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So, I've tried to make several mixes of corneria over the years...and they've all sucked. But I've decided to change that. This is a new round with the song - and I'm going to do it right.

This is a tranceish take on the tune - and I need help.

EDIT: nearly complete but not quite there test version is done - what do you think of the vocals?

Also, I turned the overall volume down. It WAS really loud...XD. Added a new, different, better second chorus... it doesn't loop! (kinda)

v1: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/edbp/corneriaremix_42

v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nlod/corneriaremix_5

v3: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/eioo/corneriaremix_6

v4: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nqet/corneriaremix_7

vfinal: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/qkwf/corneriaremix_9


the intro synths and hi hat don't sound the greatest but once the song gets going it isn't too bad

i guess one thing about the arrangement is after the source finishes in the first half the song sort of wanders off into a developing section mostly unrelated to the source that goes on too long. and in the last section it sounds like a piano comes in and plays the melody...it might be a good idea to give that more presence as a contrast to the harsh synths. other than that i can't think of anything else that wouldn't just be nitpicking.


new and improved v2 is out.

fixed some issues with sound, added some more synths (especially at the beginning),

added more concrete references to the main theme during the "slow section" and brought out the piano at the end.

also added a reverse kick during the middle part - I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep it or not.

Well, here it is. Tell me what you think!

v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nlod/corneriaremix_5


I really love the ambience in the beginning part when that synth is playing the intro melody (00:14). Nice drum beat during the part after that it's really got the style of the song, (00:45) but it should probably be toned down a little, it's overpowering the melody a bit. (1:45) I like the gating here, nice job. (3:00) Nice creepy part here. Piano was perfect here. Overall this is a great mix, I really like the style, and you kept it moving too. Very nice job, I enjoyed listening to this.


Ya this is pretty cool.

I think it woulda been neat if you coulda mixed the original and the N64 themes together but overall thi is a pretty sweet track! Is it finished or you still adding more?


wow, thanks for all the comments!

As for your question, I am pretty much finished adding instruments.

However, in this new version I added some vocals from the game in the intro -but I'm feeling very uneasy about them. Do you like them? I can't decide whether to keep them or not.

Besides that issue, the mix is pretty much done.

Next version will be submission ready - hopefully.

Let 'er rip!

v3: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/eioo/corneriaremix_6


You should totally call this "Barrel Roll" hehe

I actually dont think the vocals sound bad at all... especially since you distorted them... It gives it a feel that isn't very distracting from the rest of the mix.

Who all was in that beginning part? I know I heard Fox...

I still say it sounds great but I wonder if its "developed" enough for being approved as an OCReMix. They could say it seems repetitive... and without bass on my speakers its really hard to properly tell you what I think of this mix without having to download it, put it on a CD and listen to it elsewhere :P

EDIT: I wonder how voices would sound throughout the song and not just the beginning... kinda make it feel like you are progressing in the stage... use different quotes, obviously... but just as a continuity thing


That was actually really good. Most people coming in with their first mix sound godawful but this is a very well done techno mix. My only problem was the beginning synths are a little too overpowering, but other than that it was greatness in a bottle. Good luck with submission!


Man I'm loving your stuff PrototypeRaptor. Your Red Alert 2, Hell's March arrangement impressed the hell out of me, and it's nice to see you create some very interesting and varied trance, to boot.

I really do hope you join the ranks of OC ReMixers soon! You have it in you, I honestly believe.

Anyway, onto the arrangement: well, I thought the voices at the beginning of the track were perfect. It's always fitting at the beginning of trance tracks for vocals to kind of 'intro' the song, at least, that's how I feel. Placement at the beginning of the song IMO would be the best.

At 6'15", the track is interesting enough throughout. One very minor note I'll point out though, is that, it sounded like the primary synth carrying the melody (e.g. the one heard at 4:18 onwards until around 5:40), appeared a tiny little repetitive. But then again, it's a matter of taste, and I could very easily listen to the song for a longer length. But I just noticed it.

Otherwise, I'm loving your work! Hope you can make it sound even greater, lookin' forward to the finished product.


just a little thing about the vocals samples in the intro, it might sound better if you could put them together in a way that they sounded cohesive, preferably all the same person saying them. right now it sounds too much like you have taken voice samples from different characters at random

also holy crap this song is loud


alright, I took some of your advice and I'm back with a new version.

There are new vocals at the beginning - I tried to make them "fit," rather than just being little random clips.

There is also a new vocal section after the chorus with Andross (I'm thinking of cutting this...he's just too hard to understand) and a short clip of Fox's dad before the final chorus.

I also reduced the overall volume because, yes, it was LOUD.

So, I'm sorry to keep bugging you all, but, what do you think?

Oh, and something messed up when I exported the file - cut off the ending "ring"... don't worry, I'll fix it for the next version.

v4: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nqet/corneriaremix_7


Is that Andross after the "Aah! I'm hit!" if it is then you're right, all I'm getting out of that is " lie long in migi airforg quog" And I doubt that's what he's saying. You really should have "do a barrel roll" thrown in there somewhere, if that's the title you're keeping. It would fit right after the enemy group behind us line.

The other andross (or whatever) is also much too hard to understand.

I like the addition of voices though, make you part of their universe in a way. You could probably submit this now and see what they say, (cut the hard to understand parts though) Unless there's anything else you think you should clean up... Good luck!

P.S. An ending would be nice to, what you have now is fine, but it needs time to fade out.


I think it sounds good... I didn't notice a big change between the last version and this one except the addition of voices.

Ya Slippy's infamous line needs to be somewhere in there... we know he's a looser so we dont need "Ahh I was hit!" Just replace that line with "Do a barrel roll" haha

I kinda liked the distortion on the last version... maybe add a slight distortion to the currant voices?

And Andross is indeed to hard to understand but thats mostly 'cus he wasn't exactly crystal clear in the N64 to begin with :P

I'd say change up the vocals in the midway section... they seem kinda spaced out and random (I'm also really really sleepy and only heard this version once). I think overall I'm wishing this had more of a breakbeat in the song but that wouldn't be very trance.

I do agree that there needs to be a bit more of an "ending"

Sounds good, I'd try to submit it and see what the judges have to say after your next version


Oh hey! shit, forgot it was Peppy! XD

I havn't played the game in SOO long!

I actually laughed a 'lil bit when he said it... The intro is good with the dialog now I think... evereything seems to flow.

Ending seemed to work out better and yay for volume increse!

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