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  1. This mix is absolutely beautiful. The progression is absolutely perfect, and the epic rise with the vocals is a joy to listen to. The only real complaint is that with just over 3 minutes of music, this is abhorrently short! Oh well, the best moments in life come and go, I suppose.
  2. "Ooh-wah ooh-wah ooh ooh Vinny!" I don't quite get the criticism that the Sax is over-mixed. Sure, it could be a bit more subtle, but then I'd be hearing the kinda average accompanying track more than the killer Sax. I don't even LIKE Saxophones and I really dig this! This is super groovy. Wish I hadn't missed it when I promptly ignored the third freakin' Donkey Kong album. Recommended.
  3. For all the bluster of tackling this track in a fresh, new way, I can't really say I am on-board. The somewhat wild up-and-down nature of this just throws me off. I think it's the unsubtle nature of the track that gives me such pause, the way it just decides it's going to do a start-stop thing. If you compare this track to, say, the remix of the Zeromus Theme from the FF4 album (Phantom of Zeromus I think it's called), there's a similar thought of distinguishing the remix from the original by expanding/altering the energy throughout. That mix works because each musical section flows naturally into the next, and there's a real feeling of a build up. Here, the track starts off pretty groovy, then it gets kinda slow and boring, then it picks up, then it goes back down, some stuff happens, and then... it's over? Okay then.
  4. Oh man, a virt remix!? SIGN ME THE HELL UP!!!! I'm so happy this mix is on OCR! Instrumentation is great, the arrangement is fun, and the entire track is possessed of energy. Listen to this, download it, love it, and name it Fred if you must.
  5. The vocal samples used were good at filling up the soundscape, but other than that I found them a bit more distracting than anything else. That said, the overall feel of the piece is quite great, the instrumentation used was also quite good. But there is a place reserved in hell for that 20 second fade outro. DOOOOOOOOM!!!!
  6. This really brings me back to ye olden days of OCR. The intro really reminds me of the EarthBound remix album (yes, yes, I know the EarthBound album wasn't even officially OCR) One thing that really helps this mix stand the test of time is the live guitar. The sound is rich, it's played quite well, and the little riffs that the artist does are great. I'm very happy to see this mix posted on the site; it's well worth a listen & download.
  7. Very cool vocal intro! I loved the fade on it, and then how the instruments were brought in one-ish at a time. And then the beat gets going.... Nice!! This has a great energy to it, and does a good job capturing the Half Life feel. The passage that starts at 2:39 is a particular standout for me. This is actually going in a couple of my playlists, it's that catchy! People, give this a listen! It's worth your time, I promise.
  8. I'm going to split my review in two, as that's what the artist did with the song. Track 1: Hey, that's pretty fun! I actually really enjoyed that outro quite a bit, right after the 2' mark. I wish there'd been more of this, but alas; earwax. Track 2: Complete tone shift, but I get it. VGM remix, you were going for a game-feel type deal, I can dig it. I don't know if I can dig the fact that this section is just over a minute long, and then there's a 20 second fade out into... a victory theme? This really strikes me as a demo tape, or a track for a trailer. Oh well, still good to listen to
  9. Already looked at the changelog, there's no mention of this there. Are you referencing the VGMix schism? Edit: Forgot to say thanks!
  10. This is a pretty fun mix, overall. Sounds used are pleasant, the drum sequencing has interesting moments, and the overall presentation is good. There are enough changes to keep you interested throughout, and when I had finished listening to the song for this review, I happily put it back on. Can't ask for much more than that, IMO.
  11. Question! I'm seeing a load of JD Harding mixes from the early 2000's, but the first post was from Larry in 2014. Were comments from before this cut off by a forum shift, or were they resurrected from a previous mix culling?
  12. This actually surprised me a little. This is by far the most interpretive of JD's tracks (that I've heard so far.) At 1:50 it actually goes into original territory, which is fun! DJP nailed it in his writeup though, this would fit in really nicely on an F-Zero CD game from the era. Works nicely as a bit of background music, recommended.
  13. ^ Ohai! Merry X-Mas to you. 0:15 into the song I had the "Oh fuck" moment when I realized this was all that it was going to be. Compare this mix to others in the era, and a few things come shining through. - Stiff and boring drum programming. - The snare in particular is awful. I can't hear anything over it, and I wish I could. - The source melody was incorporated, not expanded. To be honest, this mix probably wouldn't hit the bar today. 14 years ago, standards just weren't the same. But really, neither was ReMixing. Samples have improved, processes have improved, software has improved. And we've all grown up a lot musically. There've been literally thousands of mixes since this one was posted, and I'd wager there'd be fewer good ones if artists hadn't challenged themselves to do better.
  14. Why, hello there ReMix from 2001. You haven't aged the most gracefully, have you? Okay, let's take it in context of the time and form then. The song is fairly repetitive, and there are only a few different FX used to keep things interesting. It also has a bit of a thin sound to it, but makes up for this with catchy Melody incorporated well into the overall piece. Luckily, it still holds up as a good example of the form, and honestly if you remade this song today but used better chiptunes and samples, it'd be great. And really, 14 years old and still sounding good? Achievement!
  15. The writing is fairly slow for the first 5 or so episodes, but it picks up pretty well. And during season 2 (Episode 11+, the Namek Saga) it is just brilliant. I do have to say my favourite string of episodes was Namekima-I mean the Ginyus.
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