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Ok so i know i havent finished my god of war remix yet but i got the idea for this song and had to roll with it.

The name of the original is "the instinct" which is the opening theme for the snes title.

Now the music from the game is primitive at best, but theres a cover of the source thats really clean and here it is:


and here is my remix, which i am gonna call "Gut Instinct".


by the way, attached to the end of the track after a few seconds of silence, theres this funny little extra bit i just had to include. Its not gonna be on the final mix at all, but i had to include it because it makes me laugh and think of some runway model show. think beegees meets dirty vegas lol



hmm... my first impression was that the intro sounded exactly like the original, but the synths sound a lot weaker. Very very thin stuff. Then when the guitar (?) came in, I was again sadden by the sound of the sample, and didn't have much hope for this song.

However, as I continued to listen, things became a bit more interesting...at least, in terms of the arrangement.

The one thing, utterly destroying this mix, is either the mastering, the samples, or more likely, a combination of the two. An easy example is that the kick/snare lack any punch. Just watching the spectroscope in winamp, that line isn't jumping around the place as much as it could. I kept trying to hear a bassline, but couldn't, because it's soooooo quite in the background, I only started noticing it because of the high parts of the bass.

This rice needs more BEEF. SAY IT WITH ME!!



BTW at little more than 3/4, you shouldn't make the entire song stop, because that kills the momentum. I used to do that all the time with my songs (not to say I'm a good remixer yet...getting there) BUT I know that the judges hate it when the song stops like that. Maybe a reverse symbol, or a carried over synth to tell the listener that the song is still going? Take my nub advice or not, lol just trust me on the pause thing; judges don't really like it when the song stops then starts up again.


ok thanks for the input guys ill see if i cant inject some hamburger helper into this mix.

1. definitely get the point about the guitars, ill see about replacing them with live recording (probably lose the echo too). Could use a lot more bass and less treble. Ill see about triple layering them too. Plus not sure about using that rhythm as the intro.

2. Gonna change out the intro synth with something more primitive and low quality, and not gonna have bass at all. I want to go for a 16 bit lofi feel i think. The style im going for is that it starts out like you would hear the original game track being played. If you have the original game for snes the music is nowhere near the quality of the master track i posted. The idea is to hear a crappy synth and then all of a sudden be suprised with high quality sounds.

3. skrypnyk, its kinda funny because i actually had the bass turned up but listening on my sound system it seemed overkill so i turned it down. You know what helped me tho, was actually listening to your chrono trigger skala mix. The bass is really defined. A problem i often have is that when i use a bass line, the sound is lopsided at different frequencies. I.E. a C note could be a lot louder than a lower A. im not really sure how to fix that, but ill turn it up.

4. I think i can change that snare problem by increasing the velocity

5. gonna take out that fake "supermodel mix" off the end

6. thank you for the kind works alex, positive reinforcement really gets me motivated :)

7. show me the BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFCAAAAAAAKE!!! with chicken frosting.


this forum needs more positive reinforcement or at least some form of encouragement...I know many of you guys think that its important to just state the facts; but its hard to want to continue when people just list the bad stuff of your song and don't say...you know the concept is good..bla bla or I think you've got the potential just keep your chin up bla bla..I always find those handy so I like to dish em out. And I'm not trying to sugar coat anything btw, I honestly think your song is OCR material (at least close to it)

btw...can you pwetty pweeease check out my Schala remix in the WIP forums? I'd like some feed back from a pro like you :)

this forum needs more positive reinforcement or at least some form of encouragement...I know many of you guys think that its important to just state the facts; but its hard to want to continue when people just list the bad stuff of your song and don't say...you know the concept is good..bla bla or I think you've got the potential just keep your chin up bla bla..I always find those handy so I like to dish em out. And I'm not trying to sugar coat anything btw, I honestly think your song is OCR material (at least close to it)

btw...can you pwetty pweeease check out my Schala remix in the WIP forums? I'd like some feed back from a pro like you :)

well its appreciated, and im gonna try to follow your example and do the same thing for other mixers, esp in wips.

Also, heres the update for the killer instinct song


i hope i brought the beef. :-P


Ooooo nice pitch bending :D I was bugging the guys at the remixing forum about how to do automation clips n such lol...I got a pitch bend on my Tyrano Lair WIP, U gotta check that out.

ANYWAYS, lets get to the point: This song is KICK ASS...I'm grooving like its 1997 and I'm listenning to the Mortal Kombat Annihilation track whilst high on coca cola :D. The beat is nice, the drums still need a BIT more of a punch methinks.

Drums are a bitch...like guitar samples...but not as bad. Its hard to get them to JUSt the right level u need for it to sound fitting in the song.

In either case your compositional skills are like sex in a can, or Shakira trapped on an elevator with you and you both know you're going to die so u might as well have some fun.

^_^ good stuff David, can't wait to see you posted on OCR, frick we should collaborate some time...

Ooooo nice pitch bending :D I was bugging the guys at the remixing forum about how to do automation clips n such lol...I got a pitch bend on my Tyrano Lair WIP, U gotta check that out.

