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Who cried when they died on their last life on the last level of SM1!?

I didn't. I didn't even make it to the last level...then again, I was 6 and my brother was 9. You can't really expect a child who can't even bring himself to throw the controller at the screen every f***ing time he finds out his efforts have all been directed in rescuing a stupid retainer to actually make it that far ><

Wow, who would enforce spoilers on a 10-year-old game?

If no one does, the game is going to get ruined for 90% of those who use the internet with any regularity, are gamers, and haven't played FF7. Simple as that. I don't see any problem with not wanting that to happen.

All that aside, does anyone know why there's the sudden re-invigoration of interest in the FFT series? Two more sequels, both planned and announced out of nowhere?


I wouldn't say out of nowhere. For a while (since before FFTA) there's been buzz about new Tactics games. Seeing as how Squeenix is trying to milk every possible franchise now (FFVII, KH, and DQ in particular), it's natural they're going to try to capitalize on another FF series for more money.


Ok, so... you get bit by this huge dragon, and that knocks you out, you get shot with a gun, you get knocked out. You get stabbed with a sword and... you die. How does having 0 health points mean you get knocked out?

Makes no sense.

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