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ORCL - The OCR Chess League is Back! --- September/October Tournament

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I'm back for those of you who remember me... regretably after some jail time for something that was entirely not my fault and a complete misunderstanding. In any case I'll have to think hard about whether or not I want to join the tournament this time... I think I did good last time but I've got work from 8:00am-3:00pm (excluding the weekends) and college from 5:30-10:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Anyways, if there's still room and I think I can spare some free time I may just join again.

lol ur late jailbird


I won, and I drawed.

Great games Rau!

On a side note, the first game was the fastest I've played yet. I had like 13 mins+ on my clock. I'm pretty proud of myself.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: keegan_the_fox
;Black: xtreme_player25
;Date: Wed Oct 03 04:11:59 GMT 2007

1. c2-c4 g8-f6
2. b1-c3 e7-e6
3. e2-e4 c7-c5
4. e4-e5 f6-g8
5. g1-f3 b8-c6
6. d2-d4 c5xd4
7. f3xd4 c6xe5
8. d4-b5 d7-d6
9. c3-e4 d6-d5
10. c1-f4 f8-b4+
11. e4-c3 d8-f6
12. f4-g3 e8-f8
13. c4xd5 e6xd5
14. d1xd5 c8-g4
15. f1-e2 g4xe2
16. g3xe5 e2-f3
17. g2xf3 a8-e8
18. o-o-o f6xe5
19. d5xb7 g8-f6
20. b5-c7 e5-e7
21. b7-c6 e8-d8
22. d1xd8+ e7xd8
23. h1-d1 d8-b8
24. c7-a6 b8-f4+
25. c1-b1 b4-e7
26. c6-c8+ f6-e8
27. a6-b8 g7-g6
28. d1-e1 f4xh2
29. b8-d7+ f8-g7
30. e1xe7 h2-g1+
31. b1-c2 g1xf2+
32. e7-e2 f2xf3
33. e2xe8 f3-f5+
34. c2-b3 h8xe8
35. c8xe8 h7-h5
36. e8-f8+ g7-h7
37. f8-e7 f5-e6+
38. e7xe6 f7xe6
39. c3-b5 g6-g5
40. d7-f8+ h7-g7
41. f8xe6+ g7-f6
42. e6-c5 a7-a5
43. b3-a4 g5-g4
44. a4xa5 h5-h4
45. b2-b4 g4-g3
46. c5-e4+ f6-f5
47. e4xg3+ h4xg3
48. b5-d4+ f5-e4
49. d4-e2 g3-g2
50. b4-b5 e4-e3
51. e2-g1 e3-f2
52. b5-b6 f2xg1
53. b6-b7 g1-f2
54. b7-b8 f2-e2
55. b8-b2+ e2-f3
56. b2xg2+ f3xg2
57. a2-a4 g2-h3
58. a5-b5 h3-g2
59. a4-a5 g2-h3
60. a5-a6 h3-g2
61. a6-a7 g2-h3
62. a7-a8 h3-g4
63. a8-e4+ g4-g5
64. b5-c5 g5-f6
65. c5-d6 f6-f7
66. e4-e6+ f7-f8
67. e6-e7+ f8-g8
68. d6-e5 g8-h8
69. e5-f6 h8-g8
70. e7-g7++

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: xtreme_player25
;Black: keegan_the_fox
;Date: Wed Oct 03 04:37:17 GMT 2007

1. g1-f3 d7-d5
2. g2-g3 g7-g6
3. f1-g2 f8-g7
4. d2-d4 g8-f6
5. o-o o-o
6. c1-f4 c7-c6
7. d1-c1 c8-f5
8. c2-c4 d5xc4
9. c1xc4 f6-d5
10. f4-d2 d8-b6
11. b1-c3 d5xc3
12. d2xc3 b8-d7
13. f3-g5 e7-e5
14. d4xe5 d7xe5
15. c4-f4 a8-e8
16. e2-e4 f5-c8
17. a1-d1 f7-f5
18. e4xf5 c8xf5
19. f4-a4 h7-h6
20. g5-e4 e5-f7
21. e4-f6+ g7xf6
22. c3xf6 f7-e5
23. f6xe5 e8xe5
24. a4-c4+ g8-h7
25. d1-d2 b6-c7
26. f2-f4 c7-b6+
27. g1-h1 e5-e7
28. d2-e2 f8-e8
29. f1-e1 e7xe2
30. e1xe2 e8xe2
31. c4xe2 b6-d4
32. h2-h4 h6-h5
33. h1-h2 d4-f6
34. b2-b3 f6-d4
35. e2-e7+ d4-g7
36. e7-e8 g7-b2
37. e8-f7+ b2-g7
38. f7-c4 g7-b2

wow ur new league rules are retarded.

no even fucking reporting.....

It has been replaced with vile threats against the league populace with the danger of permabannement.



Keegan and Rau will face off in the 2-game final. If you are tied after 2 games, play until someone leads (with Keegan choosing color on every odd-numbered game)

  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, sorry for not reporting in or playing any of the matches for the last month or so. Schools' been a bitch and am too harassed to even think about chess. I hope keegs wins it. ( if he hasnt already..) Gotta get everything back in control to start playing again.


  • 4 weeks later...

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