ANYWAYS, lets get to the point: This song is KICK ASS...I'm grooving like its 1997 and I'm listenning to the Mortal Kombat Annihilation track whilst high on coca cola :D. The beat is nice, the drums still need a BIT more of a punch methinks.

Drums are a bitch...like guitar samples...but not as bad. Its hard to get them to JUSt the right level u need for it to sound fitting in the song.

In either case your compositional skills are like sex in a can, or Shakira trapped on an elevator with you and you both know you're going to die so u might as well have some fun.

^_^ good stuff David, can't wait to see you posted on OCR, frick we should collaborate some time...


ok ill see about pumping the drums up some 'mo

do u think the bass is high enough? i keep struggling with where to put the volume on that.

BTW alex what program do you use? im down to collaborate on something, i just dont know how to interface between programs. If you know how tho im all for it. Either way just get in touch with be about a collaboration. Im down my friend :-P


I'm not quallified enough to tell u if the bass is good enough. My bass and countermelody skills are the worest insofar. I used to be horrid at drums now I'm mediocre. Plus I'm better at making my own original music...I'll show u some of my pieces to u sometime.

I have msn and aim and I use FL studio.

msn is: the_great_guy_sorta@hotmail.com

aim is Hobtim

...even tho my name is alex...don't ask.


I think this is really great. I love the synth that comes in around 00:30 that almost sounds like a tweaked guitar or something. I love it. Arrangement is very strong IMO.

Also the drums/percussion arrangement is really cool. But, you need to do some eq'ing or whatever on the kickdrum because it's too bass'ish. I know that a problem was that it didn't have enough umph, and it still doesn't, but somehow the bass level of it is so high that my speakers can't handle it. I don't have a lot of technical knowledge about music, so I'm not sure you understand what I'm trying to say, lol. But, maybe you should just go for another kickdrum... I'm not sure what the problem is... maybe cutting down the length of it or something could help... Maybe the echo/reverb from the guitar is causing it or the bass line. It could be a sum of all, or not... I don't know.

About the bassline, I can hear it, but I think it could be cool if you picked another bass as well that is a little harder or maybe a saw base or something. Anyway, I think you need to work on the bass, because it's very moist, at least it sounds like it, but it could be the guitar that's giving of that feeling. You should probably take a closer look on the echo/reverb of the guitar, I think it could be messing up several things in this track

I think this is really great. I love the synth that comes in around 00:30 that almost sounds like a tweaked guitar or something. I love it. Arrangement is very strong IMO.

Also the drums/percussion arrangement is really cool. But, you need to do some eq'ing or whatever on the kickdrum because it's too bass'ish. I know that a problem was that it didn't have enough umph, and it still doesn't, but somehow the bass level of it is so high that my speakers can't handle it. I don't have a lot of technical knowledge about music, so I'm not sure you understand what I'm trying to say, lol. But, maybe you should just go for another kickdrum... I'm not sure what the problem is... maybe cutting down the length of it or something could help... Maybe the echo/reverb from the guitar is causing it or the bass line. It could be a sum of all, or not... I don't know.

About the bassline, I can hear it, but I think it could be cool if you picked another bass as well that is a little harder or maybe a saw base or something. Anyway, I think you need to work on the bass, because it's very moist, at least it sounds like it, but it could be the guitar that's giving of that feeling. You should probably take a closer look on the echo/reverb of the guitar, I think it could be messing up several things in this track

no, thats a good point i actually i turned up the eq dramatically on the bass drum and switched out, so maybe ill switch it agian or find a different one. Either way i agree with you about the guitar work, theyre kinda just in there until i can make some real samples (which is not possible atm) but ill definitely experiment with the bass structures.

Thanks for the input :)


ok changes so far:

bass eq is slightly higher and now has more of a saw feel

bass drum eq is slightly higher and softer

the synth in the beginning is now lofi-ish

i hope the eq is a little better in this one, i read up on the forums how each instrument should kinda be occupying its own frequency so as not to get mashed together, and thats what i tried to do. I tested it on my big sound system and it seems to be coming out fine on mine, though ive probably been listening to it so long now i cant tell the difference.

let me know how it sounds to you guys.



Well, it sounds a lot better!

The kick bass is a bit soft though IMO.

Also the song needs an ending, but I'm guessing you're already aware of that.

Other than that, this sounds great! =D

  • 2 months later...

ok guys i havent been around lately but i decided i wanted to work on this song because it keeps growing on me.

Ive done a lot of work on this song and id really like some serious critiquing because im considering submitting this one now. I think its reached a ripe, mature sound environment an im interested if others agree.

The biggest improvement comes with the upgrade to Reason 4.0. Tell me what you think!!

Gut Instinct (The Instinct Remix) v1.6

edited 1/18/ 5:00pm

i actually just remembered a couple big problems with the piece so i changed them really quick. download this one instead.

