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Benjamin Briggs

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Ben Briggs
  • Location
    Orlando, Florida, United States
  • Occupation
    Musician & Entertainer


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. I haven't posted on these forums in ages, but this is exactly the kind of ReMix that should get me to come out of lurk mode. Masterfully arranged, skillfully and beautifully performed, the recording and mastering are exactly in line with what you would expect to hear from the style being represented... seriously, if this is the shape of things to come from The OC Jazz Collective, I am anxiously awaiting their next release. Hopefully this succeeds in exposing the community to more jazz, and generates more interest in the genre! Instrumental jazz is my soul music; it's what I listen to when I need to relax, clear my head, or get work done. To hear it so accurately portrayed while also paying tribute to my other true love, video game music... ...well, to put it simply, it brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Fantastic work.
  2. Dear Dustin, How The Fuck Did You Write This It Is So Good Love, BennnngggfffffffsddffddgfggrraraaahhhAAAAHHHHHHHHHHGGGFFF
  3. I have a error/bug to report: my remix was awesome and it got rejected. fix that please
  4. hey everyone, just wanted to apologize for my disappearance/lack of participation in the compo lately. Between halc's wedding, upcoming live shows & travel, and quite frankly being completely broke and unable to pay my bills, my priorities unfortunately had to shift. I've been working hard, nonstop, but... just not on this compo. I know a lot of people were hoping I would give 100%, and I regret not being able to, but I've had a ton of fun regardless! thanks peeps
  5. I totally recognize those Harmless presets. such awesome lead synths great mix
  6. not to beat a dead, not-clipping horse, but this might blow your minds: my track didn't have any bitcrushing in it so yeah, now the mystery and intrigue of that one split second of my mix is back to an all-time high finally getting around to downloading the mixes this round and I can't wait to hear them!! again, best of luck to everyone edit: oh, oh, we cannot talk about clipping without bring up THIS FUCKIN GUY
  7. Oh neat, I learned something today. Guess I don't know as much about mastering as I thought I did ;D anyway, I don't mean to "correct" his review, and I do of course appreciate the feedback. I just wanted to point out that there wasn't any clipping from what I can hear, which has obviously been covered a few times now
  8. I can assure you there is no actual clipping in my track. I know this because I used a limiter, and the most basic function of a limiter is preventing clipping. Any distortion you hear is likely just a by-product of the bitrate at which Darke rendered the mp3s.
  9. just finished and submitted my track! really happy with the results; I'll probably get it up on soundcloud with a source breakdown soon best of luck to everyone!
  10. because why not? loud things are good
  11. I just steamed some potatoes they were delicious and shaped like big ol' balls
  12. oh no, I didn't take it personally or think you were talking about me at all. no worries there. perhaps you are misinterpreting my tone? you said, "people really should be keeping their tracks quiet until they are posted by Darke to keep things clean." I was simply disagreeing with the implications of that last bit, about keeping things clean, but obviously I misunderstood you somewhat anyway, I promise I'm not upset with you or anyone, or even being defensive for any specific reason. I just wanted to weigh in on the matter because I don't see any issue with allowing people the freedom to do what they want with their music during the compo. people were talking about what should and shouldn't be done, and I decided to share my own viewpoint. hopefully that clears things up, I really wasn't trying to be inflammatory I just wanted to make a point (however irrelevant it ended up being)
  13. regardless, I see no reason why someone shouldn't be able to reveal all or part of their track early if they are so inclined you believe that would possibly give an unfair advantage; I disagree.
  14. gamestop makes the absolute worst 3rd-party gamecube controllers yeesh
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