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Josh Whelchel

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Josh Whelchel
  • Location
    San Francisco, CA
  • Occupation
    Composer for Games


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Vocals: Male

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. This is how we'll take over the world.
  2. Hey guys! pokemoneinstein is correct - Joypad Records is the same service as Loudr. We actually have a new homepage that explains precisely what we do here: http://www.loudr.fm/ But in so many words, we basically take care of making the monetization of cover songs legal for no up-front fees, so you don't have to invest money-not-yet-earned to sell your music. A quick note because I know this is a hot topic: Loudr is intended to be a tool to help artists support their crafts - but we have a deep respect for the VGM-Cover community. There is a certain magic about OCRemix and similar communities that allow artists to create and grow without limit - that is exactly how I got involved with this community. I don't believe that every cover should be sold, and I don't think community of growing video game musicians *at all* would have the spirit that we do if it were 'about the money.' Do what is right for you, and Loudr will help you make sure it's legal. In addition to the covers and such, we are a bit like bandcamp - we sell your digital music (covers or not) on our storefront at a pay-what-you-want scale. We also can do 'inline-bundles' so that customers can quickly discover and grab more content. We also deliver your music to Spotify, iTunes, and Google Play (a la carte) at your request. And if you collaborate - we can pay anyone you want; you don't have to worry about splitting checks or writing 1099s. More info and such: http://www.loudr.fm/features Thanks for the shout out, Mirby.
  3. This is literally a steal.
  4. Mattias (anosou) did some SERIOUS magic on that Lindblum track
  5. Hey all! First of all, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the OCRemix community for supporting Songs for the Cure in the past. In the past three years I've written checks summating beyond $10,000 for the American Cancer Society. That's pretty awesome. So, uh, THANK YOU! (I really hate cancer, you know). If you don't know, Songs for the Cure is an annual compilation that I organize to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society. It did pretty well on its own, but of course through the Game Music Bundle (1 + 2) we raised a lot more money and got a huge amount of exposure. So, of course, we're doing it all over again - this time with a few changes. We're aiming for a more concise album - we'll no longer have the acoustic vocal tracks if they don't cater to the VG crowd in some way. It's hard to explain, but I think it's safe to say that if you're producing for OCRemix than you've probably got the right idea in mind. Secondly, we're only accepting final track submissions - there isn't enough time in the day for me to spend emailing reminders to everyone. So, read more here: http://www.cancerdrive.org/songs-for-the-cure-12-submissions/ and submit away. We're accepting submissions until JULY 15th 2012 at the end of the day PST (11:59pm, of course). There is a more than large chance that SFTC12 will appear on a future Game Music Bundle, as well - so it's a good chance to get some wider exposure. (: THANKS EVERYONE! Ask me any questions you need to, etc.
  6. I'll be there as well. My personal recommendation (as with a majority of the people Zircon mentioned above) is to get a pass that will allow you to mingle with developers if that's what you're trying to accomplish. But if you are networking with people who are writing music or want to partake in the wealth of knowledge offered in the audio bootcamp, the audio pass (or higher) could be for you.
  7. I know Dyne said he has video of this, I just haven't seen it yet (: (The IGM one)
  8. Anybody got pics of the indie suite once it was packed after Uematsu? It didn't occur to me to photograph the cluster brigade. ... and pics: '>https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10100317306152935.2507663.21423165&type=1&l=0b346cdeb4
  9. This is wrong. It's an EXTENDED special digital edition. It got more.
  10. http://songsforthecure.bandcamp.com/album/songs-for-the-cure-11-reiki http://songsforthecure.bandcamp.com/album/songs-for-the-cure-11-reiki http://songsforthecure.bandcamp.com/album/songs-for-the-cure-11-reiki http://songsforthecure.bandcamp.com/album/songs-for-the-cure-11-reiki
  11. oink a candle oink a pig, but please don't leave my oink in the fridge. a poem for your birthday
  12. You probably don't want me there but THERE I WILL BE
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