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  1. Never played wild arms much, and slowly going through random songs on the album. Succumb to the wilderness is super great. And I can't stop listening to east meets western. If only you can upvote albums.
  2. Years after first hearing this song, I still come back to this whenever I think of OCremix. And when I heard dueling banjos for the first time, I realized that the opening melody is from there. Amazing remix.
  3. This was one of those mixes I listened so much in the past, and then dubstep came. First thing I thought of when I heard those dubstep drops was this song, for some reason.
  4. "Wrath Industrial" and "The bounty of a brain" is pretty damn epic. The megaman theme (by matias) and "coconut milk" is great too. I've not yet heard the whole album, but it's sounding pretty damn awesome so far.
  5. This remix is totally epic. A+++ would listen at least 1000 times over
  6. "Dropping Atoms" is just too funky! This album is great! edit: This album is highly recommended. I can't believe there's only 24 comments in this thread, it needs more love!
  7. This "I'm a thinker" line has been looping over and over in my head ever since the first listen. I've only sampled a few songs (just got it), it already sounds very awesome.
  8. This music is so epic, it would be amazing to see it used in a game. Reminds me of final fantasy tactics battle musics, but a bit more movie soundtrack-ish.
  9. This mix makes me very happy. I was putting it on max volume on my MP3 player while walking at night, it really gives that great of an atmosphere!
  10. Only just got this album -- but Joshua Morse's remix is phenomenal. PHENOMENAL. Off to listen to the rest..
  11. This remix is excellent. Been few years since I last heard it, but yeah. EXCELLENT
  12. was just listening to this song which I've downloaded quite a long time ago, and it really does rock. Great props to JJT!
  13. This is great! Favourites : demonic conception, madd forest, sparkle. Sparkle also has such a different feel than its original.. I love it.
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