skulkrusha Posted June 7, 2004 Posted June 7, 2004 Are there any standardization rules you guys have figured out? Since theres no means of telling what means what on the lines is what as far as I know. (image) Here's my 128-140 tempo change. Hehe, I would have assumed the lines would have started at the bottom, but nope. They are up in the air meaning wherever it starts is where 128 is. Does that make sense? Yep, the lower the bars, the lower the tempo. You can go from 10 to 999 on that. Also, it says on the hint bar (under File, Edit etc.) what the value being changed to is. There's a whole section in the help file dedicated to improving CPU and memory performance under the "Troubleshooting" section, if you want a look. The Beast(image) There it is. The thing is, if you go exploring in there, you'lle find no soundcard but ndvidia onboard sound. I'm not really sure what I'm getting by on exactly Another way to improve performance is to get an APG soundcard, rather than the onboard sound. FL will utilize whatever DirectSound or ASIO drivers that are on it, and reduce some of the strain on your system.
Biosyn Posted June 7, 2004 Posted June 7, 2004 Can anyone help me with making good DnB basslines or those fat sharp synths? You know, the ones that go like "whoawowowowow wheawewewewew"
skulkrusha Posted June 8, 2004 Posted June 8, 2004 You might want to ask that in either Synthesis 101 or VST/DX Requests; it's not really FL-specific.
MasamunE Posted June 8, 2004 Posted June 8, 2004 Thanks again skull, the realization of the parameters being in listed clearly in the hint bar helps the world over. Thanks everyone. I feel 3 times as powerfull now. Some kind of automation calamity, if you will. Editing Samples Anyone familiar with editing samples in FL? Just a quick question then. Im having trouble fine tuning homebrewed samples to being worthy of useage. Here's an example. (129kb, dont save target) I'm having problems getting rid of that clip at the begining of each fire. Cropped a few times, but it seems it allwayes stays. Any tips? Looks like remove DC offset might have had a small effect, but not much. Cut is set to just 2-2. Any tips on making quality loops too within the samples? Like what I should be looking for when placing the start and end. And any tips on the best ways of making it a more quality sample? I think just adding reverb to this would be kinda cheasy attempt to make it blend more. Should this be something I should do within the sample editor, before giving it a volume envelope? And the last thing I can think of, is are there ways to control the samples speed. If I'm making a vox sample for say, it would be a lot slower on the low notes than the high ones, and would sound really junky. My guess is that this is controlled by setting good loop points, but I haven't been too succesful. Wish there was a search within these 91 pages of FL. I hope my Spaceways remix won't have to settle for that being its lead, hehe.
Gamebro Posted June 8, 2004 Posted June 8, 2004 I admit my noobhood, and ask the great masters a question. After I save a midi file into a wav or mp3 in fruity, the sound file has absolutly no sound in it... It saves a blank music file. I looked at the wav file in goldwave, and indeed, fruity saved no data into the wav.. What am I doing wrong? I can hear the music play in fruity, but I can't hear anything when saved into mp3 or wav.
skulkrusha Posted June 9, 2004 Posted June 9, 2004 First, MIDI isn't audio; it's a standard that allows MIDI devices to communicate with each other. Presumably you want the GM MIDI sounds to be rendered. Load up a Fruity LSD in an FX channel in the mixer (doesn't matter which channel, although if there's any effects after the LSD, it'll render with those effects), and change the port number in the top right corner of the LSD to the same as your MIDI Out channels. MasamunE: That "clip" you're talking about is probably a result of you cutting and cropping it. You could get rid of it with some use of FL's built-in volume envelope. Under the INS tab of the sampler channel, either click the LED at the top left of the volume envelope or adjust one of the controls to turn it on. I suggest changing the attack slightly, but don't make it too slow. I suggest using reverb on just about everything, as it really does make it sound more natural, but not too much. You can kill a good mix with too much reverb. Basically, changing the sampler's pitch will change the speed it's played at. Not sure what else you really want. Search function is under the OCR logo. Click the link that says "Search". The "official" OCR FL FAQ should be finished sometime this year, if I can get my arse into gear
djcubez Posted June 9, 2004 Posted June 9, 2004 Can anyone help me with making good DnB basslines or those fat sharp synths? You know, the ones that go like "whoawowowowow wheawewewewew" In the 3xosc you want to use the CUT envelope and RES envelope. Works to good effect. Just mess around with them and see what you get. If I can send you an .flp I could show you.
ArseAssassin Posted June 9, 2004 Posted June 9, 2004 Can anyone help me with making good DnB basslines or those fat sharp synths? You know, the ones that go like "whoawowowowow wheawewewewew" In the 3xosc you want to use the CUT envelope and RES envelope. Works to good effect. Just mess around with them and see what you get. If I can send you an .flp I could show you. LFO, anyone?
