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WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]

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  just64helpin said:
Why do get the feeling I lost hard?



Runner-Up: Barnsalot

1st Place: Zeality

Here's the vote spread:

Barnsalot: 9

just64helpin: 3

Zeality: 13

Imagery: 5

Doulifee hopes to have sig badges for you two by the end of the week (and yes, I know Zeality can't post here, but he can still flash it at the Compendium :<).

On another note, I want to talk about the voting procedure, but right now I've got to clean up and get packed so I can fly home tomorrow morning. If I don't post about it before the end of the week (which, knowing me, I probably will), someone post to remind me about it so I'll see the thread has a new reply.


All right, so here are my thoughts on the state of the competition:

Writing participation is no problem. Sure we've only had 4 entries for the past two comps, but even though a couple more would be nice it's not like we're hurting for more, and besides, over the entire history of the competition since being delegated to a sub-forum or a forum off the main group, we've been averaging about 5 entries (with as many as 7 at a time). So, I feel confident saying that writing participation is no problem.

Voting is another story. The only votes we seem to get are the entrants and maybe one non-entering veteran. It seems that we wind up with the same opinions having the same enormous sway on the results. I'd really like to see some fresh voices placing votes, or perhaps a more dynamic voting system that better accomodates the quality of entries into any given contest, or heck, why not both?

For the first idea of getting more people in to vote, I was thinking of allowing anyone and everyone who wants to a vote. To combat against any concerns of stuffing the ballot with alts and such, we could perhaps stipulate requirements on those who haven't entered before, such as posting in the thread first to let people know who they are. Then if there are any concerns, you guys can bring it up with me in PM and I'll check it out. For true alts, after all, mods can check IPs. Overall, I think the benefit of giving others a say in things would outweigh possible foils.

As far as changing up the vote system, I was wondering if the static idea of "first place, runner up" is just too stale. In other competitions (mostly at other places) I've seen it work where every voter gets X many points to distribute between the entries as he or she desires, so you could put all your eggs into one basket for an entry you really like much better than any other, or if you feel quite a few are really close in quality you can give them all an equal share. Given that some contests inevitably fall into these situations rather than a clear winner with a clear runner up, such a system really intrigues me.

But we are a competition of the people. What do you guys think? Any of these ideas really pop out at you, or do you have any of your own ideas you'd like to see implemented? It is the start of a new year, after all, so now's as good a time for change as any.


Agreed. If there's going to be a change, that one would probably be the best option given the limited voting pattern. I would also be open to opening up the voting to "outsiders," but I'm not sure it would be necessary. I'll leave that decision up to you.

Like you mentioned, Imagery, we've been kinda struggling ever since our move outside the main forum. Not many people come to the Competitions forum, especially now that it isn't even listed as a sub-forum of Community. Most just come for a specific thread, and given our less-than-well-known position, it is regrettable that we're probably not going to get much more in the way of participation in anything related to the competition for the foreseeable future. We need a way to get the word out other than just our signatures.


The latest competition is over. However, the competition runs bi-monthly, so you can come back for the next round, which should begin... oh my. Next weekend it looks like. That's fast approaching indeed.

While I'm thinking about it, I might as well work out the dates for the next competition and put them up now.


So here's what I'm thinking for the new voting system:

Those with current submissions will get 6 points to distribute among the entries as they choose. They can only place 1 point on their own submission, but it is up to them if they would like to do so or not. All 6 points may not be used on the same entry (even if it's just a 1/5 division, they should still be split up between two entries).

Those who have submitted in the past will get 3 points to distribute as they choose. No restrictions. Currently not working in votes for outsiders.

What do you guys think? If you want to question the reasoning behind any one of these stipulations, feel free to do so. If you'd like to suggest something else, please provide your reasoning when you do. I know it's short notice--the contest is set to begin tomorrow at midnight PST, and then it won't be long before we need to be voting--but any feedback would be appreciated.

  • 3 weeks later...

Alive and... well, maybe not kicking, but twitching, yeah.

I'll see what I can come up with today and tomorrow (no classes tomorrow).

Also, suggestion: in the first post, when saying what stage we're in, I think it would be wise to mention which competition we're currently in (Poetry, SS or Freeform). That way, people that haven't been keeping up with the thread (like people new to it) know what we're currently doing.


Hrm. I've had it in my head that this is short story time for quite a while, but now that I look back, I can't see any reason why except my last "news" bit. Well, you are correct. It really is poetry time. If I have managed to delude anyone else and they have been working on a short story already (or has been working on nothing at all, as I know some of our entrants tend to submit nothing but poetry), let me know and we can work something out--an alternate submission, or a deadline extension. Something, to be sure.

It also occurs to me that I never secured an ad banner or did much of anything for this competition. And with just about a week to go, I don't see the point in doing it anymore. But I would like to extend my apologies for how sloppy this competition has been, because I don't have an honest excuse related to some outside workload like G_D. Next one will be better, for sure.

