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The Unofficial OCReMix Album Art Competition


Well what's the deal?

Glad you asked! The question has come up time and time again: Does anyone have any OCReMix album art they use for their MP3 player? Often people post alittle something they made themselves in paint, or by cropping the logo, and sometimes people slap something in there on the spot. Now I know there's a metric ton of really talent artists here on the site, and it's time we all sat down and actually made some nice stuff.

The Idea!

The idea is to make an album art image for OCR. Something between 1000x1000 - 300x300, in PNG format.

Who is eligible?!

Everyone is free to enter* and can submit as many entries as they like, as long as they are recieved before the deadline.

The Tools!

You can use any which what tools to make your album art. Corel Paint, Photoshop, MS Paint, Paintshop Pro, Maya, I really don't care, as long as it falls under resolution guidelines.

Two things that'll help you out a lot:

What should my album art have?

Anything. It can really have anything you want on it (that's not blaintantly offense). I just include the logo and the font for anyone who wants to use them. You are in no way bound to including either, but remember you ARE be judged by your peers and that including or excluding such things could effect your chance of winning.

Your album art can be hand drawn, painted, digitally recreated, photo-manipulated, photography, abstract, pixelart, minimalistic, aqua, aero, I reallyyy don't care. As long as it's an original piece of work and has "OverClocked ReMix", or something similiar, somewhere on it.

Submissions, Deadline, Voting, ETC

I'm setting the deadline for this competition to VALENTINE'S DAY. That means I want submissions in by Febuary 14, 2007 00:00 EST.

Submissions will be sent via email to sgtrama [at] thasauce.net, with your albumart ATTACHED TO THE EMAIl, and any information I'll need to know to actually be able to identify you.

The voting period will last exactly 2 weeks after the deadline, and will be decided by popular vote via PMing me here.

Guidelines for this thread

There a few things I'd like to ask people do consider when posting in this thread out of common courtesy:

  • You are free, and encouraged, to post your WIPs here, but I'd appreciate it that if your image is more than 500x500 pixels, if you would use a thumbnail image.
  • When quoting someone else's post that contains an image, PLEASE change the IMG tag to a URL tag. It takes a whole 3 seconds


You are encouraged to share your source images (PSDs, etc) so that other can use your version of the logos, etc, for other things in the future like wallpapers, winamp skins, forum skins, blah dee blah. At some point I would like an organize a sort of OverClocked ReMix Artist's Guild where we can compair and share images and references so we can all make all kinds of cool OCR stuff with easy.

*Except Eon :o


I've also been looking for OCR album art to put on my iTunes. Right now I have a low resolution cropped image of the logo that appears on the main site. So I went ahead and made a high rez version. I couldn't find good reference pics, so I photographed my own headphones, shopped it a bit, and here's the result. Hope many will use it in their mp3 players. Suggestions are welcome


I used the OCR font for the text that says OCR... I just found that funny.


What you might want to do with this, which has big potential:

Make "album art" for the most-remixed games on this site, like Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger wailing on guitar, everybody doing their own thing... whatever. My project, we're trying to get our album art like that. Magus is on guitar with Seph, Bowser's on drums, ganon=base, wily's on keyboard (Which is layed around the rim of the skulker), whatever...

Hey, just a thought, for when this's done.

  • 3 weeks later...

Rama, is it possible that you can send the two you made with the controls but larger to me? Like fits-exactly-on-A4-size :)

If you have any other like it, send em over too! )

I'm thinking about doin' some shirts with your version of the logo on it, is that cool? (I'm gonna buy from estarland too ;P but I'm waiting for hoodies..)

Rama, is it possible that you can send the two you made with the controls but larger to me? Like fits-exactly-on-A4-size :)

If you have any other like it, send äem over too! )

I'm thinking about doin' some shirts with your version of the logo on it, is that cool? (I'm gonna buy from estarland too ;P but I'm waiting for hoodies..)

The RAR has as big as you can get from me for now...especially since my HD just recently died and the original files are gone.


FIX: Unofficial

Yes, please fix.

Also: Entries recieved, don't expect me to get around to putting anything up until AT LEAST Friday, though. This is a BAD BAD week for school. EXCELLENT stuff, though. Even better than I could've hoped for.

  • 5 years later...

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