Gut Instinct (The Instinct Remix) v1.7


This has some awesome energy and drive going on, I'm definitely digging the Pendulum-style Drums and Bass. My only problem with this is the cluttering in the leads, there's just so much going on! A good example is when the lead starts playing during the intro, there's so much delay/ other stuff going on that the melody is hard to make out, and this happens during the other sections quite a lot as well.

The Reese bass is doing a good job, the drums could use a bit more sidechaining to get the whole thing pumping. I don't like the samples used for the kick and snare very much though, the kick is way too clicky, and the snare could stand to have a fatter lower-end (make sure it peaks around 200 Hz). A good idea would be to listen to some Pendulum (or whoever your inspiration for this mix was) and try to mimic their drum sounds as good as you can.

Great stuff for the rest :D


thanks tensei ill get working on that stuff.

I like my snare, so i think ill keep that sample, but i think its the filtering thats killing it. I have it isolated to a specific frequency. Your right tho. i see what you mean about the clicky bass and too many leads. I think im gonna have to pick and choose the most important ones and figure out which ones are being drowned out. I think in this case, less will be more.


ok well ill just list the set of updates:

Alternative Bass Drum Sample

Lower hz peak for snare

less muddled soundscape

If anyone out there has additional recommendations, they would be much appreciated. Rozovian, Skrypnyk, prometheus, sephire, tensei and hoboka have all been really helpful in the past. I think this piece has come a long way, but i need someone to tell me if it needs more work, because im still learning to not call an end to a project prematurely.

More than anything, tell me if i should submit it or not.

Anyhow here is

Gut Instinct (The Instinct Remix v1.8)


zomg someone said my name! I must reply.

wow, that kick at :32 was sexy.

k...........now I should say like, shit I don't like....or something.....

Well, the first thing I don't like is the snare. I'm appauld with the use of a 909 snare used in like, anything remotely breakbeat.

The intro kinda just starts. By that I mean as soon as I hit play and hear that first split second of the track, I have to blink. Kind of like when someone is slamming a hammer right beside you or something. imo, it doesn't sound good, if only cause I don't think it sounds like anything. It's not too too bad in the background...subtle in the background, but alone at the beginning, I'm just not feeling it.

Kick at :32 is still sexy.

The lead, imo, doesn't have to have a sustain as long as it does. It kind of defeats the purpose of the delay. It also hides that background synth that's also playing notes.

Listening to the song, I think you have one too many instruments blasting to be the center of attention in the mix. A little more sound craving to have the background sounds stay background, and have the leads be heard and stuff. The hats are one thing that can be turned down. Also, that tamb has no business being in this mix =P .

Overall though, tis a pretty bitchin mix. I see no problem with submitting this though. Worst case scenario it'll DEFINITELY be a re-sub and I'm sure the judges would be more then happy to simple repeat what zircon will eventually say about this mix.


ok list of improvements:

new lead synth

less clicky bass

stereo imaging enhanced

bass compression

mute automation for fx quality (let me know it this works well or not)

less synth instruments overlapping

embarassing wrong note changed

lead synth is more interesting in melody

i dunno, probably a lot more shit i cant remember.

also, im sorry guys. i like that snare and thats the way it is. lofl! i TRIED for you... but nay. i like that snare, and therefore it must stay.

im saving progress as i go, so if i did something drastically wrong, just let me know and it should be fairly easy to revert.

im almost positive this is ready for submission. if anyone thinks im wrong please let me know and tell me why.


Gut Instinct (The Instinct Remix v2.1).mp3


Realized I hadn't given this a listen. Heh, happens. Cool source.

If you really like that snare, you should consider layering another snare on top of it. It could need more work, but it works as it is too. I suggest using another kick tho, as the one you've got is kind'a dense and fat and whatnot. The snare is just a bit weak, could use some more hi eq, but the kick really fattens the overall soundscape to the point where it's tough to listen.

What also bothers me a bit is the choppy drums. I can hear it's intentional, but how choppy should they be? Well, less than they currently are, says I. Dunno if they're the only cause of the heavy listening, but when the nice 3:00 break comes, it's much needed pause for the ears to breathe.

As for source content, I recognize the theme, and the overall feel matches fairly well despite the different sound.

Around 1:14 there's a lot going on, and it's a little difficult to know what to listen to. Some clearing up of that part would be better.

There's some metal pipes in the background at 2:30 that would be cool to hear more clearly, they're heaivly reverbed now, and way too soft. How about using those to add to the snare someplace? Not everywhere, but somewhere, for variation. This becomes quite heavy to listen to in a while.

This is raw, in the sense that the game, as I remember it, is. It's great, and there's just those minor fixes to consider and possibly fix before submitting, says I. I'd YES this if you'd fix up the drums a bit, unfatten the kick and raise the high frequencies on the snare, or something, that's at least what I think would help.

But dude, this is a great piece. Nice sound, nice progression, nice rawness... overall, this is music!


Overall, I like this remix, but I think that the soundscape is a little too cluttered at times. As was said before, there's too much going on in the foreground/center of attention at the same time, and this can make it a little hard to listen to this song (repeatedly).

Furthermore, more prominent role for the metal pipes, please. Btw, they drop out a little too sudden for my taste.

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