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  1. Stevo, I love you. I dunno about mixing run 'n guns with shmups. They're similar in some ways, sure, but they're different enough that I think it doesn't make sense to put one on an album dedicated to the other. Plus if you just include Gunstar Heroes then you'll have people asking what you have against rocket lawnchairs. But if you need more remixers then that's legit - better to get enough music for a full album than to worry about being a purist. Since you're including rail shooters, Sin and Punishment would make a good addition. Great game, great music. Something from the Thunder Force series would also be good. I want to say it'd be nice to include a Cave game, but I guess Batsugun counts. Then there's the massive indie/dojin scene... I'd vote for Genetos just because the music is so delightful and the game's concept is so neat (even if the gameplay isn't the best). Too many good companies, let alone games, that people don't know about because shmups are such a fringe genre. Will be neat to get any sort of shmup album from ocr. R-Type would be good, but he already has a Psikyo on the list with Gunbird. I bought 2 just for the opening sequence and title screen. Worth it.
  2. 1cced Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream on lunatic with every character. Survived seven minutes on hyper hexagonest in Super Hexagon. I feel like I should feel like a dumb. edit: nevermind.
  3. Sweet deal, thanks. Also liked the Chiptune + Charity 3 package.
  4. Alright, will do. Alright, will do.
  5. I'm feeling a Skies of Arcadia meh. High encounter rate (even with Legends) puts a damper on exploration, which was the main draw of the game for me. The South Ocean (windy area) was especially ugh. Put in twenty or so hours then put it down a couple months ago. Kind of want to go back to it because its story is lighthearted and fun, but I've been finding it hard to stick with games that have tedious, anachronistic conventions. Anime as fuck and looks amazing.
  6. Do you guys still do Fridays at nine?
  7. Persona 2: Innocent Sin - Lunar Palace Konan
  8. Kartmaze - Agravaine's Legacy One of my favorite prog rock tunes. Chip/synth. Should have posted this months ago when I first heard it, since it was still on soundcloud at that point. Forgetfulness. Easily worth five bucks though... for this track alone, let alone the album. Especially if you have a fetish for sevens and rhythm changes.
  9. Windows 8 64-bit for $30. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Retail (non-OEM) for $40. Prices after rebates. Must activate packaged security software; cancel it within the first year to avoid incurring annual fees. Looks like they're good through Saturday. That's when one of the rebates expires, anyway.
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. There's signal degradation with bluetooth, so I wouldn't be able to justify spending more than a hundred bucks on headphones, if even fifty. I think you'd be much happier getting two sets: a nice wired set for home and a passable wireless one for work/travel. If you decide to go that route, you might find this Headphone Buying Guide article at Head-Fi.org to be a good starting point for a home set. You'll see the SR-60i and DT-880 that timaeus mentioned (although the Grados are on-ear, not around-ear). I've been eyeing the ATH-AD700s for myself. Those are all open phones, with the Grados and Audio-Technicas at an excellent performance/price ratio for a first set (where, I think, $100 is the sweet spot), but they'd be ill-suited for noisy environments or anywhere you wouldn't want others to hear sound from your headphones (also note that the Sennheiser RS line is open, not closed). None of the closed phones on that list seem to have bluetooth capability, and certainly none under $150 do, since I did an amazon search for each one. That doesn't help you for your work set, and that doesn't help at all if you insist on getting one multipurpose set, but I think that's the best advice if you're interested in quality (as a $300 price ceiling indicates you are). For the bluetooth side, I searched Head-Fi forums for "bluetooth" and "wireless", and that turned up a few recommendation threads, so those could be worth a shot. Alternately, you can get a good set of wired, closed headphones that has a removable cord, affix a bluetooth receiver (such as the receiver portion of this headset [out of stock on amazon]), plug the receiver into the phone, and have a quick, diy, bluetooth-capable headphone of assured quality (minus bluetooth signal issues, of course). You could even do a more advanced mod, if you're up for that.
  12. djp: I completely misread you what you were saying yesterday. Sorry about that. Your response was both appreciated and more than my mischaracterizing post deserved.
  13. Yes, there is something wrong with that, and is that is the status quo for being a critic, then the term is pejorative. But that's likely more a problem with your parallel. A film critic doesn't need to offer a solution to things like poor lighting or plot discrepancies: the solutions are intuitive from the problems. Just like, for instance, you wouldn't need to tell a friend how to stop being a dick; you just tell him to stop being a dick. The case of this thread, however, is more like telling a friend to stop being depressed. Stating the issue, even with an investigation into the issue, is insufficient. You need to come out with something actionable. The scope to a problem always includes a solution. If there isn't a solution, the problem isn't worth mentioning. And if proposing the solution would be counterproductive (as you claim), then the solution must be counterproductive, in which case the solution creates a situation worse than the problem. In which case, again, the problem isn't worth mentioning. It's a cop-out.
  14. No one person is going to solve this issue (assuming there is one), but it's only proper to give potential solutions when you see a problem. Not doing so implies laziness, cowardice, or antagonism. This issue has been brought up many times before and, assuming her intent is as she states and not simply to gain notoriety, she could facilitate a much better discussion by presenting potential, researched solutions. And maybe she will present solutions. But excusing the lack thereof is fundamentally wrong.
  15. And here I thought we had an understanding. Also, no.
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