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  • Real Name
    Joseph Wells
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  • Occupation
    Art Student

yosefu's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Your choice of colours in my opinion are not the best.
  2. So how long is it till we can listen to this album?
  3. Funny enough when i saw this song on the site the song had just started. Well from start to finish this song is a great tune to listen to and it will be played for a long time. Great work Mr Briggs.
  4. Just out of curiosity what does that japanese text meant to translate to?
  5. That is one nice album cover if you don't mind me saying.
  6. Its Kasumi from Dead or alive.
  7. Great! I'm happy you like it. Good choice of source tune.

  8. Thankyou for remixing the song i requested. I love it too.

  9. Okay i brought this cd two years ago from my game store. When i opened this cd it came with a code. Now for ages i've been wondering what it is for. I can only think that it can be registered on the Square Enix website but can you really register cds on the Square enix members site. So can you register cds on the Square enix members website?
  10. I have to say that i really love this arrangment alot and i too hopes this would pass the judges.
  11. That is some really nice cd artwork there.
  12. Wow, three sources from Legend of the Dragoon.
  13. I can't wait to see who has my source tune!!!
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