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It sounds good (great piano font), but I do agree that it needs something. Here's my two cents.

I like the feeling and overall sense that the song creates: slow and sad. I'm not getting a real feeling of "rock song" when I hear this piece, however. Why not try a more jazzy/bluesy mix? Add a line of bass, some slow percussion, possibly a saxophone or an oboe maybe? If you make it more rock song-ish, I think it may lose a lot of the original meaning.

Then again, if you don't like what it started off as, then I suppose you could go more rock. I wouldn't recommend going into a heavy metal or anything too upbeat. Possibly something more light rock or grunge would suffice. Never the less, I still hear something that could be more jazzy.

Anywho, that's what I think. I hope that helps some.


I definitely think an electric guitar would work well with the piano here. Seeing how it's not exactly playing a straight tempo, however, I'd advise against drums. If you're feeling epic, some strings might work, too, or maybe just some pads. But go ahead and add an electric guitar or two, and a bass. I think a saxophone or oboe would ruin it, and acoustic guitars wouldn't really work, either. I think.

I like the feeling and overall sense that the song creates: slow and sad. I'm not getting a real feeling of "rock song" when I hear this piece, however. Why not try a more jazzy/bluesy mix? Add a line of bass, some slow percussion, possibly a saxophone or an oboe maybe? If you make it more rock song-ish, I think it may lose a lot of the original meaning.

When I said rock I didn't mean upbeat, it's just there's a lot of power chords in the piano part that could easily be transferred to rock guitar (I'm thinking of a sort of shoegaze style). I never really thought of it like blues or jazz though, that's interesting...

I definitely think an electric guitar would work well with the piano here. Seeing how it's not exactly playing a straight tempo, however, I'd advise against drums. If you're feeling epic, some strings might work, too, or maybe just some pads. But go ahead and add an electric guitar or two, and a bass. I think a saxophone or oboe would ruin it, and acoustic guitars wouldn't really work, either. I think.

yeah you're probably right. Actually I think acoustic guitar might work in the intro...

anyways this mix is something that is beyond my means right now so I guess I'll have to put it off again. thanks for listening though :D


Yes, this can definitely be a rock mix, especially due to the chord progressions, and the fact I actually enjoyed jamming along with it. Though if you go with guitars, you're going to need drums and bass as well, it just wouldn't sound right without them. =P

Yes, this can definitely be a rock mix, especially due to the chord progressions, and the fact I actually enjoyed jamming along with it. Though if you go with guitars, you're going to need drums and bass as well, it just wouldn't sound right without them. =P

yeah and I can do those, I just don't have an electric guitar :\


I guess you can ask either someone like Sixto or Fishy to record the guitars, if they're not too busy (Which they probably are), or I guess I could record the guitars too if you want, though I don't have access to fancypancy Mesa Boogie amps and top of the line recording mics, I can do a decent enough job with just my M-audio fasttrack and Guitar Rig 2. =P


Wow this is really really good. This sounds like a sad song that should be used in a movie...and a good one at that too. Though I didn't really recognize the tune, despite the fact that Super Metroid is in my top 5 favorite games list :S. Maybe its just me, but anyways it's really damned good - most piano songs make me get bored halfway into them, but this really keeps your attention on it. In fact this sorta reminds me of Silent Hill ^_^.

As for the style of music, maybe not a rock song but a softer pop-ish song like say, Acrophobia.


Shoot, I'd think that if you submitted it as is, it'd almost get accepted. Of course maybe work on the timing a little bit, but minimalistic piano pieces do pretty well here, I think.

I've had it on repeat for a while now. Very enjoyable.


Wow, I really like this already, with just piano

I can't say much else that hasn't already been said, but I do think that a string part would fit this piece very well. The electric guitar would also definitely work for chords, but just adding that by itself would be awkward...you'd want to add more than just the guitar. Drums wouldn't really work well with this, but I could definitely see something like guitar, strings/synth with the piano.

Really nice work, I love this!

Wow, I really like this already, with just piano

I can't say much else that hasn't already been said, but I do think that a string part would fit this piece very well. The electric guitar would also definitely work for chords, but just adding that by itself would be awkward...you'd want to add more than just the guitar. Drums wouldn't really work well with this, but I could definitely see something like guitar, strings/synth with the piano.

Really nice work, I love this!

Maybe really cool processed drums or synthesized electronic ones would work ^^. And this is IMO, but a choir would be awesome too.

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