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Wondering how the judge que works


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I'm curious how the judging que works. Is it alphabetical? My FF8 mix, which "fell through the cracks" whatever that means in this age of emails clients which inform me "sent" or "not sent", has been in in the que for a couple months now, as an FT, and it is now one of the few left in the que, and 90 percent of the songs that have been judged before it were added to the que like a month after mine was added, as an FT mind you. Does adding FT at the end of it make it low priority? Cause I would think it would mean the opposite, but I'm no judge.

Yes it sounds hostile and smarmy, but if someone can straighten this out for me It would make my life simpler.


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I really have no idea what "FT" stands for. But apparently, the judges go through their queue at different speeds. Liontamer and most recently zircon have finished with theirs. Who knows about the other ones? Since you need a certain number of votes from judges to be rejected or accepted, maybe it's just bad luck that one of your remixes was overlooked?

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FT means fallthrough, and typically that kind of mix is given more attention, not less. Your mix has been in there since about October 10, according to the post date. That's not so bad but I agree it should be moving along by now. I'll sticky it.

But the other judges might not like it if it's all you know... gooey and stuff...


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Yeah, I remember when the list wasn't alphabetical and Makke asked if we started from the top and worked down the list. Why would we do that?

And why would we judge alphabetically? When you look in Decisions, does that look like we're judging alphabetically? Maybe we should vote alphabetically by judge handle as well. Big Giant Circles, CHz and DarkeSword have to vote first, in that order. :lol: Think it through, y'all.

Don't worry Heath, we just rejected your mix.

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"Gee whiz, Mr. DarkeSword! How does the Judge's queue work?"

"Well Timmy, sit back and I'll tell you!"

There's always a number of mixes in our private forum at any time, given the fact that we are constantly receiving submissions. Larry posts mixes to our forum from the Submissions Inbox and we sticky the threads for mixes that have been on the panel for a while (month+), and mixes that are split decisions.

Once a group of mixes is on the panel, we generally judge them in whatever order we feel like. I know I personally used to try to knock out votes for mixes of songs I knew well, and would save the more obscure stuff for later when I had time to digest the source tune (this is not so much the case anymore). One thing I do do these days is go for closeout votes first. If there's a mix that's already got two NOs (a 2N mix) or three YESes (a 3Y mix), I'll hit that first to hopefully get it out of the way.

In any case, there is a priority system, in that we sticky older mixes first, and we generally encourage each other to vote on those older tracks, but there's nothing specifically in place that forces us to vote on those before more recent submissions.

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