Strati Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 All right, people, I'm fully willing to host this motherfucker to get this show on the road. I'd have to drop out, but there's a lot of people interested in this, so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Quote
Horseboy Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 Alright, I will level with you all. I have no time right now to host this shindig. I would be so much more inspired if the original people who wanted in would have sent me their lists, then it would have been different.Sorry, but I can't host this right now. If someone else does aim me fast and I will send the lists I have. As expected > Quote
Strati Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 All right, the mewtation is now in control. Now, here's the thing. You have exactly ONE week to get your lists to me. Well, maybe I'll be a little generous, I'll give you an extra seventy-three minutes. You have until MIDNIGHT, Wednesday 18 July 2007, Eastern Standard Time, to EMAIL your lists to me. I check my email a hell of a lot more than I check OCR, so there., if you didn't know it already. Make the sure the subject contains something about the Pokémon tournament, so I know what it's about, and include your username too so I know who you are. There will be no exceptions on the list deadline, because this mofo's been delayed over, what, a month now? Same rules Arek set up apply, same Pokémon are banned, and I expect no hackeds. Now, I would still like to participate in this tournament, so I've got two suggestions. First one, what if, in the brackets, I would be a phantom participant. As in, I would move up as well, but whoever I played would also get a valid participant. I wouldn't compete for standing, just for honors, and I couldn't win the thing. Second suggestion, I would bare my entire Pokémon, item, and movelists here, and participate as normal. Or something you could suggest that I haven't even thought of yet. What do you think? Quote
Oddllama Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 I'm still down for this. Heheh, I spent this extra time actually EV training my team... thought I'd have to go in "naked" previously. Quote
Strati Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Got NeoForte's and Horseboy's lists. Horseboy, I need your hold items on the list. Arek, if you're lurking this thread, send me the lists you've got; it'll make this a bit easier. I'm not kidding: Wednesday midnight. Quote
Strati Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I've still got only two lists, and you've got five hours. This is going to be a pretty boring tournament with only three people. Arek never sent me the lists HE had. Quote
Horseboy Posted July 18, 2007 Posted July 18, 2007 I guess people don't want to play anymore because they realized this might really gonna happen and they're scared of losing. Also, this is pointless if there's only 3 people. If no one else signs up, I'm not doing this. Quote
Strati Posted July 18, 2007 Posted July 18, 2007 Got five lists so far: NeoForte Horseboy cobaltstarfire Drack Majin_GeoDooD Some people have asked nicely, so I've extended to Sunday midnight. Three more days. Oh, and you can PM your lists to me now, I'm in the habit of checking my PMs more often. Quote
Oddllama Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 You bet I'll still be sending mine. Heh, but always at the last minute. ',:^) Quote
Oddllama Posted July 23, 2007 Posted July 23, 2007 I submitted my list. Did you? If not, get on it. Quote
Strati Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Got it, Llama-man. Signups are over and participants are: NeoForte Horseboy cobaltstarfire Drack Majin_GeoDooD Ayres Oddllama Mewtation Am I missing anyone? Anyway, I'll BS some opponents together and send them out. And I'll send my list to those playing me, so it's fair. Quote
Strati Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Battles are set. Drack 2749-7572-0013 Ayres 1246 5188 1796 cobaltstarfire 3823-4992-4310 Majin_GeoDooD 4081-2073-0458 Horseboy 2406 1680 9601 NeoForte 1590-1512-6453 Oddllama 1890-7731-5803 Mewtation 4210-0473-2447 I'll drop PMs and emails and shit around when I get a chance. Might be tonight, might be tomorrow. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 Arrr I've got this urge to draw brackets of brackety doom, but I wont... Also, how is the final battle going to be handled? Anything special or no? I also noted that there will have to be a bye *somewhere* in the brackets how's that being handled? I lied and played around with it on paint, and just gave whoever loses in the winners semi finals a "bye" in the losers bracket. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 First battle is over. Cobalt beat me pretty nicely ;D Biggest lol moment was at the start when we both came out with the same pokemon ;x Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 Arrr, now we gets ta twiddle our thumbs till every one else finishes! *waits on round 2* Quote
Strati Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 cobalt suggested I do this in the thread since we saw how well sending individual lists out was. --------------------------------------- Drack 2749-7572-0013 -Ninjask -Togekiss -Rhyperior -Starmie -Magnezone -Garchomp -Salamence -Gyarados -Electivire -Tyranitar v. Ayres 1246 5188 1796 -Garchomp -Tyranitar -Aggron -Dragonite -Scyther -Ampharos ----------------------------------------- cobaltstarfire 3823-4992-4310 -Vaporeon -Flygon -Luxray -Torterra -Weavile -Leafeon -Charizard -Gastrodon -Staraptor -Lucario v. Majin_GeoDooD 4081-2073-0458 -Exeggutor -Kingdra -Gyarados -Porygon-Z -Typhlosion -Staraptor -Magnezone -Weavile -Vaporeon -Tangrowth ----------------------------------- Horseboy 2406 1680 9601 -Snorlax -Lapras -Zapdos -Infernape -Alakazam -Luxray -Scizor -Tyranitar -Venusaur -Salamence v. NeoForte 1590-1512-6453 -Torterra -Gastrodon -Luxray -Drifblim -Garchomp -Masquerain -Gardevoir -Breloom -Crawdaunt -Cradily --------------------------------- Oddllama 1890-7731-5803 -Swampert -Scizor -Blaziken -Sceptile -Spiritomb -Zapdos -Torterra -Blastoise -Smeargle -Weavile v. Mewtation 4210-0473-2447 -Roserade -Vespiquen -Froslass -Tentacruel -Houndoom -Milotic -Absol -Ludicolo -Shedinja -Toxicroak Also, we're using cobalt's bracket because it rocks and it works. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Yeah I should probably post it so you all can actually see it! Yay brackets are happy fun time...or something. I'm just going to keep editing the same image, so uh...I'm only posting this once. Don't forget to refresh for results Quote
Drack Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Majin gets a free pass to the final? Imo he should be worked in as early as possible. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Majin gets a free pass to the final? I do? It's just the losers bracket.. double elimination tournament.. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 And I lose at reading charts. It's okay Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted August 5, 2007 Posted August 5, 2007 *pokes everyone to see if they're alive* Quote
NeoForte Posted August 5, 2007 Posted August 5, 2007 I'm alive, just waiting for Horseboy to feel better so we can battle. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted August 5, 2007 Posted August 5, 2007 What about everyone else? C'mon people.. battle! Quote
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