NeoRedXIII Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Ok... So, it's like 1:15 in the morning and i'm not haveing a good time. I'm not a very good technical person or anything and I'm only like 2 months into much electronic music stuff(FL 3.5). So, I just got myself a copy of FL 4.1 producer edition and ummm, alot of drum sounds don't make any sounds. Alot of the .wav files. I opened them in WinAmp and it tells me there's a missing codec. I went in my computer and checked what codecs I have and made sure they are set to be used for whatever needs it. Is there some codec I need to download? Everything in my FL 3.5 worked fine for me. Please Help me if you can. I'm becoming very unhappy and my legs hurt right now. Thanks. Dave. (First post.. w00t?)
skulkrusha Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 I don't know what you mean by "won't make sounds". When you load them into sampler channels and write patterns for them, they won't fire when you hit play? The files themselves could be corrupt, try reinstalling the program or downloading it again. While it might not have anything to do with your problem, a lot of FL's included samples are encoded with a 32-bit float bit depth. This doesn't mean much outside of FL or CoolEdit/Adobe Audition (it's just for editing purposes), but a lot of media players will choke on them. You might, then, have some problems with those particular samples. Of course, corrupt files probably won't play anywhere, so this might be besides the point.
NeoRedXIII Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Ok, I think I might have found the problem. Apparently I didn't get the Ogg Vorbis Codec installed. I tried running the vorbisacm.inf to install it because I saw it Here under sample problems, but when I did that it asks me to put a disk in labeled the Ogg Vorbis Install disk and run it. I don't have any disk, and how can I get this Codec on my computer. I'm hopeing this is what will solve my problem. Oh, and thanks Skul for your help. I did re-install it which didn't fix it. After that I got a different copy and it gave me the same thing. I'm guessing that it's this codec thing now. Thanks anyways. I got it under control now, thanks for the help I got and such, I hope to stick around here and accomplish great tasks!
DJKarma Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 I'm using Fruityloops and I have the effects window open. I have Fruity Free Filter selected. I can change around the frequency as I please, but what I want to know is how can I set it so that the frequency will be at one point in the song and at another setting later on in the song?
ArseAssassin Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 I'm using Fruityloops and I have the effects window open. I have Fruity Free Filter selected. I can change around the frequency as I please, but what I want to know is how can I set it so that the frequency will be at one point in the song and at another setting later on in the song? Listen boy, you really don't want to use the free filter. There's individual filter controls for every fruity generator. Go to: Your generator Ins(in the channel settings window, next to smp and misc) Filter You can automate it by right clicking on it and choosing edit automation. Next time you can read the fantastic manual.
JamesXIIC Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Okay so I *BOUGHT* Fruity Loops Studio Edition from the official web-site using my VISA. Now it's telling me something about 2 business days? Do I get the reg code sent to me in by e-mail or in the post? Does it get sent to you at all? When will I be able to access the site as a user? I'm pretty pissed off cause the site doesn't tell you anything about what happens and what to do after you order the online version! Can someone please shead some light on this subject for me? Thanks in advance.
Rellik Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 I'm using Fruityloops and I have the effects window open. I have Fruity Free Filter selected. I can change around the frequency as I please, but what I want to know is how can I set it so that the frequency will be at one point in the song and at another setting later on in the song? Listen boy, you really don't want to use the free filter. There's individual filter controls for every fruity generator. Go to: Your generator Ins(in the channel settings window, next to smp and misc) Filter You can automate it by right clicking on it and choosing edit automation. Next time you can read the fantastic manual. Er... that's not true. Especially for that generator of all generators, the Fruity Wrapper. JamesXIIC, just be patient. You'll get the reg code by e-mail in the 2 business days alotted; you'll be able to access the site when you get the reg code.
skulkrusha Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 Okay so I *BOUGHT* Fruity Loops Studio Edition from the official web-site using my VISA. Now it's telling me something about 2 business days? Yeah, they have to process your order before they can send it to you. It wouldn't be any good for them if you sent them bad credit card details and they'd already given you the product. Do I get the reg code sent to me in by e-mail or in the post? Does it get sent to you at all? No, they send you a username and password (I recommend you print that out and keep it in a safe place) which you put into a section of the FL Studio website. After you've done that, you start the download of your registry key from their site. When will I be able to access the site as a user? As soon as you've got your username and password, you can access the site as a user.
JamesXIIC Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 Thanks tons, but I got the e-mail before you replied, or at least before I got back on the forum. I don't mind waiting at all for the username and password, it's just they ain't very clear on how you recieve the required details. Now, I've set up it, it's working fine but I'm a bit annoyed.... Is it just me or are the download speeds from '' terrible? I'm getting 2 kB/s on 1 Mbit Broadband here! I don't mind having to wait hours for what should take minutes but I feel a bit ripped off if they are only giving some and not all the samples from the CDs, and THEN making them a chore to download them. Hope it's just my luck and it's not a ploy that everyone's had to deal with..... Also, where is this FAQ you speak of? Need to find out how to get 'internal controllers' working and other stuff too. I tried searching for it but to no avail. I only recently worked out how to use FX channels and am now really impressed so I'm gathering there are tons of other techniques, especially wave synthesis, that I need to brush up on. At the moment the only things I really know is that sine waves give you an smooth organ-like sound, sawtooth waves give you a raspy sound and square waves give you a sort of mellow sound, like an orbiter bass. Course there are many other types too, although I've yet to find a use for noise except maybe for effects or if you take the mix down. Anyway, thanks for all the help, don't want to bother you too much again, but if you could aid me in my pursuit of more FL knowledge, I'd be grateful.
