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Radiohead's new album costs whatever you want


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Just as a note, I paid nothing for the download (not even credit card fees because I chose to pay exactly 0 pounds so I was never asked for credit card info), but I fully expect to be so wowed by it that I will later shell out the cash for the discbox and consequently begin (potentially end atthe same time) my vinyl collection.

Just as a note, or those still looking for the catch, you might consider the face that the download is technically an incomplete version of the album (as shown in Wafflecake's quote above) to be that catch. But then again, you do have the option to pay nothing for half of a probably awesome album, which is better than paying nothing for nothing.

Just as a note, it's really sort of ridiculous to say you don't like Radiohead's music (period) seeing as how the range of styles they've played over the course of their career is so broad that I really have yet to meet a person who doesn't like at least one of their songs.

Just as a note, we should all make fun of Bahamut by overusing "just as a note." Because no one really cares.

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Just as a note, this album (free may it be) is going like crazy over at oink...

1333 seeder(s), 141 leecher(s) = 1474 peer(s) total


yeah it'd be a ratio godsend if they didn't keep deleting the uploads for violating bit-rate quality standards

all in all this album was okay; not offensive at least. can't argue with free music i guess

on a side note, i thought this was pretty funny:


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I would say that The Bends holds that title, but my first impressions of In Rainbows (the portion we have so far, anyway) are that it's the sort of return to the days of OK Computer, blending high production values and experimental composition with an appropriate level of accessibility, that Hail to the Thief, from Yorke's and others' statements about their intentions with that album, should have been.

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Just as a note, I paid nothing for the download (not even credit card fees because I chose to pay exactly 0 pounds so I was never asked for credit card info), but I fully expect to be so wowed by it that I will later shell out the cash for the discbox and consequently begin (potentially end atthe same time) my vinyl collection.

Just as a note, or those still looking for the catch, you might consider the face that the download is technically an incomplete version of the album (as shown in Wafflecake's quote above) to be that catch. But then again, you do have the option to pay nothing for half of a probably awesome album, which is better than paying nothing for nothing.

Just as a note, it's really sort of ridiculous to say you don't like Radiohead's music (period) seeing as how the range of styles they've played over the course of their career is so broad that I really have yet to meet a person who doesn't like at least one of their songs.

Just as a note, we should all make fun of Bahamut by overusing "just as a note." Because no one really cares.

This is off-topic, but what you said is moreso ridiculous - I know plenty of people who think Radiohead sucks as well, some with more, and some with less standards than I have.

You just proved yourself irrelevant.

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Wait, it's ridiculous to state that their music covers a broad range of styles (which is quite objectively true) and that, as far as I'm aware, I have yet to meet a person who doesn't like at least one of their songs (which is also true; even my grandpa likes a couple of songs from Pablo Honey)?

Right. You and others don't like a thing Radiohead's ever played and I'm the irrelevant one.

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  • 4 weeks later...


From the sound of this, it seems like the average price for people who actually paid something was about $6, but that doesn't take into account the vast number of people who grabbed it for free. Also, 1.2 million people visited the site, not necessarily downloaded the album, so the above report may be (probably is) somewhat erroneous.

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