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    Watching ceiling cat

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    1. Not Interested or Available

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  1. Hey! Species8472!

    I watch Star Trek now; I understand the reference! Come back!!

  2. Second best thing besides being there.
  3. Lost in a foreign land where you don't speak the language. Wearing cement shoes Chasing ducks
  4. Episode 4 low quality version is available. I kept being dropped for the second and 3rd shows so nothing for them.
  5. Since February 3rd 2012 Dyne has stood in opposition to Dracula.
  6. All right, I've set up a reminder to give next Saturday's show a listen.
  7. I should have done this last month. Friend Code: 1160-9889-6846
  8. I think some things happened during the September 2nd show. But I'm not exactly sure.
  9. I missed it because I unexpectedly wasn't home.
  10. Cyril steals the show... literally.
  11. I've been planning on building a cabinet for a while. I just don't have the space to put it anywhere so I haven't.
  12. Insert witty comment here for Radio Overcoat April 13th 2011
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