Darlos Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 Heya. Yes, I'm brandy-new to the whole computer music thing. I've no skill with a synth keyboard, so I'm just sticking to the piano roll in Fruityloops 3. Anyhoo... I just FINALLY got a sound card that supports soundfonts, which is what I was waiting for. Now, I'm not going to ask some dumb question like "how do you set up soundfonts" or something. I figured that out. It's just that in Fruityloops... I set up a "MIDI out" channel, and it works fine. I can set it to different insurments and they play. But... I can't seem to get the effects to change no matter what I mess with. Namely, I want to do things like echos (I'm incredibly fond of echos in music), which I guess you'd offically call "reverb." I've messed with a lot of presets and other things, but I can't seem to find anything that does what I want. In particular, I want sort of a "forced" reverb, where it keeps echoing even after the key is released. That way I can make "continuous" insturments like winds and brass echo without having to hold the note. I'm sure there's just some place I can be directed to for an answer. So if you'd just be so kind as to do that for me, it'd be great. I guess I could just look up "fruityloops" tutorials on Google... but it's good to have a backup.
Rellik Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 Well, you need to assign the FX channel of whatever SoundFont player the MIDI Out is sending its MIDI to, Darlos. kX drivers. These things rule. I can get down to like 5.33 or even 2 milliseconds latency. But in high-CPU projects... the timing isn't accurate. It doesn't underrun like it did with the DirectSound driver, it just slows down everything momentarily or makes a mechanical buzzing sound (like a really fast retriggered sample). I wish there were an easy way to simply freeze the tracks and then unfreeze them without having to go into audio =(. Anyway, is there any way to disable all the VSTi's while recording? There's that "smart disable" for effects, but nothing like that for VSTi's. On a totally unrelated note, I just wanted to go over some of the advantages that FL has over its competitors (like Cubase or energyXT), because I can only think of one right now, and that's worklow. Oh, yeah, and some good included generators and effects! What else? I'll start the list: 1) Workflow 2) Included Generators and Effects 3) Internal Controllers 4) Can act as VST/DX/ReWire slave/host 5) Buzz Adapter That's all I can think of, for now. Anyone else want to contribute? No real point to the list, but I'm always very aware of the disadvantages of FL, so I'd like to go over the advantages, just to shake this disquieting feeling that I may have to switch hosts soon if FL doesn't get on the ball with audio and MIDI input functions.
Darlos Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 Well, you need to assign the FX channel of whatever SoundFont player the MIDI Out is sending its MIDI to, Darlos. Okay... what? I've read that over about 10 times and I still don't understand it one bit. A bit more explaination would be nice.
Rellik Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 Ok. Well, let's say you're using sfz or Fruity Soundfont Player or whatever. Now use the LCD in the upper-right hand corner of the Channel Settings dialog box to map it to channel in the Effects window (sorry, almost said Mixer, but this is FL 3, right?). Then you can add reverb to the Effects window.
.:Takuyuni:. Posted June 16, 2004 Posted June 16, 2004 (*fiddle with FL piano roll*) Okay! I KNOW, these notes have to be more flexible than this. My soundfonts are for CRAP! I need to be able to stretch them. A single note, not every note that is played with that instrument. Of course I could probably go the hard way and make an entirely new copy of that same instrument with the echo, or resonace juiced up to make the length of the note what i need. And then use that instrument solely for the purpose of that one note that I want stretched. But I figured you guys would know of a much easier way to do this. And, does anyone know of a soundfont place that stays current, and updated regularly (i.e. not one that was made a year and a half ago and hasn't been checked on since [broken links and whatnot]). It would also help if they're free. Since if they aren't I can't have them with the boatload of bills im gonna be gettin with this new town-house. P.S. I promise I'll eventually get around to whoring out my CableISP for the sake of helping getting this thread into a tutorial form.
Darlos Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 Ok. Well, let's say you're using sfz or Fruity Soundfont Player or whatever. Now use the LCD in the upper-right hand corner of the Channel Settings dialog box to map it to channel in the Effects window (sorry, almost said Mixer, but this is FL 3, right?). Then you can add reverb to the Effects window. Fruity Soundfont Player? Ah, well, you just answered a question without realizing it. I didn't even notice that thing...
Darlos Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 Okay, another problem. On the soundfonts I have, the "piano" insturments don't seem to work correctly in a Fruity Soundfont Player channel. If you look on that keyboard they put at the bottom of the channel settings, all of the keys from the first black one right after the C4 mark to the first white one after the C7 mark don't make any sound at all! What's going on? In just a regular MIDI Out channel, those notes work just fine. Argh... so confused... Okay, check that, it's only in a few Squaresoft soundfonts I have. It'd still be nice if someone knew how to fix it, though.
Chris McGee Posted June 20, 2004 Posted June 20, 2004 I just got FL Studio today and, uh.. how do I use .sfpack files? I have the .sf2 files working fine.
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