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OCR04705 - *YES* Deltarune, Undertale & Don't Starve Together "Berdly Unleashed"

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Artist Name: Spad3s

I cannot believe I haven't submitted this one yet! A Smart Race remix turned deltarune medley, with a heavy focus on smart race. One of my best remixes I think, constantly evolving and staying interesting and throwing motifs and genres at you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! :D

I always enjoy taking VGM and turning into other genres :)

Games & Sources


Smart race



Pandora Palace


Chaos King




Don't starve together

Don't starve together main theme - this one really isn't noticeable in any way unless you're a die hard fan of SPECIFICALLY the theme, but the last piano part of the remix uses the chords from the theme :) thought it was worth a mention.

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2024/02/20 - Deltarune, Undertale & Don't Starve Together "Berdly Unleashed"

starts out with an absolutely slammajamma'd version of smart race. it's really loud. there's surprisingly little bass content as well. the sidechaining is so strong so as to be distracting. i didn't hear berdly (but it's close to smart race so maybe i missed it) and then it's quickly into queen. pandora's palace hits at 0:55 i think, and we're already through at least three tracks before a minute's done. there's finally a break at 1:23 that's so fast that i can't really hear what's going on, and it gets intentionally muddier as it goes along, 

1:50 is big shot, with a recap of pandora's palace intermixed. this is pretty intense through here and very loud again. we get some more recap material at 2:30 with the same instruments that they showed up with the first time around. there's another filtered break at 2:54 and again it blows through some recap material quickly before berdly finally shows up in the piano at the end. i didn't catch cyber's world and the megalovania and don't starve references are short enough i don't think we'd bother registering them.

this is...really loud! it's so sidechained and compressed it's hard to hear what's going on in some places. but i'll admit the way that the themes are interwoven near the end are really slick. there's some fun call and response stuff that i really enjoyed, and the pace overall of the track is solid. i think that the arrangement is good and the mastering is good enough (i believe my response to it is more personal preference than actual issue since everything can be heard pretty well). so i'll call this a yes.




  • 1 month later...

Well, this isn't fooling around, right out of the gate! No introduction, just straight into the main hook. So loud and spectrum-full that my moodbar visualizer is almost pure white. Very Gario-like electronica riffs, which is high praise. Then a break for some sped-up Pandora's Palace, harpsichord and all. Cop-out use of static as a transition, then an electronica version of Pandora's palace; it was an odd and unfortunate decision to have a weak transition when only the palette and not the source tune were changed. Then the finale: a hectic mashup of what sounds to me like every track on the source list, an 8-bit breakdown, and a bookend to finish off... or so I thought, until I discovered there were 30 seconds of piano solo at the end, for some reason.

There's a lot going on here, but it's pretty much all good. The soundscape is busy as hell, but it's barely muddy at all; there are only a few arps I'm losing, which I think includes the Cyber's World theme, but there's some stereo separation applied to help with that. Tons of sources, but this isn't remotely close to a medley. I think the use of the static transition was a shame, and the piano ending didn't add anything to the piece, but the weaknesses are few. Nice job.


Posted (edited)

Wow, this thing slams onto the scene, doesn't it? Gotta respect the Birdly opening into the Queen's theme, they blend perfectly (shouldn't be a surprise since the Queen's theme makes short, motivic cameos in the smart race track, as well). It's pedal to the metal all the way through, but it doesn't ever get boring in the slightest - it keeps ya guessing all throughout the track, with all those cameo themes. Definitely keeps it's own identity consistent throughout, with that Birdly theme really acting like the glue to keep it all together. There's an argument to be made that the piano section at the end doesn't quite fit and sounds more like a different song starting, but honestly it doesn't bother me.

Did I mention this is loud? This is LOUD. There's a lot going on in the background of this track which gets lost in the mix - did anyone even notice the fantastic trumpet work going on in the background at 0:55, for example? I sure didn't until going back in the arrangement. It would've been to this track's benefit to remix this so that every element is salient in the arrangement (I should know, I have the same issues in my own, as DjP once called it, maximalist music), but there's certainly an appeal to having the elements in the front really blasting in the front of the mix, too. You gain some, but you lose some, too, and I think what was lost is a shame.

Not that I think that means this shouldn't be on the front page, because it definitely should be on the front page. When the biggest complaint is that we can't hear all the cool shit going on in the background as well as we'd like, that's not necessarily a bad issue to have. Nice work!


Edited by Gario
  • 3 weeks later...

Rad. I'm impressed by how much clarity you maintain in your mix, despite everything being pushed to the limits. I don't necessarily feel like everything is clearly audible (the orchestral elements are definitely mixed on the quiet side) but I also don't find that the marginalized elements contribute a great deal of mud that obscures the main focus, which is very clearly on bass, synths, and drums. That's an achievement in and of itself, this could have easily become a total mess. The parts that are in focus are razor-sharp and delightfully engaging all the way through, and you cycle through a number of sources with fluidity as well. Not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but I love it. Rock on!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04705 - *YES* Deltarune, Undertale & Don't Starve Together "Berdly Unleashed"
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