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Just got done seeing the show with Hemopheliac, Dale North, Mazedude and his enchanting wife.

That show was bad-ass. There were some hillarious technical snaffus (Frogger crashing and Sephiroth's sword castration) but the music was soul-crushingly beautiful.

My only complaint is that the Nokia theatre (an infant in the timespan of venues) had really odd acoustics. Shrill high notes, weird balancing, etc.

But I have to Tommy, he has a great sense of pacing in terms of fan service, special guests, and fucking RAWK.

Highlights for me included.

-Civilization 4 opening theme. I forgot how epic and sweeping this theme was. If there was a Goldin in the choir, my life would've been complete.

-Final Fantasy Pianist 10-song medly was great, mostly for the transitions where he'd zig where you'd totally expect him to zag.

-Fucking Tron

-Zelda. I'm not gag-ga about the series, but it was too moving not to laud it.

-Halo. You wouldn't believe what a live choir does to that soundtrack. It's acoustic redbull.

-Lament of Sorrow (or some such) from World of Warcraft. I had never heard this song before, and now that I have, it strikes this haunting balance between euphony and agony. Gorgeous.

Really, the whole show was tits, and even the technical errors were taken with the carefree boister that only ardent nerd-cores can produce.

Tommy, you better get this negro some vIp tickets next time.

And to the rest of you, I highly recommend seeing it. It is a love letter to everyone who ever played with their ears instead of their eyes.


My only complaint is that the Nokia theatre (an infant in the timespan of venues) had really odd acoustics. Shrill high notes, weird balancing, etc.

yeah i had thought that either the high violins were either not mixed loud enough, not enough were present or the cellos and basses played too strong. <-oh well now.

highlights for me:

-Liberali Fatali - Final Fantasy 8, they haven't done this in LA yet so it's new to me.


-Contra by VortexGuy (Chris Kline)

-STARCRAFT II STOOD OUT AS SOME IMPRESSIVE WORK OF MUSIC, that i look forward to hearing more of.

-meeting the wingless, dale north, jayson napolitano, and getting to chat with them and mazedude again.

-oh yeah and i almost forgot...the soup nazi.

Just got done seeing the show with Hemopheliac, Dale North, Mazedude and his enchanting wife.

That show was bad-ass. There were some hillarious technical snaffus (Frogger crashing and Sephiroth's sword castration) but the music was soul-crushingly beautiful.

My only complaint is that the Nokia theatre (an infant in the timespan of venues) had really odd acoustics. Shrill high notes, weird balancing, etc.

But I have to Tommy, he has a great sense of pacing in terms of fan service, special guests, and fucking RAWK.

Highlights for me included.

-Civilization 4 opening theme. I forgot how epic and sweeping this theme was. If there was a Goldin in the choir, my life would've been complete.

-Final Fantasy Pianist 10-song medly was great, mostly for the transitions where he'd zig where you'd totally expect him to zag.

-Fucking Tron

-Zelda. I'm not gag-ga about the series, but it was too moving not to laud it.

-Halo. You wouldn't believe what a live choir does to that soundtrack. It's acoustic redbull.

-Lament of Sorrow (or some such) from World of Warcraft. I had never heard this song before, and now that I have, it strikes this haunting balance between euphony and agony. Gorgeous.

Really, the whole show was tits, and even the technical errors were taken with the carefree boister that only ardent nerd-cores can produce.

Tommy, you better get this negro some vIp tickets next time.

And to the rest of you, I highly recommend seeing it. It is a love letter to everyone who ever played with their ears instead of their eyes.

In the end my friends and I buckled down and went at the last minute. We were glad we did, it was great I thought. Snake crashing the Frogger game was funny as hell and remember Sephiroth's sword breaking in the end? lol

One Winged Angel might as well be a national anthem at this point, its played so much.

The Halo instrumental and the instrumental of Hikari were both really good, and the Video Game Pianist was great too. The Contra rock out was a blast, my favorite one for some reason though was the Sonic one just because thats music you really never hear or expect to hear orchestrated. God I would give anything for an mp3 of that track, especially the Green Hill Zone rendition. Bioshock was a beautiful one too.

I was hoping the Metal Gear song would be the medley from the 20th anniversary CD instead of the MGS2 opening again, since that one's been played to death. But what can you do. Oh the song you're thinking of is Lament of the Highborn. I have it in mp3 form. I've never played WoW but i thought it was a really pretty song. Especially cool since Sylvannas(sp? Its been years since I played III)'s voice actress actually sings it, and its a song apparently the character sings too.

God I really hope Akira goes through with his statement and we see Silent Hill music in this thing next year.

David Hayter was actually sitting in our row, we got a picture of him after and I brought a drawing-pad that just happened to have this caricature I drew of Snake and he signed it. That was a great finale to the whole thing. The Screw Attack guys were in the row in front of us too, they're the ones that poked fun at Fatality (or however the player spells it.) I think.

I've always wondered why Stuttering Craig is called Stuttering Craig. He doesn't seem to stutter at all :P


Well is this what you look like in real life? lol

I dunno maybe he thinks it sounds cool.


God I still wish I could get some of the orchestrations in that concert on CD or something. Some of it is stuff you can't find anywhere else like those awesome Sonic ones. Ahg, its painful!




I drew the picture months ago when I was with a group waiting to see the Simpsons movie on opening night. I never imagined when drawing it that the same guy who does the character's voice would sign it. It was surreal to say the least.

oh that's right hayter, i saw him sitting a few rows behind where wingless and i were.

He was right in our row, we didn't notice until we were leaving. We waited a bit and then got up to leave, and just right there "Hey David Hayter sup". lol Good thing we stayed a bit longer to let the crowds exit first because we would have missed him otherwise.

Ohhh, I was very close to you. Spooky.


Speaking of which, some very self-deprecating moments there

from Hayter, "But you didn't come here for me, you came to hear Snake, right?!"

from Larry Thomas(aka Soup Nazi), "Yeah, you gotta really pull my arm to hear the line... NO SOUP FOR YOU!"

Also... the moment where Tommy introduced the characters from Postal, and it got a preemptive Boooooo!

... just funny moments that, in hind sight, made me go, "awww... that's kinda sad"



I drew the picture months ago when I was with a group waiting to see the Simpsons movie on opening night. I never imagined when drawing it that the same guy who does the character's voice would sign it. It was surreal to say the least.

LOL the voice actor looks like Snake too

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