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Almost a year ago Doomsday and I got to working on our first collab and while the ideas were great, the final production was lacking. The judges weren't so critical of the arrangement, so I figure most of the problems would be solved by doing a new mixdown of the instruments.

So here it is, with better balance and clipping-free, almost ready for another go.


Keep in mind that the beat drops out at 4:15 due to a mistake I made before rendering, so don't bother pointing it out. I don't feel like rendering it again right now.


This is very nice... I kind of wish I had the older version for comparison though.

I think my only irk is those chords holding at 1:30 may be just a little too loud/overpowering, (a very teensie bit)... I also think the melody could be brought out a little more (it kind of gets drowned out by your very pretty pads) but I think that's more of an artistic choice, as I can still tell what is going on.

I really like how you chilled everything out (relatively) at around 2:45... Though, I think maybe you should have something else coming in at around 3:05 to back that progression (maybe a nod to another CT song?) something I don't know, it just needs that extra something before 3:17.

Also, more of that flute from the beginning please... I think I may be hearing it (distortedly and with little tidbits) throughout the song but I think there are places where it could be much stronger, as it seems like it would be the centerpiece of your song from that intro.

3:30 + seems a little weak in the idea department. Honestly, I think a strong flute would help this part a lot, just playing for reinforcement, especially to transition into the style your lead piano thing plays at 3:50.

I don't really know what to say about the ending, through I think you should go for a peaceful pad kind of fade out, kind of how your intro came in (with maybe that flute playing notes) Usually an ending like that can be cheesy, but I think this song could pull it off very well.

Anyway, grain of salt and all, hope I helped a little.


Great, I remember back when this was in WIP before it was submitted and I'm glad you've revisited it. I remember that I commented on it before I was even into mixing myself and didn't hear any problems. When I saw the judges decision a few months later and then listened to the song again, though, I heard the clipping problems right off the bat. I guess a little bit of experience makes a big different.

Nice intro, I still like it.

I think the flute still needs a little bit of work. The attacks sound a little akward to me - like they are different samples sequenced together rather than someone playing the notes. I think it needs to be smoothed out a bit more. Also, is the panning moving around between notes?

Once the beat comes in, I almost think you could pull the harpish sounding instrument back a bit.

:55 - awesome

1:22 - same thing with the flute attacks from before

1:26 - might be on purpose, but that pad thing gets pretty loud and covers things for a few seconds. Not a big deal.

Hmm, drums just stop suddenly at 4:13, I didn't quite understand that. Long subtractive outro. It's up to you if you want to keep it, but it seems unnecessary as it just seems to be original stuff not having to do with the OST.

Still loving this track. Keep it up.


This is definitely some quality work. Intro is nice and ethereal, it really retains the sort of mystical quality from the original, which is a good thing. When the drums came in I was a bit concerned that they'd stay that weak, but you quickly layered in more samples and loops, and all was good. =P

The mix definitely has a more ambient-ish quality to it than anything else as the melodies don't really carry the mix on, but sort of linger around, melding together with the pads etc. The breakbeats definitely sound professional to my laymen's ears, so no criticism about those. The flute/shakuhachi/whatever adds some nice oriental vibes, and kind of reminds me of some of Toshiro Masuda's stuff (who did pretty much the whole Naruto OST)

Really, productionwise, it's hard to find any flaw at all, and in terms of arrangement, I'd only say that the ending section is a bit too drawn out for my taste, but you might have done that on purpose.


Dunno if I really have any comments that will help much since I'm just beginning to develop my ear, but figured I'd give it a shot.

Anyway, read Monobrow's comments after giving it a listen through and it turns out I had a similar take. First off, really like the intro. Soon as the song gets into swing though, pads seem too loud IMO, especially the one which pans...maybe push them a little further back in the soundscape. At 1:40 and again at 2:00 when more strings come in, it just seems too busy, and part of it is the volume levels for everything IMO. When it breaks down at 2:45, it seems to me that dynamically you could have come down even further (and that it lasted too long, at least without significant changes to the beats). I really liked when the piano comes in at 3:29. Between 2:45 and 3:29, it really seemed like there was more filler material here than anything, which would kinda make me want to hear the time between the break down and the piano debut to be a lot shorter. The ending served, but it didn't strike me as the most fitting.

In all, the only major thing I had issue with was the volume level for the individual instruments (pads especially). I think while certainly not dynamically dead, it would have ended up being way more dynamic and alive if this issue were addressed. Other than what I've already said, I don't really have any suggestions. Not sure what I'd suggest for the ending, though I think as it stands it's just mediocre. Anyway, really liked it overall. Pretty good beats, I definitely liked genre adaptation. Thanks.


Holy shit, it's back from the dead. Glad you chose to revisit this one; I think I still have all the former versions of this WIP somewhere on my HD.

First, I'd like to second what Penfold said about the breakdown. As it is right now, it's too long. I'd advise you too either shorten it, or make two parts and come down ever further after the first half.

Other than that, the only issues I have with the song are the piano and the ending. The piano's sound rubs me the wrong way. While I like the idea of adding a piano in there, I think it should sound more like a real piano; not so electronic.

And the ending is simply too long.


Heheh Nice. Did you use the Tremendously flute from Hammersound.net? Anyways =P, this is REALLY sweet, it really brings back the forest feeling and gives it a kick ass groove to boot. I love how u mix the drums in with the orchestral element, and like Monobrow says, at 2:40-ish it chills down real nicely, adds alot to the song. Hope to see this get accepted dude :D

BTW this sounds very much like OC material so I don't see how it won't get accepted.


You know, I was actually wondering about this remix myself...lol.

As far as the mixdown, my DnB sense is wondering where the kick on most of the drums is, it kinda gets buried when things get hectic. I absolutely love the work done on the amen though, the snare has such an excellent tone to it. Aside from that, sounds excellent.


Nice to see a lot of people giving feedback already. I've been busy with another project of mine, which you can click on the sig below </shameless plug> At this point, the instruments are mixed in as audio tracks, so it's mostly a matter of changing the volumes and EQ of the individual tracks. There's nothing left to be done arrangement-wise, because I'm already happy with it.


in a nutshell, you've got nothing to worry about. But if I were to say anything about this mix, i would say that things do get a little loud at some points in the song. And by that, i mean everything but the percussions get louder. but yea, if the ocremix don't get this one on the site...then wow. Great job

sorry if i was a little vague, but im hella lazy at the moment. Good luck with the resub

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