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  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion, your remix seems to be coming from a few too many directions. You've got some smooth jazz sounds, some turntables, some synth use that could pass for techno influence if it were faster, etc.

I think the mix would be improved as a whole if you found one particular style that you wanted to do the mix in and then stuck with that. You might even be able to come up with a creative way to start in one style and transition into another as a sort of coda to the piece.

And, on a slightly related note, since you're working on MMX3, any chance you'd take a stab at Vile's Theme?


Yeah, I've already thought of just havin this mix be all jazzy like the beginning so I'll definitely do that now. As for Vile's theme, I really don't know how I could remix that. If I could come up with ideas I'd have an attempt, but I doubt that'd be anytime soon. Thanks for suggestions.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I've completely changed the song after the intro. Its all done in a jazzy style (or what I hope sounds like jazz). The Tunnel rhino theme is no longer there and the Gravity beetle theme isn't just a cameo anymore.

There isn't an ending part yet because I wanted to concentrate on making this initial part good enough, which I doubt it is yet. Same link

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i would like to comment on your creativity. this is very well done and it sounds great. its very interpretive, and the lack of any one style does it great credit.

but to be sure, i dont like it.

keep working on this. Despite my tatse which will not allow me to enjoy this, i would like to hear the final result very much.


Thanks for comments. I'm glad its interpretive, thats what remixing is all about.

I've adjusted volumes some more, improved the transition to the Zero theme and added bass to the Zero theme (I'm not too sure about this added). Plus other little things that I'm forgetting.


Wow, you're good with the piano, whether its simulated or not :D. Which samples are you using btw?

Plus, I like how it changes, its what makes this song extra cool - there's several songs on OCR that change their styles, so you don't HAVE to refine it to one style.


I used a keyboard to do all this so its the Grand piano sample off of that. Thanks for the compliment.

No more major improvements can be done to this any more, I don't think, so I'll probably only have one more update to try and master things.

I used a keyboard to do all this so its the Grand piano sample off of that. Thanks for the compliment.

No more major improvements can be done to this any more, I don't think, so I'll probably only have one more update to try and master things.

Yeah there's only a certain point where you can edit your work before it turns into garbage, I've done that before lol.


uhhh I'm sure there are plenty of things you can do to improve this. The intro really doesn't make any musical sense even under the pretense of it being "jazzy". You have a ride playing a swing rhythm that no other instrument seems to follow, even the rest of the drum kit, which seems to be playing a sort of hip-hop beat. The piano and the lead seem to be playing in two different keys. And you have instruments panning all of the place in a way that doesn't really make sense (the sax). This isn't a solo piano piece, the piano should be in one place and stay there (in the intro the lower notes are panned to the left and the higher notes are panned to the right but after that the entire piano is panned to the right?)

The parts after the intro sound much better, though they feel just as aimless. There isn't really a sense of one part beginning and another part ending, one just bleeds into the other. Also the comping is pretty weak. And you have too many instruments playing over top of each other so it is hard to tell which one is supposed to be followed. One thing you could work on is the drums, instead of having them just play a single looping pattern, make them actually play along with the music. Use fills to lead into the different sections, etc. I'm not going to go on about sample quality because I think you should work on the composition first...

uhhh I'm sure there are plenty of things you can do to improve this. The intro really doesn't make any musical sense even under the pretense of it being "jazzy". You have a ride playing a swing rhythm that no other instrument seems to follow, even the rest of the drum kit, which seems to be playing a sort of hip-hop beat. The piano and the lead seem to be playing in two different keys. And you have instruments panning all of the place in a way that doesn't really make sense (the sax). This isn't a solo piano piece, the piano should be in one place and stay there (in the intro the lower notes are panned to the left and the higher notes are panned to the right but after that the entire piano is panned to the right?)

The parts after the intro sound much better, though they feel just as aimless. There isn't really a sense of one part beginning and another part ending, one just bleeds into the other. Also the comping is pretty weak. And you have too many instruments playing over top of each other so it is hard to tell which one is supposed to be followed. One thing you could work on is the drums, instead of having them just play a single looping pattern, make them actually play along with the music. Use fills to lead into the different sections, etc. I'm not going to go on about sample quality because I think you should work on the composition first...

I was hoping for a reply like this since I had no clue what to do next. Now I've got lots to do. Thanks, I'll take my time and try and sort things out.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, my first attempt at making the new improvements. I tried to improve on most of the things mentioned.

I even tried fixing the off-key part but, with my lack of musical knowledge I couldn't, so its the same as last time. Doesn't neccesarily clash does it?

Still other things to iron out.


The percussion instuments used are rather... bland. Especially the kicks and high hats. I'm not sure about trying to throw in so many "cameos" of other themes, I can't really pick them out. The saxes don't sound to bad, at some parts it even sounds as if someone's playing (the soprano).

I'm actually having a hard time picking out the source for this. It sounds cool and all, but I don't recognize anything. Your own playing is awesome, you deserve that, at least.

I'd say improve the quality of the percussion. Besides that, it's not bad, considering what's you're using. Oh, that brass sounds kinda... out of place. Maybe a better sounding brass sample/soundfont.



Update. I've just done some basic things to improve the sound of the sax and increased the volume of the electric piano that plays the melodies for the first half of the song. Makes a significant difference though. Gives more "energy" to the song

I'll look into improving percussion for the next update although thats definitely one of my (and my keyboard's) many weaknesses.

Hmmm, I'm surprised you can't pick out the source tunes.

Blizzard Buffalo stage: 0:00 - 0:42 and again at 2:22 - 2:32

Gravity Beetle stage: 0:49 - 1:50

Zero's theme (very different, though): 3:09 - 3:49

Not sure how I can make them more obvious besides the Zero theme.


Believe me, I'm a big Mega Man fan, especially of the X series. I wasn't able to pick out anything at all. Maybe Blizzard Buffalo's theme.... But barely. I'm sure YOU can pick them out, no problem. I'm not hearing Gravity Beetle's theme at all. I caught Zero's this listen though.

To tell the truth, it doesn't sound too much different from last time. Maybe that's just me.



Yeah, I didn't actually change the arrangement thats why you can't see a difference. Just technical things.

About not recognising the Gravity beetle tune... its probably 'cause its a much slower tempo, with notes taken out and changed. I thought it would be good to make it fit with the genre more. Its a remix after all.

As for percussion, I really don't have any other samples for jazz on the keyboard. I'm gonna to figure out another of improving them. Any suggestions anyone?


Update. I've given most of the song more of a swing feel now. Works particularily well with Buffalo Blizzard part I think. The beat definitely sounds more jazzy imo. I'd let to get my opinion confirmed though. Is this a good change?


Wow this is really good, the bass and the trumpets are my favorite parts ^_^. The only thing that seems wrong to me is the drums at the start, they seem to clash a bit with the melody, kinda like they're slightly off tempo. Believe me I've been there, it's a real pain in the ass when it comes to getting the drums to fit in perfectly with the melody, hell, I still have trouble with doing so today. Tis a learning process :)

Other then that, this remix is damned near OC remix material V dog. And BTW post that Fire Emblem song you made, I think THAT's already OC material :-D. Good luck and happy remixing.


In a way, its supposed be a bit off-time to give it a swing feel. However I could be completely wrong thats why i need feedback.

As for that other mix, I'll run it through the WIP boards before I think of submitting. I doubt its that good yet.

Edit: Minor update. I just noticed I didnt give enough of a swing feel to the Buffalo melody. Thats fixed now. Should be in time with the beat.

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