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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Jared D
  • Location
    Backwoods, SC
  • Occupation
    sitting on my ass, learning.

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm not new, but I've been away from ocremix for quite a while. To update anyone who cares, since my last appearance here on the forums... I am now 19, a US Soldier, and married. I enjoy techno, trance, electro and dubstep musics, as well as heavy rock/metal and almost every genre under the sun. I would also like to welcome all the newcomers. If you aren't already aware, the community here is great. Good support, good people, good acquaintances to be made, great musics to be heard, mixposts and self-releases alike. Enjoy!
  2. Just listened through Episode 56.... Thanks for the shout-out and support, guys. <3
  3. Acoustic: Esteban Guitar Violin (Japanese in origin. Pre-WWII, judging by the Trade Mark) Viola 2 Cellos (Lark, Ceclio) Mandolin Ukulele 4 Irish Whistles (courtesy of Black Mage) Electric: Guitar (Vinci) Yamaha YPT-310 keyboard (thanks go to my fiancee for that one) I might try to get a family picture or some individuals to post up here later.
  4. This is amazing. I'm hooked.
  5. Happy B-Day, guy.
  6. Holy SHIT YES. Amazing.
  7. Wait a tick, where's 47? Is this another "Episode 5" or am I missing something?
  8. GuilerPowerGamer, or whatever, took comments off of his videos pertaining to them not being his. Mostly from me and KyleJCrb (I believe we both commented on all of his SoS rips). Just thought I should post that here.
  9. A very... ... Birthday to you, sir!
  10. Nitro birthday, Jcrb! Enjoy your "caaaaaaaaaaake."
  11. Most online scoreboards are. OSNAP I support this idea.
  12. So, if these games include global high scores, this is all just going to be one big pissing match, right?
  13. Woohoo! I've been waiting to see this since I heard the WiP on OCAD. Congrats to everyone involved! I can't wait to hear the final product!
  14. I found out about OCReMix when I was looking for guitar tabs for various themes from FFVII (yeah, hate me). I came across a review for Voices of the Lifestream, went to the VotL site, downloaded the whole thing, listened to it, came to OCR and fell in love with the music. I've found that, as my taste in music changes, I can always find something to my tastes here.
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