive" (0:09 in source video), this is the first identifiable motif I come across in the arrangement.

At 2:45 I hear motif from "Dive" (0:17 in source video)

At 2:52 there is a four-note bit of motif from "Dive" (0:23 strings in source video).  

I know there are more snippets in here but they are cleverly buried.  The bass plays a motif here and there (for example the section starting at 0:55) but I can't tell if it is from either source or original. 

I am absolutely a super strong YES on this if we can identify enough source.  


edit 1-11-24:  With the breakdown gaspode provided, and reading Brad's words below, I am in agreement that the source is represented quite well enough, especially given that the primary source "Depths" is so non-melodic.  I would be so sad if this mix didn't make it onto the site for the reason of "not enough (melodic) source."  I'm giving this my blessing and can't wait to see it posted here.



Edited by Chimpazilla
  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2024/01/03 - (1?) Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom "Strange Abyss"

gonna just talk about source usage first and then get back to it from there.

within the first minute, the arrangement is primarily The Depths and it's...pretty conservative? the original is tons of space. if you drop the beats and the bass in this remix, it's basically what The Depths is for a minute solid. it just doesn't 'start' until the big bass fart at 0:28. i really like the inspired synth choice at 0:55 to pick something that sounds like the big bass blat while also sounding like the orchestral pizz plus air sound in Dive to the Depths at 0:39. this explores those sounds until about 1:30. Dive to the Depths has more melodic content, if you can call it that, and that starts around 1:30 in the remix. the primary elements from this original are the initial flourish in the piano, the flute at 0:08, and celli, and the orchestral pizz. those are used regularly in this remix after the 1:30 mark.

based on the writeup from Gaspode, and taking into account the volume of space in the originals as compared to how spread out the main elements of this remix are, i think this is enough. timestamping this would be silly due to the amount of not-music in the originals, so i think we need to err on the side of a more inspiration-based perspective. i think that there's a preponderance of the elements that made the originals unique represented in this remix. if anything, peter's intentional lack of transformation of the tones of the original elements helps make the correlations more clear than they would otherwise. this absolutely could have been farther out in left field and still been close enough for me.

regarding the remix itself - what a fun track. you do an excellent job retaining the mystery and space (and, dare i say, timelessness, that is, the lack of a feeling of time progressing) of the original remix. there's a ton of exploration here especially within the drum work that really does a great job of emphasizing and reinforcing the original elements. my only nits would be that i wished for the synths at the end to sustain a bit longer. i also think i'd have preferred a deeper, lower kick tone with more subbass content to help emphasize the name of the original. these are preferences however and do not affect my vote. you get a hearty approval from me, bravo.




  • DarkeSword changed the title to 2024/01/03 - Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom "Strange Abyss"
  • 2 weeks later...

Very interesting. I was pretty worried when I saw the source, since these minimalist BotW/TotK tracks are really hard to do anything with, but I think you pulled it off. It might be hard for a casual listener to identify if they haven't played TotK recently, but the connecting material is all there, and it's not hard to put together.

The arrangement itself is also pretty minimal, but it's filled with fun, energetic beats. Sounds great for what it is. There's still that feeling of emptiness, but with urgency. Nice work.


  • 1 month later...

based on the writeup from Gaspode, and taking into account the volume of space in the originals as compared to how spread out the main elements of this remix are, i think this is enough. timestamping this would be silly due to the amount of not-music in the originals, so i think we need to err on the side of a more inspiration-based perspective.

Yup, this tracks for me. Rests and negative space are a form of source usage, and that especially applies here. Love this source material and what you've done with it, it feels totally identifiable without having to bust out a stopwatch or a magnifying glass. The ramping intensity over time is palpable, even if you can't pinpoint exactly where exactly it picks up, which contributes to the feeling of unease that you were going for. Emptiness, but with urgency, is a great descriptor.


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04677 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom "Strange Abyss"
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