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  • 1 month later...

I cant believe no one has replied to this mix at all.Ok i'm mot to familiar with the source material but your piano work is great.Easilly the best quallity kingdom hearts i've heard around here.Although there isint much in the way of competition for KH here at ocr.The mix is nice,has a moving melody, and it lasts for 6 min.

I hope you make more kingdom hearts mixes like this one in the future.


I agree, I can't believe this hasn't gotten more interest. Guess everyone's busy deciding whether they love or hate the Voices of the Lifestream album. This is some of the best piano work I've heard in a long while, bar none. There are points when I almost believe it's live, though because of the speed of certain area's I have to believe it's not. Still though, I remember the source material, but vaguely, either way, this is awesome. I don't really see where I can critique it. Little more humanization, perhaps a few leveling tweeks in a few minor areas and this should be good to go. Well done thus far.


It needs some more humanization is some parts, but you've mentioned that. The biggest issue I see with this mix is the file size is way past the OCR limit of 6 megs, which is instant NO, regardless of mix quality. The other issue is length. It really just goes on and on, and for a dueling piano arrangement, unless you are super into pianos, it's going to get really boring.

The bonus here is that by trimming some of the fat on this track, you'll get the file size down as well.

The final issue is the level of intensity, which is at maximum or near-maximum for the entire seven-and-a-half minutes. This is also causing me to zone out while listening. It needs to be varied; have some of the sections played softer. I realize this is supposed to be a battle, but the concept of pacing isn't applied as well as it should be. Check out a Jackie Chan fight scene and notice how even in high intensity fights, there are little breaks here and there for a joke or some dialogue, or to give a location shot of a new area where they will resume their fighting. On the other hand, in the matrix sequels, it was nonstop action throughout with no time to breathe, and it just was too much; and eventually people got desensitized to everything happening.

Otherwise it's a good mix, with some cool ideas added.


You know, while I agree that it has to be humanized more, that really doesn't bother me too much. All of the patches are really good and, yes it is a bit long, I really enjoy the mix. It's still faithful to the original (which was a good choice IMO) while still being creative.

It could be a bit shorter (sorry, I know, mentioned before), but I can still listen to the whole thing front-to-back and enjoy it.

I don't think that that helped anything, but I hope that it gave you a bit of confidence here :) This mix deserves more attention!

  • 1 month later...

wow...this is crazy piano writing :D, I gotta agree with OA though, it is a bit on the long side, I don't really agree with the humanization though, it seems convincing enough. Woulda fooled me if some one said it was a real recording >_>, but that coming from some one who isn't near being posted doesn't really constitute as solid advice ;) so ye be warned, I could be seriously wrong. But I felt I had to give my 2 cents, so there u go.

Great stuff man; hope to see more of your work/other projects of yours soon :)

Ohhh, u did that Killer Instinct song :) in 2004 - good chance you'll get posted again then mate; though the judges are a bit more anal these days hehe.

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