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*ROFL* Final Fantasy 6, Castlevania 2, Legend of Zelda, S Metroid, Halo 'VG Supermix'

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Hello, Over Clocked Remix.

I'm an independent composer and I have visited your site recently. I've been composing professionally for years and have been featured in several games. I've been a fan of video games ever since I was small. I have decided to contribute to your awesome site with a remix of my own. It is called VG Supermix because it features a couple melodies from popular games. I have attached the information you requested. I look forward to you hosting my song. Thanks for your work.

The song is attached because my website is currently down.

Contact Information

* Your ReMixer name - ProMixer

* Your real name - Leon Flanders (yes, I have heard jokes)

* Your email address - promusic.studios@gmail

* Your website - under construction

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums , found by viewing your forum profile

* e.g. djpretzel ( http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=1 ) has the userid of "1" - i'm not currently registered.

[ edit] Submission Information

* Name of game(s) arranged - Final Fantasy 6, Castlevania, Zelda, The Legend of Metroid, and Halo

* Name of individual song(s) arranged - VG Supermix

* Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) - Well, I started playing clarinet when I was 4, and I graduated from Oberlin college in 2004 and have been composing for media since.

* Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site)

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. - This was inspired by a few favorite games and some songs that I don't think enough people have remixed.


"This was inspired by [...] some songs that I don't think enough people have remixed." A sarcastic streak a mile long. Let's see what's up.

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Tina" (ff6-201.spc) [:54-1:22]

http://www.zophar.net/nsf/castle~1.zip - Track 2 ("Bloody Tears") [1:22-1:49]

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Theme of Super Metroid" (sm-16.spc) [1:49-2:17]

http://www.zophar.net/nsf/zelda.zip - Track 3 [2:17-2:44]

HALO Original Soundtrack - (26) "Halo" [2:44-3:12]

Opens with some interesting original material; we'll see how it fits in the grand scheme of things. After :54, some basic beats were added in along with "Terra" on brass with no other harmonic or melodic support, and no substantial melodic interpretation. Switched over to "Bloody Tears" at 1:22 with no real transition. In other words, this is boding well. :lol: On the plus side, the percussion at least does a little something, but it's not much. The overall groove isn't that interesting to just keep chugging along with the same core pattern and barely varying intensity, even if the percussion pattern changes. Dynamically, no real highs or lows.

Moves over into the "Theme of Super Metroid" at 1:49. Percussion pattern changes, but otherwise more of the same. Zelda theme at 2:17. Percussion pattern changes, but otherwise more of the same.

I was thrown for a loop with "Halo" from 2:44-3:12 because it wasn't with brass. The percussion was also dropped and there was some brief fem-vox, before closing out the last minute until 4:06 with the just the groove ideas from the intro, gradually subtracting elements out during the fade-out. Then the track abruptly cut out during the fade.

Since you're apparently pro, I'm gonna sound like an asshole, but I'm just gonna be straight-up with my opinion. From a lowest-common-denominator listener standpoint, not awful. From an OCR standards standpoint, awful.

I liked the Eastern-style groove you opened with. But did you absolutely kill it by just putting in on cruise control the whole time? Yes. Are the several themes creatively and interpretively arranged? No. They're not even developed into anything meaningful. Just 30 seconds of one bit, 30 seconds of another bit, 30 seconds of another bit. No room for anything to breathe, no ideas beyond one lonely brass sample playing the melodies near-verbatim.

I'm sure some casual fans would enjoy it, but this isn't nearly a creative enough, cohesive enough, sophisticated enough arrangement. Listen to something posted in the last 1-2 years, compare it to the source material, even the mega-medleys, and you'll see this kind of stuff is smoked in comparison.



I actually think this is really great. The production overall is very good, and I can appreciate all the creative harmonic changes. The chord structure of many of the originals is quite varied, even if the melodies aren't. Rhythmically there are some nice changes too. Additionally, there's a decent amount of original material to supplement the VG stuff. The percussion is pretty dynamic over time. So there aren't any really great transitions, so what? Blue Balls didn't have any either and we YESed that. This really is a no-brainer IMO.




I am going to have to disagree STRONGLY. I mean, I suppose back in like, 1995, this could have gone up. (Ignoring the fact that Halo was not yet composed back then).

Seriously. How can you go to a prestigious music school, and then bring this kind of garbage? Seriously, there's newbies in the WIP forum who have been making music for a couple months who can do better than this.

Sure, the intro is cool, with all the eastern instruments etc, but then you load up some generic horn (not even a HQ sample - probably some cheap ass patch from hammersound or something) and then don't do a DAMN thing except throw down some repetitive drum loops. Sure, you added to them, but c'mon. You think this crap is gonna slide? Go back to composing your "pro" crap.


  • 2 weeks later...

The far-eastern-sounding loop is the platform that carries this mix and plays throughout. Aside from that, the brass is responsible for playing the various melodies whilst the drums are varied layer by layer as the song progresses. In essence that's all there is to the mix.

Although the drums have various elements to them, they still feel thin and underdeveloped. As for arrangement, the themes just feature for a few seconds and then that's it, just as many other judges have already mentioned. The melodies come from many different games, and featuring them in this mix in this way just seems to have no purpose - the original sources are not given time to evolve nor their themes explored, it's all just cameos.


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