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  • Real Name
    Tom Mruzik
  • Location
    O'Fallon IL / Edwardsville IL
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  1. Could not agree more. Entire series needs some love!
  2. sadorf has been reincarnated?!?!?!?!!?
  3. Hey! Welcome to OCR Priestman! Nice to see some friendly n00bs Please make yourself at home. I use(d) ModPlug Tracker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ModPlug_Tracker), which according to some people is difficult to learn; this I disagree with. But maybe it's just me.
  4. Yep, I live in O'Fallon. Have been here since 1996, I believe.
  5. hell yeah, finally met you after we first encountered in 2001. christ, talk about a long time.
  6. wow that coat does make me look massive. for the record i weigh like 160lbs, hahahahaha
  7. FUCK yes, it sure was. i got home an hour ago, jeebus that was a long drive home. nice meeting all of you i had the chance to meet. :]
  8. Channel operators should rule based on popular opinion, not petty personal problems. F4T4L takes things personally and kicks people because he feels offended or what have you. Bluefox is in no way a nuisance to the channel more than anyone else is. F4T4L is singling him out.
  9. Abusing users is not the solution. Grow up and learn how to communicate politely, and maybe this issue could be resolved if you matured up. I'd just like to second that F4T4L has a track record of being abusive with the kickban hammer. There has been an inordinate growth in the frequency of kicks by F4T4L recently. Take a look at a analysis of my logs (I'm on 24/7, so these are accurate): http://tomm.thasauce.net/f4t4l.gif
  10. How is this different than the original? And what's up with the clipping?
  11. currently my beard is the largest I've ever had it. be prepared because it's pretty damn big. not ZZTop big, but in a year it'll be there.
  12. looooooooooooool 10char
  13. yes, Shael has it right. +1 Support
  14. Relevent thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13285 sum1 plz be his hero
  15. I just wanted to say Beyond the Veil looks pretty and neat I can't do music but I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes. Awesome stuff. Love the artwork, mostly.
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