  Imagery said:
Next one will be better, for sure.

Well, next one is SS, so it'll definitely be better. I can personally guarantee that you'll at least get a submission from me. So there's at least one entry. :)!!

As for this one, I'm halfway through what I hope will be submittable poetry. I am hoping I can get my work for the weekend done in short order so I can finish it on time.


Sunset -

Her look and countenance evinced to me

that this Lady was a lonely sunset;

Held to her fate - stifled by the thought

of static inevitability.

Sunset, can't you look, see in front of you?

Or are you blinded by your own twilight?

If you could hold on, I could show to you

That after your sad descent, is sunrise.

I hear you say, "Have to hurry down, Yeah -

Hurry down Sunset, get dark like wine, won't

see - won't find any suffering." But why?

Do you think being alone will make it fine?

There is no need for you to keep yourself

at bay; - no need to shine brilliantly

and fade away, simply because you're afraid.

Perfect Sunset Star - Haha charade you are!

As for me - Chasing sunsets ain't my speed.

Much too elusive, fair as falling leaves

crushed under my feet.

Something so beautiful and fragile,

Must be always viewed from afar.


You have to wake up early

dress in clothing you'll only wear on that one day of the week

eating Sunday breakfast (the only thing I don't mind)

spray on your fancy cologne, but not your fanciest

(don't forget the extra spritz in case you meet a new woman)

Get in the car, drive a couple of miles away

Everyone knows you there, a few grunt hello

still tired you suppose

It always starts out slow, everyone relatively quiet

but someone will step up and when they do

You raise your voice in joyful exclamations

shouting praise fit to tear down the heavens

to the the One thing above all others


I would have submitted a sonnet, but I've had so little time to work on it that it'll have to wait until later. Sorry guys.


Less than 24 hours now. Anyone else considering a submission should get a move on. And also, does anyone have any comments on my suggestion for rehashing the voting system? If I don't get any feedback I'll just go ahead and implement the idea as-is for this round.


[EDIT: Poem removed for personal reasons.]


Well, how what is your suggestion on how to re-hash the vote system. I don't have any better ideas at the current time, but if you've got somethign you think would work, it might be worth a shot. Especially if it promotes a larger voter base, which is always more unpredictable but also contributes more diverse opinion.

  Imagery said:
So here's what I'm thinking for the new voting system:

Those with current submissions will get 6 points to distribute among the entries as they choose. They can only place 1 point on their own submission, but it is up to them if they would like to do so or not. All 6 points may not be used on the same entry (even if it's just a 1/5 division, they should still be split up between two entries).

Those who have submitted in the past will get 3 points to distribute as they choose. No restrictions. Currently not working in votes for outsiders.

If I were to work in votes for outsiders, I think I would just weigh them equally with those who haven't currently submitted. I figured I would give it more time and see if I had a more thought-out plan next round, but if everyone else is in favor of increasing the voter base for the competition in progress we could do that too.


Well, that sounds good. I have a question though. Does that mean that a past submitter, if they've submitted this time, gets 9 points, or is it simply a non-stackable (yeah, I played Magic) bonus for those that did not submit this round but have otherwise contributed?

  Darklink42 said:
Well, that sounds good. I have a question though. Does that mean that a past submitter, if they've submitted this time, gets 9 points, or is it simply a non-stackable (yeah, I played Magic) bonus for those that did not submit this round but have otherwise contributed?

No no, no stacking. They're categorical, just like the way we used to do it (anyone who ever submitted could vote, but those who submitted to the current contest's votes get weighted more).


I approve of the new voting system. And I wouldn't mind at all letting in people who haven't submitted in the past. I'd actually like it. However, we don't have to do so this time around. Perhaps give it some more thought for next time, see if anything better is brought up. But that's not necessary. Decision is ultimately yours, Imagery.

By the way, I will have a submission ready before midnight tonight, guaranteed. However, I may not post it until the last minute, as I'm going out until 11 right now (go go Stargate: Atlantis!) and I'm still trying to think of one last thing to put into the poem. I'll either edit this post with it later or make a new post as appropriate, so expect my submission. Yay! :)!!

EDIT: Finished! Mostly. Everything is done, but I'm not sure about its name and some of the formatting. I've never been good at titles. But for now, I've called it Purity. So here it is, my first poem in over 5 years:


Sun rising,

a cool night warms,

light kisses flowers blooming.

She smiles,

a beauty to behold,

upon the shallow hills.

Breeze flowing,

a touch of life

whispers among the leaves.

He grins,

a joyful smile,

happy as can be.

Peaceful day,

a scene of life,

nature’s beauty among them.

She whispers,

a loving voice,

her tender kiss soothing.

Birds singing,

a soft, tranquil tune,

the melody of living.

He sighs,

a gentle touch,

her hair running through his fingers.

Blue skies,

a cloud not found,

on a beautiful summer day.

Eyes shut,

a warm embrace,

two souls brought together.

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